
An Li was shocked by Yi Hao's actions. She didn't expect him to be so passionate. Her eyes widened and her body stiffened. However, the kiss seemed to be enchanted, and no woman would be able to resist it.

In his gentle and domineering, domineering heat. Under the onslaught of the kiss, her reason was quickly taken away. Anli lay powerlessly on the stone table, allowing Ihao to kiss her gently while she responded to his kiss skillfully.

Ihao was the richest man in Asia and the most famous enterprise in the world, Muda Group's ruler. He was the most powerful in the financial world, and he was usually the focus of thousands of people.

However, perhaps it was because he was too outstanding or too dazzling that it was difficult for others to get close to him.

He was cold, so cold that it was hard to get close to someone he didn't care about.

Three years ago, he was very cold. Three years later, he was even colder.

However, being so close to him today made her feel as if she were dreaming.

It was a dark night, there was no moonlight, and the light in the garden was very dim and weak. The high-heeled shoes stepped on the warm stone path, emitting a very light yet rhythmic sound. *

It was so quiet that she could almost hear her own breathing.

Warm arms in the air, in such a quiet night, quietly enjoy that rare peace.

However, as they were walking, a voice suddenly interrupted the tranquility. It was warm and calm, but when one listened carefully, they could hear a man's muffled moans that intertwined with a woman's loveliness. When he finally understood the sound, his warm footsteps suddenly stopped. At the same time, his good-looking face tightened up.

Hearing the voice, Ye Zichen looked around, and finally fixed his gaze on the man and woman that were hugging not too far away on the stone table.

Warmth and disgust pouted. Although she had seen this kind of thing too many times, as long as a man wanted it, those vain women would give it to him. No matter what the occasion was, he would have to continue with the following matter.

Warm glanced contemptuously at them, then turned and left.

However, the moment she turned around, a black cat suddenly jumped from the side of the wall to her warm feet. Warmth couldn't help but cry out in fright, and at the same time, she also retreated a few steps back. Perhaps it was because the movement was too big, or perhaps she didn't expect a cat to suddenly jump down.

As for the two people who were in the middle of a heated battle, when they heard the warm cries of surprise, they were suddenly shocked.

Ihao let go of her, and his intoxicated eyes brightened at the scream. He narrowed his eyes as he looked at the scene before him. On the stone table, deep. After kissing for a long time, when he could clearly see her appearance, a faint layer of anger immediately appeared in his deep eyes.

"An Li?!" Ihao got up from her with disgust, then wiped his lips vigorously as if he had just been infected. At the same time, he glared at the woman who had approached him.

Anlie was struck in the eye by Ihao. The cold light that was sent out gave her a fright. Looking at how he wanted nothing more than to tear her to pieces, and thinking back to his passionate kiss just now, Anli angrily turned around to face the woman who had ruined her plans. He shouted, "Are you blind or are you just pretending to be innocent? To attract men? "

She might as well believe that the fish flew in the sky and the birds swam in the water if she believed in the innocence of the woman who came to the gate to show off her wealth tonight.

If she had to believe that those women would scream at the sight of someone else kissing her, she would rather believe that the sow was up the tree.

Since she was screaming, it must be to ruin her plans.

When she thought about how someone had messed up her original mission tonight, she couldn't help but feel infuriated. She stormed straight for the woman in the garden, as if not paying attention to what she was saying. She went over to Warmth, as if she were giving her a slap in the face.

It would be better to teach this woman a lesson and quell the resentment in her heart.

The ankle was warm from the sprains, so she bent down and carefully checked her feet to see if she was hurt even more. However, she heard the sound of high heels quickly approaching, followed by a strong palm wind.

Feeling the approaching palm wind, those warm eyes couldn't help but turn cold. It wasn't that she hadn't heard what he had said, but that she had been at someone else's party today. She didn't want to cause any trouble, so she forced herself to pretend that she hadn't heard him, but when that woman didn't let her go, she wouldn't allow herself to be humiliated so that she wouldn't disturb others' party.

Thin white. Her delicate fingers gripped hard on Anly's wrist, and in the next second, she tightened her grip.

An excruciating pain suddenly came from her wrist, as if it was about to be crushed. She gritted her teeth and raised her head to scold this audacious woman. Her father was going to be promoted to mayor today, so no matter how unhappy she was, she shouldn't make such a big move, right?

Then, the moment she raised her head, she saw the woman who was pinching her wrist, her beautiful eyes immediately widened, and at the same time, she practically shouted in surprise: "Cool — warmth?!"

Did she see a ghost or hallucination?! Hadn't warm and cold died three years ago? The moment she found out that she had died in a car accident, she almost went crazy with joy.

But, she died three years ago, so who is the person standing beside her now?

Seeing that Warmth's eyes were about to erupt with flames of anger, An Li's small face turned extremely pale.

As for the nearby Ihao, he pulled up his clothes from his chair and prepared to leave. However, just as he took a few steps, he heard An Li's surprised exclamation. He stopped in his tracks, and turned around in the next second.

The faint light from the road was shining in from not far away, covering her warm little face. Looking at her small face, Yi Hao's pupils dilated. He stared blankly for a few seconds, then excitedly threw away the clothes in his hands and rushed to her side.

In the close-quarters contact, Ihao could see the warmth clearly, and he swore that this time he did see it. It was not a hallucination caused by the effects of alcohol.

Excited, Ihao stretched out his arm, wanting to warm her up. Entering into his arms, he said, "Wifey, you really are you?!"

However, just as his hand was about to touch the warm body … At that moment, Warmth reached out and grabbed his arm. With a powerful kickback, he viciously raised his leg and sent a high kick towards Ihao …