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Dorota's forthcomingness had also presented Henry with a warning too. He had not given much thought to Ellie's future. "Have you given a thought to what you'll do now that your life has been given back to you? You will also be free to marry or date as you please."

"I mean the only thing I have qualifications for is driving. I doubt I can just jump in mid season so I'll have to sit out this year until there is tryouts by sponsors for spots. But it's not like I have a racing legacy behind me. I do have trophies but nothing that differentiates me too much from my competitors." A note of strain entered Ellie's eyes. "I fought for the position I had but now that I have lost it there really is nowhere I could go where I know there is an open offer. I doubt anyone will want me unless I take on some nasty sponsor which I doubt will even want me to model for them after all the weight I lost from being sick. I don't have a good figure anymore and I'll have a scar they'll get irate about. To get a good contract is hard enough, but a nice one will be even more difficult now."

Henry looked downtrodden. "That's a horrible situation. I didnt think the industry was that bad. Just because your absence the whole team who used to support you is now shunning you. Getting hurt isnt something that you could have helped. It's bad to think that the fresh talent will gradually push out the old. There should be room for both to exist."

"It would have happened gradually. Initally I would be invited to less and less races. Then maybe only one or two in a year. I was planning on slowly letting it go and starting to commentate or focus on other advertisement opportunities. It's always been that way where whats fair ir irrelevant. My sponsors just want to make money. If I can't make them money, then I have no worth."

There was a double knock on the door before a nurse peaked in. She looked at the two coupled on the bed with a warm smile. "I am sorry to intrude, but I need you out of the room Mr Wong. I'm afraid Madam Doctor Wu is here to see the patient."

The nurse made a squeak before the door was pushed open. "I can't stand all the manners and protocol in this house. It's such a hastle just to see one person. I didn't kill her. I saved her life. Why can't I come in as I bloody will please?"

Michael was on her heels apologizing with each step. Wu threw her trenchcoat into his outstretched arms before pulling up a hand. Her expression was shocked to see the two as they were om the bed. Henry moved a little distance away before Wu unwound the stethoscope from around her neck. The scrubs underneath showed that the doctor had just come straight from hospital. 

Henry put his hands in his povkets while Dr Wu took her customary place next to Ellie's side. She casually placed her stuffed goose handbag on the nightstand. She rummaged through it as she spoke. "You know my dear I ran all the way here just for my own personal concern of your well-being. I never do house calls. I never do surgery anywhere but my clinic. I never do anything without my team. Here I am breaking all these rules just for you because you're a lonely gal like myself. But, here you are cozied up. I wonder if you do need me?"Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.