Chapter 517

Today is a very important day for both the Mohist group and Mu Qingqing himself. It is not only mu Qingqing who formally attended the event as the spokesperson of Mohist group, but also her first public appearance after she suddenly announced her withdrawal from the entertainment industry.

As the person in charge of today's activities, Bai Xiaoxi has always been following Mu Qingqing about all the arrangements.

There should be a lot of media waiting outside the banquet hall. Of course, such an occasion must not be without Jin Shixun. Mu Qingqing saw Jin Shixun's studio in the list of event media.

While sitting in the waiting area, Bai Xiaoxi is always busy directing the arrangement of the scene. It seems that it is very professional, and there is no half a minute of loss of consciousness. It's much more suitable for her to be an actress.

Mu Qingqing is thinking, eyes unconsciously look at Jin Shixun, who is debugging the camera bracket. Other media reporters all stand together in pairs to discuss today's news or chat. Only Jin Shixun is not very gregarious and stands aside without saying a word.

It seems that MuQing Xun Jin doesn't have a unique personality with other boys, and she doesn't think that she has a unique personality with other boys. In addition, he also offended a lot of people by reporting the gray area events that others dare not report. Naturally, no one wants to make friends with people who easily involve themselves.

After a while, the coffee was very hot.

"Are you nervous?" Cheng Xi didn't know when he stood quietly behind Mu Qingqing and said faintly.

At this time, Mu Qingqing turned around, looked up, handed him the coffee cup in his hand, and said carelessly, "I'm not nervous, but it's true that I'm not used to it. Maybe I haven't faced so many people for a long time, and I feel dizzy."

Chen Xi touches the coffee cup and puts it aside with a smile. It can be seen that Mu Qingqing has something on her mind at this time. Otherwise, she would not quarrel with her latte for a day, but she did not move.

"Do you think they know each other?" Mu Qingqing did not notice the strange expression, but continued to look at the distance of only three or four meters away, just like the strange white brook and Jin Shixun.

Cheng Xi moved his eyes and looked at the past in the direction of Mu Qingqing's eyes. After a moment's observation, he said helplessly, "you are still doubting them, but in the investigation, there is no connection between them."

"What the eyes see may not be true. If a person intentionally conceals the truth, the investigation may not be the truth." Mu Qingqing said coldly, but his doubts did not change because of the strange investigation results.

"In fact One thing... " Cheng Qi's mind is not in the reporter and Bai Xiaoxi's body at all. The reason why he came here today is not only the first activity of Mu Qingqing's comeback, but also something that he has been brewing in his mind for a long time.

"What's the matter?" Mu Qingqing turned her head, her straight eyes met a pair of brown eyes, and asked lightly.

"I think..." Chengqi just opened his mouth, and even a complete syllable was not issued, he was interrupted by a loud noise not far away. It was the sound of the broken porcelain, which was sharp and piercing, which made everyone tremble.

At the moment, Mu Qingqing did not care what she was saying. Looking at the source of the sound, she saw that Bai Xiaoxi was standing in front of a valuable vase in a panic. In front of her, there were pieces of porcelain all over the place. And white Creek wrist, was drawn a light red scar, it seems that the wound is not deep, just exudes a little blood.

The director of the public relations department of Mohr group is a hot tempered female devil. She is famous in the company. No one dares to offend her easily. But because of her strong business ability, she has always been re used by Molian city.

As the person in charge of the design department to help, Bai Xiaoxi bumped into the gun of the director of public relations department. It is this activity that is the top priority for both Mohist group and moliancheng. Moliancheng has stressed more than once that nothing can go wrong.

Breaking a priceless vase is nothing, but breaking a sponsor's vase, even a bargain, is a sign of disrespect for the brand. Any mistake in the other party's view, will become a symbol of unprofessionality, and has always been perfectionism to the point of criticism of the PR Director, where can tolerate such a thing.

Soon, before anyone else could react, the PR girl stood in front of the white brook with her hands akimbo and shrieked, "who is that? What are you doing? Do you know that this vase is the sponsor's heart, how can you be clumsy. From just now on, I can see that you are absent-minded. If you can't fully devote yourself to your work, you should leave as soon as possible. The Mohist group doesn't support idle people, you know? "

Bai Xiaoxi's eyebrows wrinkled tightly. He apologized in a hurry. He didn't even notice his injured wrist. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I'll pay for the vase according to the price...""I'm sorry? Do you know how important this activity is? You think you can afford it. It's related to the professionalism of our company. I don't want to spread it out in the future... " This time, Mu Qingqing has seen why the director of public relations department is called a female devil. Today, seeing this nickname can be regarded as a kind word.

Originally, this matter really attracted everyone's attention, but soon everyone thought that it was the company's newcomer who was clumsy and did something wrong, so they were being trained and didn't take it seriously. If you see that the person with his back to them is the white brook who starred with Mu Qingqing in the film, maybe this matter will become news tomorrow.

"Who is this man? I won't give you any face." Cheng Xi swallowed what he had intended to say, and looked at all that happened in front of him coldly and sighed.

Mu Qingqing pulled the corners of her mouth and said calmly, "she just gave Bai Xiaoxi face, so who was the name just now? Otherwise, these reporters would have been around for a long time to join in the fun, and could they still stand on the sidelines like this? Ah... "

Cheng Xi took a look at Mu Qingqing without trace. In his heart, he seemed to feel that her morality was much higher.

Mu Qingqing didn't care, watching Jin Shixun react all the way.