
In the darkness, Luo Fu looked at Qian Qing with a gloomy expression. His gaze was ice-cold and fierce, like an extremely exposed lion.

Qian Qing originally did not have much strength left, and after being thrown down by him, she was unable to breath, a look of despair flashed in her eyes, and her face turned white.

"Elder sister, are you giving up on struggling?" Luo Fu squatted on the ground and raised his eyebrows, his tone cold and unspeakable: "I believe in Big Sister so much, how could Big Sister plot against me?"

"Big sister is really disobedient." Luo Fu carried Qian Qing on his shoulder, and complained: "It's such a waste of time, I don't like big sister anymore."

As he watched the light from the cave grow further and further away from him, Qian Qing's heart also sunk bit by bit.

"Let her go."

At the entrance of the cave, a slightly miserable figure appeared.

Xiao Yi waved the cigarette in his hand, his tone lazily carrying a warning that could not be ignored.

"Oh? You weighed my people? " Luo Fu looked at him with interest. "You're alone?"

When Xiao Yi saw Qian Qing's pale face and bright red clothes, the absent-mindedness on her face finally disappeared. Her expression was solemn and bloodthirsty, and her shiny black eyes shone with a breathtaking light.

"Let her go." Xiao Yi extinguished the cigarette in his hand, "Let's fight."

Luo Fu's eyes flashed with interest, he threw Qian Qing onto the ground and began to move his hands and feet, "Coincidentally, I didn't do anything these few days, my hands are itchy."

Qian Qing grimaced in pain.

Xiao Yi's eyes sunk, he moved like a ghost and with a sweep of his leg, he attacked the excited Luo Fu.

Just as Luo Fu blocked with his hands and took a few steps back, Xiao Yi once again struck him in the head as fast as lightning.

Luo Fu's eyes lit up, he dodged Xiao Yi's attack quickly and became even more excited: "Interesting."

Xiao Yi sneered, and welcomed it with full force.

The two of them were moving so fast that Qian Qing was simply unable to see them clearly. She could only hear the sound of their fists tearing through the air and the sound of their flesh colliding.

Suddenly, Xiao Yi took out a Smoke Bomb from his chest, and in that moment, the entire cave was filled with white smoke.

"This is bad!" Luo Fu quickly ran in the direction that Qian Qing had gone just now, and discovered that she had already disappeared.

"You bastard!" Luo Fu roared angrily as he ran forward.

Qian Qing carried Qian Qing and quickly escaped the cave.

The mountain was pitch black. Qian Qing couldn't see anything, she could only feel the grass graze past her and tightly grab onto Xiao Yi's clothes. Even though the bumpy weather made her feel very uncomfortable, she still pursed her lips.

Their heavy breathing was especially loud in the quiet night.

Xiao Yi ran high and low through the night, before finally stopping by the river. He laid Qian Qing down on the ground lightly as he panted heavily.

"Are you okay?" Borrowing the moonlight, Qian Qing saw his pale white face, and was a little worried.

Xiao Yi looked at her, and only after a good while did he ask her with disdain: "What can I do for you?"

"Nothing." Qian Qing forced herself to sit up, her back burning with pain.

"It's painful right? Serves you right." Xiao Yi frowned.

Qian Qing frowned, looked at the darkness behind him and asked softly: "Will he catch up?"

"I do."

Xiao Yi nodded his head, it was already too late when he discovered the ambush at the cave entrance. With one against seven, those people were the assassins of the Emperor of the Underworld, their skills were not bad, they had spent a lot of effort to beat them up, but they had also suffered greatly, and met the infamous abnormal killer Luo Fu again. He reckoned that he was unable to fight back, and had no choice but to escape with Qian Qing.

However, that person's skill was not bad. He should be able to catch up very soon.

Qian Qing was dumbstruck by his words, "Then let's go quickly!"

Seeing this, Qian Qing's heart jumped to her throat, and subconsciously looked towards Xiao Yi as well. The wind was blowing, and the grass was rustling, it was quiet and deep, there was nothing abnormal.

His black eyes were filled with fear, and in that instant, he had already made his decision.

Carrying Qian Qing on her back, they quickly ran towards the river bank. The footsteps behind them were like shadows, suppressing them to the point that it felt like they were stepping on their hearts.

Qian Qing raised her eyes and suddenly bumped into those eyes that looked like the hungry eyes of a wild beast.

He's coming!

Her hands tightly held onto Xiao Yi's clothes, her breathing became more hurried.

Xiao Yi could feel the strong killing intent behind him, he could not help but frown and quicken his pace, but he was already injured, and with Qian Qing on his back, his speed became slower by a lot, the three of them were even closer to each other.

Luo Fu followed them leisurely with a teasing expression on his face, as if he was playing around with them like a cat catching a mouse.

Xiao Yi's physical strength was almost completely used up, his legs were weak, and he even stumbled and crashed into a mountain on the side. Helpless, he could only put Qian Qing down, turned around, and said to Luo Fu: "What do you want?"

Luo Fu shrugged and replied indifferently: "Nothing, boss told me to bring big sister back."

"I'll give you the ring, I'll take her away." Xiao Yi shook his head.

"Didn't you want to trade her for the ring? Why bother? " Xiao Yi hugged Qian Qing tightly, and refused to give way.

"That was before. We changed our mind just now. We want the ring and sister as well." Luo Fu laughed very innocently.

Xiao Yi sneered, "Why not?"

"You have nowhere else to go." Luo Fu opened his mouth, revealing his white teeth.

A completely shiny black little handgun appeared in Luo Fu's hand, with the muzzle pointing straight at Xiao Yi's chest, a cold light suddenly appeared.

"You're too cunning, I'm worried about you." Luo Fu said again.

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes, his expression became even more disdainful: "Victory is not fair."

"You're still talking about me? It was clearly you who fled without fighting! " Luo Fu said angrily.

Xiao Yi snorted coldly, and no longer looked at him.

Seeing his increasingly arrogant face, Luo Fu suddenly laughed: "You don't have to waste time here, we have already crippled your useless subordinates, no one will come to save you."

Then, he acted as if he was pondering, "I wonder how much the next head of the Xiao family will be worth?"

Hearing that, Qian Qing's entire body shivered, she stared straight at Luo Fu.

"Elder sister, don't look at me like that. I don't like it." Luo Fu frowned, he did not like Qian Qing's clear eyes having such strong hatred in them, he still liked the warm and gentle Qian Qing.

Luo Fu raised his eyebrows, then pulled the trigger, causing blood to splash out.