Chapter 255

It was the next morning that Mu Qingqing saw Su Wanqing's news. After being in a coma for so many days, earth shaking changes have taken place.

From the mouth of Mo Liancheng, we learned that KC had been suppressed by Mo to cancel its plan to enter the Asia Pacific region. Mo Liancheng didn't say much about Sakura Koichi. After all, Mu Qingqing just woke up and was unable to digest too many things for a while.

About Su Wanqing, Mo Liancheng did not mention a word.

Early in the morning, after breakfast, Mu Qingqing flipped through the news content of this period of time. However, one news is more shocking than another. Only when she sees the Su Wanqing incident, Mu Qingqing's face suddenly darkens. She puts everything in her hands and goes to the company.

This is the first time that Mu Qingqing returns to the company on his own initiative. Even many employees do not seem to know that the boss behind the company is actually the new film maker of Jiangcheng. Mu Qingqing thinks that Mu Qingqing and Chengqi are just good friends.

"Why did you come?"

When Mu Qingqing walked directly into the president's office, Chengxi was holding a video conference. Seeing Mu Qingqing come in, Cheng Xi apologized to the other party in fluent French and changed the time of the video conference.

"Well, I heard you were discharged from the hospital." Cheng Xi got up, slowly walked to the wine cabinet in the office, opened the new coffee machine, and poured a cup of coffee to Mu Qingqing.

Mu Qingqing didn't notice that there was a coffee machine in Chengxi's office. Instead, he said, "I want to know what happened in my coma these days?"

Cheng Xi looks plain. He seems to have known for a long time that Mu Qingqing will come to him, "didn't Molian city tell you?"

Mu Qingqing frowned all the time, with a serious look on her face, "when did Su Yuanshan wake up? Why did the publicity of the investigation results turn out that Su Yuanshan was proved to have schizophrenia and the evidence given was not accepted? What's the matter? Where is Su Yuanshan now? "

Cheng Xi pushed the coffee cup in front of Mu Qingqing, sighed slightly and said, "Su Yuanshan was put into the mental hospital of Jiangcheng for compulsory treatment. This is the official conclusion, but the specific reason is not clear.

As for Su Wanqing, after su Yuanshan's incident broke out, a large number of water troops appeared on the Internet, and began to turn right and wrong and wash Su Wanqing white. I believe you have already seen the contents of the discussion area. The public began to sympathize with Su Wanqing's life experience. Now she can be said to be the most aggrieved person in the whole Jiangcheng city... "

Mu Qingqing's face is still gloomy, and her eyes exude fierce light. Unexpectedly, she has been in a coma for more than ten days and has turned Su Wanqing over.

"No way. How could su Yuanshan suddenly become a schizophrenic? Isn't he admitted to the hospital with a sudden cerebral hemorrhage? No, there must be something suspicious about this matter. We must find out the truth as soon as possible. I can't let Su Wanqing, a bitch, escape this barrier like this! "

Muring her teeth, Mu Qingqing did not stop at the coffee in front of her from the beginning to the end, until the hot air gradually disappeared.

In a strange way, some huff and puff, he did not agree as before, but hesitated again and again.

"What's the matter? Do you have something to say to me? " Mu Qing asked with a strange expression.

For a moment, Chengqi slowly opened his mouth, "how does Molian city treat you?"

"What?" Mu Qingqing a Leng, a strange question turn too suddenly some, "how suddenly so ask?"

Cheng Xi raised his head and looked at Xiang Mu Qing carefully. He even became serious. "I want to know what you think in your heart. Are you still in love with Mo Liancheng?"

This question puzzled Mu Qingqing. Suddenly, at least, Mu Qingqing couldn't find the answer. But the mood that passed in her heart was still suppressed by reason.

"This time I come back, it's revenge, you know that!"

"Yes, I did know that at first, but now I don't know. I just want you to face up to your heart and don't make things you regret. Which one is more important to you, Mo Liancheng or revenge? " A strange look burning, ignited the quiet air.

I don't know how long it took for mu Qingqing to speak.

"Naturally, revenge is more important. I will not let leisurely die in vain. How can I make up for the suffering I have suffered in the past four years..."

In a strange way, Mu Qingqing's thoughts were pulled back to the past. Ye Youran's death, even four years ago when he was exiled to the clinic, suffered so many days and nights. In a moment, I can clearly see everything, even the pain is so obvious.

"Well, in that case, I think there's something you should know." With that, Cheng Yi took out some photos and put them on the table.

Mu Qingqing saw the figure of Mo Liancheng at a glance. She picked up the photo, but saw Su Wanqing, a woman she would never forget when she turned to ashes except Mo Liancheng.

In the photo, Su Wanqing is half kneeling on the ground, with tears on her face. In Mu Qingqing's opinion, Su Wanqing is hypocritical. Mo Liancheng back to the door, can only vaguely see the angular side face, quietly standing opposite.Mu Qingqing slowly moved her eyes to a strange place with a trace of coldness in her eyes.

"When you were in a coma before, I went to the hospital to see you. I overheard the conversation between Mo Liancheng and Su Wanqing in the vacant meeting room opposite. Here is a video. I think you will understand it. Because suddenly someone came over, so it was just a little bit. "

Cheng Xi hands the video in the mobile phone to Mu Qingqing and turns up the volume. You can clearly hear Su Wanqing's voice begging for Mo Liancheng. The content happens to be su Wanqing's explanation of the fact that ye Youran was killed. Mu Qingqing is holding the corner of her clothes with one hand.

Su Wanqing turned her intentional murder into a traffic accident, and what she undertook was just the painstaking effort to save her father. This arrangement is really perfect. Even Mu Qingqing almost thought that Su Wanqing was telling the truth of the whole thing.

"Molian city!" Su Wanqing once recited the name of Mo Liancheng and almost bit his teeth.

Su Yuanshan's case seems to have an answer. In addition to Molian City, who else can have such a skill? It is really able to reach out to the police.

Su Wanqing such a plea, Mu Qingqing does not believe that Mo Liancheng will not be heartless. Therefore, he decided that all this was done by Mo Liancheng. No wonder he didn't mention a word about Su Wanqing

Good, you mo Liancheng, after all, you chose Su Wanqing.