Chapter 1034

Yan Huo frowned. Fortunately, the light was dark and he could not see the expression on his face.

He sat upright, stiff, and said, "there is something I can do for my friend."

Rong Jian said, "friend? What friends, boyfriends or girlfriends? "

She can always say a serious thing very seriously.

Yan Huo said: "male friend, I have a friend who fell in love with Meng LAN. I heard that you have a good relationship, so I'll ask about it."

Hearing the name of "Meng Lan", Rong Jian's hand jerked down. She put down her glass and said, "do you have anything else besides asking me about Meng LAN?"

The woman asked him other questions.

Yan Huo was afraid that he said nothing else would annoy her, so he had to put on a casual smile and send a box of wine.

"Meng LAN is just the second. I'm mainly looking for you. We haven't seen each other for a long time. I miss you."

With that, he took the initiative to pour a glass of wine to Rong Jian and handed it to her.

Rong Jian gave him a meaningful look, and with a smile she took the glass from his hand and put it on the table. She was not in a hurry to drink.

"Don't just say you miss me. Everyone in this club says they miss me. Who do you think I'm drinking with them?"

It is obvious that she should take practical actions.

Yan Huo is extremely resistant, but in order to get the news Bai youyou wants, he can only bite his teeth and pour himself a full glass of wine.

Youyou, I sell sex and drink for you. You must remember to report!

He took up his glass and shook it with Rong Jane, saying, "is that enough fun?"

Let Jane smile but not speak.

Yan Huo was about to drink that glass of wine in one breath when his wrist was suddenly caught by a pair of soft hands.

Rong Jian stopped the glass in his hand, picked up the one in front of her and staggered with his arm, as if she wanted to make a toast with him.

Yan Huo was startled in his heart and laughed stiffly: "it's not very good. There are so many people watching."

Rong Jian was surprised and said, "when was young master Yan so feudal? You still care about other people's eyes. You were not like this when I was in contact with you before

She whispered a little on his chest as she spoke.

Yan Huo could only bite his teeth and scolded him in his heart. He drank Jiaobei wine with Rong Jian.

When he looked up, he saw a woman sitting at the bar not far away. Although his face was plain, his eyes always made him feel familiar.

When Yan Huo looked at the past, the woman was also looking at them, and their eyes collided.

Suddenly, Yan Huo remembered that it was Bai youyou!

She looked over sympathetically, and quietly compared a gesture of cheer to him.

Yan Huo's heart keeps complaining and can only continue to revolve with Rong Jian.

It was not enough to drink a cup of wine. Rong Jian took advantage of the wine and sat directly in his arms and poured wine for him.

Originally Yan Huo wanted to pour her wine, but she didn't know that she put it together.

Rong Jian poured wine to him one cup after another, and suddenly he said, "the male friend you mentioned is actually yourself?"

Yan Huo's head is full of wine, for a short time, there is no response. What is she saying: "ah?"

He looked at her in confusion.

Rong Jian said again, "I say you like Meng LAN, don't you?"

Yan Huo shook his head and suspected that he had heard something wrong.