Chapter 613

Stop running!

He made up his mind to fight seriously. From time to time, he looked at his daughter-in-law's valiant posture and sighed silently in his heart, and then his combat effectiveness soared.

There is a man weaker than his daughter-in-law!

The biggest scuffle in history began on the first floor of the world. Several security guards couldn't control the crowd. Ye Mingchen, Dong Ming and Ning Shu stood in the middle of the crowd, fighting one by one.

Outside the ballroom stood many wounded people, some covering their stomachs, some holding their legs, all looking miserable.

Bai youyou came here at this time, with a long white cotton skirt, long hair and waist, cold pace and cold look.

Behind her was a row of bodyguards with their chests up and looking very annoying.

The manager ran out of the corner, raised his blue face, and said to Bai youyou: "Mr. Bai, you can count it! I've been fighting for more than half an hour

His voice was trembling and his tears were coming out.

After seeing this situation, a man in his thirties called Bai youyou in a hurry and told her that ye Mingchen was fighting here.

Bai youyou came very fast and brought a lot of people.

"Get out of the way."

With a cold face, she quickly walked into the dance hall and looked at the bodyguard behind her: "look at the person carefully and hit again."

Just said, more than 20 bodyguards mixed into the crowd, they are all trained with high quality and high difficulty. It's easy to deal with them, one by one.

But for about ten minutes, all the troublemakers were beaten down, and then they got up and stood aside.

Ye Mingchen and Dong mingning Shu are standing in the middle of the dance hall.

A wisp of white light is just shining on him. Bai youyou walks slowly past him with an aggressive cold look on Shang ye Mingchen.

His suit is a little messy, slightly long bangs are wet with sweat, breathing gently, slightly bow body, like a wild animal that will explode at any time.

Seeing Bai Youyou, ye Mingchen indulged in the dark light in his eyes. His voice was hoarse and deep: "how did you come here?"

Bai youyou came to him and put his arm around his waist: "I'll help you."

The two hugged under the white light, and the ground was in a mess, beside the injured thugs. There are also dull Dong Ming and Ning Shu.

If he was not a little tired after the fight, Dong Ming almost thought he was watching a love drama.

How can a martial arts scene become a love scene after a while?

Ye Mingchen raised his hand and touched Bai youyou's head. Bai youyou rubbed lightly on his neck. Ye Mingchen had a kind of body odor, which she liked very much. Now she was sweating more heavily. She wanted to bury herself in ye Mingchen and not leave.

"Cough! Pay attention to the occasion

Dong Ming made a voice, Ning Shu this just put his eyes on him, wrung his ear, pulled to her, gnashing teeth in Dong Ming's ear: "you dare to come to this kind of place again in the future, I will break your leg."

Dong Ming is shivering in his heart, remembering Ning Shugang's act of beating people and nodding.

Rather Shu loose him, did not continue to dispute with him. When she came here today, her brain was in the water. Listening to Dong Ming's exuberant talk, she showed her another world. Unexpectedly, she wanted to come and have a look.

She didn't like this kind of place. She thought it was very noisy.

Sure enough, this is just one time, and this kind of thing happened.

Bai youyou also withdrew from ye Mingchen's arms at this time, forced to endure the pain of his ankle and let himself walk more normally. He went to Ning Shu and examined her body with the dim light: "where did you get hurt?"