Chapter 608

The machines in the factory were carried away, and there was no material to use. A thick layer of dust accumulated on the ground and floated into the air.


Bai youyou covers his mouth and nose, but he is still choked.

The factory is very big, so the news from Su Wangyu comes again: "go to the left. 】

turning left, Bai youYou can clearly hear his own footsteps every step. The window is filled with sparse beams of light, and there is more and more dust. She covers her mouth and nose more tightly.

Walking through the factory where the machines are placed, I turn left for a while. There is a long corridor with dormitory doors on both sides, and the house number is on it.

It should be the staff dormitory.

Bai youyou looks back and sees a camera with a red light hanging on the top of the corridor.

[into room 109. 】

the dormitory door plate is made of iron with mottled embroidery.

Bai youyou finds the dormitory door of 109 and pushes it open. Inside are two iron beds and wooden bed boards. The dust inside is no less than that outside.

You can see the whole picture of the dormitory at a glance. Bai youyou takes a few steps to the window and turns to look at the door where he just came in. He looks cold.

She sent a message to Su Wangyu: "where is the child? 】

it's very quiet here. When you stop, you can hear your heartbeat. Bai youyou looks at his mobile phone and waits for Su Wangyu to reply.

Turn around. 】

Bai youyou immediately turns around. The next moment, she is so nervous that she wants to jump out of the window!

She opened the window to see the two figures more clearly.

Outside the window is a narrow road between factories, opposite is another factory. Facing the window, there is a tall man in black, wearing sunglasses and masks, wrapping himself up.

as like as two peas in the west, he has a long white sleeved, beige trousers and a child in his arms.

The child also noticed Bai youyou. His big black eyes were staring at Bai youyou. His short hands kept extending towards Bai youyou. However, the child was held tightly. The struggle was nothing.


The child groaned. Bai youyou felt a sudden pain in her heart. Tears were accumulated in her eyes to cover her sight. She closed her eyes and raised her hand to see her child.

"South south!"

She had a hoarse voice and raised her voice. Looking at Nannan is still struggling, she can recognize the cry of the child in the sound of the autumn wind!

The mobile phone vibrated again, and she subconsciously looked at it and saw the new information: [it's almost OK. 】

that is, when Bai youyou looks up, the man in black turns around with Nan Nan and disappears in an instant.

Bai youyou is shocked in her heart. She suddenly opens the window, turns over and jumps out of the window. Her ankle twists without warning. She ignores the pain and runs to the window where she saw Nannan just now, pulling and knocking.

When she realized that she couldn't open the window, she gritted her teeth, bypassed the factory outside and went directly to the factory gate. When she turned the corner, she saw a black car speeding away, disappearing into the vision of her eyes!

She didn't look at the license plate or even see the logo!

Her south south so in front of the eyes of a flash, like a dream, immediately disappeared.

But she knew it wasn't a dream. Standing in the same place, ankle pain, Bai you limp back.

Her south south is still alive, put on clean clothes, face is also clean, but the mood in her eyes makes her heartache.