Chapter 371

Even if she misunderstands herself, she shouldn't involve herself with an old woman who is nearly 60 years old. Can't I just have such taste in your Mu Qingqing's heart!

Jin Shixun's eyes swept over the old woman and disappeared at the door of the cafe. He turned his head and looked at Mo Liancheng and said hello with a smile.

"So coincidentally, it's our second chance encounter. It seems that we have a lot of fate..." Jin Shixun said carelessly, his mouth slightly cocked up.

Mo Liancheng's face is still ugly, pointing to the waiter beside him who is cleaning the table, "if this is fate, then you can't be as good as him!"

Jin Shixun laughed. Instead of continuing to speak, he leaned slightly to Mu Qingqing and urged him in a low voice, "let's go. Don't you have an announcement in the afternoon? Anyway, I'll send you along the way."

Mo Liancheng also heard Jin Shixun's words. He grabbed Mu Qingqing, who was about to turn around. His wrists turned red in an instant. There was no half blood. "I'll send you!"

"No, we've never been on our way..." Mu Qingqing's eyes were gloomy and said faintly. The voice has not fallen, the wrist began to use force, shake off the hand of Mo Liancheng.

Jin Shixun finally swept to the eyes of Mo Liancheng is only men can see understand, that kind of naked provocation, but a few seconds quickly angered Molian city. He chased after her step by step. Without waiting for mu Qingqing to react, he bent down and put her whole body on her shoulder.

Mu Qingqing's body is thin and thin, but her height is only two figures. Mo Liancheng is like lifting a lamb to be slaughtered. He easily picked up the woman and threw it into his car.

"Oh, it's a man who is easy to be irritated..." Jin Shixun smiles lightly and his mouth is full of banter and satire.

"Moliancheng, I have already rejected your proposal twice. I didn't think you were so cheeky before." Sitting in the co pilot's seat, Mu Qingqing did not intend to continue to struggle to get out of the car. Instead, she fastened her seat belt unhurriedly. Since someone insisted on sending her off, why should she refuse.

Mo Liancheng did not speak, quickly started the car, a foot accelerator to the end, will have been on the car to drive away Jin Shixun left behind. And quickly around in front of Jin Shixun's car, forced to stop the other side's car, the sound of the sudden brake was soon forgotten by the speed of the Aston Martin of Molian city and disappeared.

"Childish!" Mu Qingqing is not nervous, at least she knows that Mo Liancheng has some sense of propriety, but she disdains this kind of boring competition.

"A man can do this only in front of the woman he attaches importance to. You should feel lucky!" Mo Liancheng said in a cold voice, but his eyes looked straight ahead.

This kind of words, Mu Qingqing has always been unable to accept, has nothing to say, also does not want to say anything.

Twenty minutes later, the car stopped in front of an art building, where many magazine studios were located, and Mu Qingqing's afternoon work was also on the 13th floor of the building. But what makes Mu Qingqing feel ridiculous is that he has not told Mo Liancheng what the afternoon announcement is from the beginning to the end.

Just a word on the way, it is directly and accurately here.

"You have made a thorough investigation of me, moliancheng. If you continue to do this, I will doubt whether you have the desire to peep?" Mu Qingqing moved his breath to the direction of Molian City, and said plainly.

"Why can't you think about the good? I'm protecting you!" Mo Liancheng said, leaning to Mu Qingqing, two people's lips in less than three centimeters distance become red hot, but still ended in Mu Qingqing's white eyes.

Mu Qingqing was about to get off the bus, but Mo Liancheng stopped her. "I have prepared a birthday present for you. I believe you will be very surprised..."

Yes, it will be mu Qingqing's birthday at the beginning of next month. If Mo Liancheng doesn't mention it, even Mu Qingqing will forget about it. It's not only four years. In her marriage with Mo Liancheng, she seldom had a chance to celebrate her birthday.

In the past, Mu Qingqing always felt that Mo Liancheng was busy, even if he did not remember such a thing, it was human nature. But later, after jumping out of this relationship, Mu Qingqing realized that he just didn't pay enough attention to himself. Otherwise, why was su Wanqing's birthday so different.

"You have searched the Internet for mu Qingqing, or how can you remember my birthday?" Mu Qingqing sneered. The cold look in his eyes really hurt the heart of Mo Liancheng. Mu Qingqing remembers the past, and naturally he will not forget it.

Only once upon a time, the marriage with Mu Qingqing began with hatred and revenge, so Mo Liancheng deliberately restrained his already restless feelings in his heart.

"There's no need for a gift. You've already given me enough surprise!" After saying that, Mu Qingqing immediately turned back and said with a cold smile, "Oh, no, it should be frightening."

"Mu Qingqing, I will not give up on you. You are my woman all my life!" Muriancheng's voice was drowned in the traffic. Mu Qingqing pushed open the door and got off, and went straight into the Gongxia building. She did not pay attention to moliancheng, although she had already heard that sentence.

In the next few days, moliancheng did not take the initiative to contact Mu Qingqing, and the whole person seemed to have disappeared. Thinking of the so-called birthday gift, Mu Qingqing began to have a strange premonition.The filming of the film has been put on hold for the time being. Su Wanqing's negotiation in Kyoto is not smooth. However, she still has to go to ask Sakura Koike.

Su Wanqing would not be so obsessed with the company's behind the scenes boss is not Lin Zhijie, but other people. In addition to being in the hands of Lin Zhijie, she is also inexplicably afraid of the so-called younger brother.

Su Wanqing still spent a lot of effort to meet Sakura Koichi. If this incident was not due to the possible consequences of Lin Zhijie being caught in it, Su Wanqing's first thought was of course Molian city.

It's still the hotel. Su Wanqing stopped her at the door when she came back.

"What are you doing here?" It seems that Xiaochi Yingxue is not kind to Su Wanqing. She has always hated this woman. In the past, she only helped her to keep a chess piece against Mu Qingqing. However, recently, song Yanshu was very close to herself. For a moment, Koichi Yingxue relaxed her vigilance against Mu Qingqing.

In addition, song Yanshu's affair with his girlfriend has always left a stumbling block in Xiaochi Yingxue's heart some time ago. Naturally, it is impossible for mu Qingqing to be pregnant, that is to say, there is another woman.

The invisible imaginary enemy almost completely entangles the heart of Sakura Koichi. Naturally, she is unwilling to pay attention to Su Wanqing.