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Ellie looked Olga intently and decided that over the next few months that she would be the best friend to Olga that she could possibly be. Olga had been such a good friend during this time so it was time for her tot return the favor. With resolve strong, Ellie spoke. "I'm so happy that you choose Wu. Based on everything that she has done for me I'm sure that Derrick will be well enough to travel soon. I'm sure it'll be like when you first met all over again. It'll be beautiful."

"I don't need a beautiful ending. I'm not going under the knife. I just want him to be better off than before." Olga shook her head as she wanted to move on from the issue. "It's alright. Enough about me. How are things going on around here? You don't seem all that happy for someone who has met the love of her life and got through a miraculous recovery. I can't half belive it myself that you've had this good of luck after you accident. I have to pinch myself when I walk into this building."

Ellie bit her lip as she hobbled over to the window and looked out. "Is that how the others see me? I got a prince charming and a shining castle up here in the clouds. Do you think it's really something you would want? I hate to say it but it's much more complicated than that."

"Complicated? What do you mean? Henry's so wonderful to you."

Ellie was loathed to speak of it, but knew that would be better than let it eat her up inside. "I mean complicated in that I entered into this relationship so quickly. I had no chance to really prove myself to the prince charming. I'm at a loss for what to do now. Henry sees me as a cousin whom he gets along with very well. I mean cousin would be putting it mildly, I'm like a beloved little sister that he got a chance to take care of again. He's nice because of that reason. Furthermore, he is determined to be rid of me as soon as possible so you know he can . . ."

"--move on? That's horrible. He is someone who would be so easy to fall for and be with for a long time. I worried when I heard of your situation that you might catch feelings for him." Olga looked at Ellie with concern. "Henry is a fantastic person. From what I'm seen he's just as strong and smart as he is very handsome. You know those things don't always come together."

Ellie's eyes narrowed as she gave her friend a bit of an unintended glare. "Do you find him attractive? I don't blame you, if you've fallen too."

Olga smiled thinly as she shook her head. "I have Derrick. He's the love of my life. I only need one, but you know a good catch when you see one. Henry is one."

When the expression on Ellie's face didn't soften, Olga tried again with a more apologetic tone. "I don't mean to intrude on your marriage Ellie, but I probably wouldn't have touched him even if I was single. He's much too out of my league even if I was single. I can admire something's qualities without touching it."

Ellie chuckled darkly. "I think from watching my group of friends react to him, I think you're one of the few people who wouldn't fall into his bed willingly. He gets that kind of attention wherever he goes. I'm sure you've read his interesting choices in the tabloids or seen them while checking out."Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.webnovel.com for visiting.