Chapter 708

Bai youyou asks Bai Mo to carry the two children to the room and lie down. There is no news in the social account. It is too quiet.

It has been a month since she returned to the imperial capital. She used to check the market as a pioneer and find a partner. She is expected to do well in two months, but now she has done almost the same. And the company's elite has come to the capital.

Speaking of it, she has nothing to do. She can go back to the United States.

But Nannan says he doesn't want to go back. Maybe Xixi doesn't adapt to the local conditions and customs there, which makes Bai youyou a little difficult.

From her private heart, she wanted to take two children with her. The farther she left the imperial capital, the better she was from ye Mingchen. She was selfish because she didn't want to meet ye Mingchen, so she took the children far away.

Obviously, that's not a very good idea.

No matter how selfish, children can not be deprived of the right to see their father.

Bai youyou tossed and turned on the bed and fell asleep for a long time. The mark on his arm was blue and purple the next morning. After wiping the oil, he changed into a long sleeve skirt to cover it.

The two children are very obedient. They get up early and are sent to school by Bai youyou.

Before going out, Xixi grabs Bai youyou's hand and insists on pulling up her sleeve. Bai youyou takes two steps back and laughs awkwardly: "what's the matter, Xixi?"

Although she was wearing long sleeves, it was white yarn sleeves, which could be said to be translucent. She looked in front of the mirror for a long time and felt that there was no flaw before it came out.

Did not expect, West West's eye is perspective eye?

Nannan had already climbed into the car and went back to see her mother and brother, wondering, "what's the matter?"

"It's OK. Go to school."

Xixi looks unhappy. Bai youyou pulls him to the back of the car and touches his head. Then he returns to the driver's seat.

Seriously, it's very painful. It's ok if you don't touch it. If you touch it, you can't.

When Bai youyou sent the child to school, he rubbed the oil in the car. When he felt warm in his hand, he put it down, and his eyes were covered with tears.

Ye Mingchen is really cruel.

silently make complaints about her, and work together with Zhao Quan.

Zhao Quan still didn't give up the idea of cooperating with Ye's group. He also tried to persuade Bai youyou to find ye Mingchen.

Bai youyou listens to her words, the corners of his mouth downward, and after the people of the cooperative company leave, he pulls up his sleeve and shows his bare arm.

Zhao Quan was shocked and looked at her hand carefully. He said, "what's going on? Did I just go to the bathroom and that son of a bitch president caught me? "

It is common for them to come across salty pig's hands in their work. What's more, they will directly bring it forward. If you accompany me for one night, I will sign a contract.

Bai youyou and Zhao Quan also met, so Zhao Quan immediately thought of this aspect.

Bai youYou can't help laughing. Zhao Quan's son of a bitch boss is the bald president who just cooperated with them. He smiles obscenely, and his bald head still glows in the light. Not only that, but the boss speaks with color.

If it had not been for signing the contract, Bai youyou would have gone.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Zhao Quan was in a hurry: "I'm going to find that son of a bitch."


Bai youyou hurried on, grabbing Zhao Quan, who was about to leave like a gust of wind, and said in a low voice: "this is the handwriting of Ye Mingchen, President of Ye Da, who is very good to me and has a good relationship with me."

Zhao Quan is stunned. He looks at Bai youyou's arm and dregs his eyes. He can't believe it. Then he swallows his mouth and says that Bai youyou wants to beat people.