Chapter 905

Bai youyou takes out his mobile phone from his pocket. Zhao Quan sends a message to report that he is safe, saying that he has been resting in a small hotel in the town.

The phone will be connected soon. It's ye Mingchen.

"Where are you?" Ye Mingchen's deep voice across the phone, with a little magnetic husky.

"I'm climbing in Jiangyun Is there anything wrong with the children

"No Ye Mingchen's voice was a little low.

It seems that he is very sad now and doesn't want to be alone.

Bai youyou frowned slightly. She then asked, "is there anything else?"

"No, you'll be back early."

When the phone hangs up, Bai youyou puts his mobile phone in his pocket. Just now he thinks that ye Mingchen is not happy. It should be just an illusion.

He has always covered up his emotions so well that even his grief would not be seen, let alone sought comfort.

"Is it ye Mingchen? He missed you Yan Huo raised his eyebrows and joked.

Some time ago, he threatened to pursue Bai youyou. Now he doesn't mention what he said before. He is quite casual and indifferent.

Bai youyou doesn't want to communicate with him more. He nods vaguely and goes on.

The weather forecast shows that there is no rain today, but the reality always makes people wrong. When the big rain drops on Bai youyou's face, she still doesn't dare to believe it.

Touch a cold raindrop on his cheek. Bai youyou looks up, but in a moment it's raining cats and dogs!

Take out the umbrella from the backpack and stand under a tree with dense leaves. Bai youyou looks at the road continuously sliding yellow mud.

How can this go up the mountain.

"Two more hours is probably enough, but rest for your safety." Yan Huo said, or to find a place.

In fact, they couldn't find it at all. There was no flat place on the mountain, so they couldn't set up tents. This was something they had never thought of before.

And looked around did not see a place to shelter from the rain, can only stand under the tree with an umbrella.

After climbing all afternoon, it was getting dark, their vision was not clear enough, and they couldn't find a place to rest.

Do you have to stand all night?

Bai youyou looks at Yan Huo. He is also looking down at her, pulling the corners of his lips and smiling, revealing his big white teeth which are very conspicuous in the dark environment.

"What to do, we'll have to stay here all night." His tone is helpless, it seems that he really did not find a good place.

"Then keep climbing."

Bai youyou gritted his teeth and decided to take advantage of the fact that it was not all dark to go up a little. Even if the road was not easy, it was better than standing here.

Moreover, it's best to find a wooden house on the road. If you can't find a place to rest at least, if you can't find it again, you should stand under a tree.

It's not safe

"You..." Yan Huo's eyes flashed a strange light and said to Bai youYou're very special. The current situation should not be weak and worried. What should I do

"You think too much."

Bai youyou wants to give him a white eye, but at least he keeps it. No matter how, she will not place her hope on an unfamiliar person.

Now that you're on the mountain, you need to be prepared for everything.

After two steps, she looked back at Yan Huo: "don't you go?"


Yan Huo opens his legs. His legs are long. He takes two long steps.

Many years later, Yan Huo recalled his life. The most crazy time was not self indulgence, mixing with men and women, or racing on a mountain road with a dangerous coefficient of five stars