Chapter 616

Along with the cup, it was a card. Mu Qingqing picked it up and her face suddenly changed.

It's been seven years. I've known moliancheng for seven years. The day that Mu Qingqing once dreamed of never forgetting is totally forgotten. Even in front of many reminders of Molian City, Mu Qingqing did not realize that next week was the seventh anniversary of their acquaintance.

However, this is not surprising, four years of prison life has long forgotten all the romantic fantasies of Mu Qingqing. She is no longer the woman who used to cry and quarrel to spend every festival with a sense of ceremony. Now she is indifferent to her bones.

When seeing the card, Mu Qingqing's heart shakes for a moment. She seems to finally know why Mo Liancheng just lost his temper.

It's not simply because of his careless physical contact with Jin Shixun. Mo Liancheng stands at the door early in the morning. How can Mo Liancheng not know the mind of such a hairy boy? This degree is not enough to make Mo Liancheng so angry.

What made him angry was that the vase, which Mo Liancheng thought Mu Qingqing wanted to give him, fell on Jin Shixun's table. And in front of the anniversary between them, this feeling of being ignored and forgotten is indeed very uncomfortable.

But the former Mu Qingqing spent every festival and every important anniversary like this.

"Sorry, I forgot..." Mu Qingqing's tone is flat. Although she has just turned the waves in her heart, she can think of her cold encounter in marriage before. She is really hard to put down her posture.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter." Mo Liancheng pulled the cup in Mu Qingqing's hand and threw it out of the half lowered window. The cup was very crisp, and disappeared on the roadside with a crack, which hurt the eardrum.

The biggest tacit understanding between mu Qingqing and Mo Liancheng is that they can always easily provoke each other's anger at any time. For example, now, when Mu Qingqing sees that Mo Liancheng has broken the cup, his anger is rubbing against his head.

"Moliancheng, what qualification do you have to lose your temper? Have you forgotten how many anniversaries you missed before! Even if you forget me, I can't forget. I clearly remember how many times I stayed up all night waiting for you to wait until dawn, but what did you finally get?

It's your indifference, your indifference.

Oh What's the matter? Can't you stand it just once? You feel that you have been neglected. Why do you think I must remember that damned day? There is nothing worth remembering for me in these seven years

Mu Qingqing was hysterical. All kinds of rotten emotions that had been accumulated in the bottom of my heart and were about to disappear suddenly burst out, like a wild animal, which was hard to control.

Mo Liancheng was stunned for a moment. If Mu Qingqing didn't mention it, time would almost dilute that unpleasant memory and past. He looked at Mu Qingqing's struggling appearance and realized that she had not really let go of all these years.

The atmosphere is almost frozen, and Mo Liancheng feels a little distressed. He hugs Mu Qingqing into his arms. He kisses her crazily, but mu Qingqing is more and more disgusted. She pushes Mo Liancheng away, and her mood is extremely bad.

"Let's get married..."

It's not the first time that Mo Liancheng proposed to Mu Qingqing. He grabbed Mu Qingqing's hand and became excited. "I'm sorry, I'm too impulsive today. Give me a chance. I'll give you all that I owe you in the past seven years. I can use my whole life to compensate you and marry me."

It has to be admitted that every time Mu Qingqing hears Mo Liancheng's proposal, she has no way to calm herself down. Although on the surface, she seems not to be moved, but in fact, the waves in her heart have been as crazy as the waves.

Mu Qingqing quieted down. Her hands seemed to lose their gravity, and they had no half life.

"Didn't you say that as long as I could wake up, you would be willing to be Mrs. Mo again? Are all your words false?" Mo Liancheng said coldly, but his eyes were staring at Mu Qingqing.

"When did I promise to marry you? Are you paranoid?" Mu Qingqing pushes away Mo Liancheng. Her calming heart still blames her excitement. She has vowed that she will never mention the past.

Mo Liancheng did not speak, his straight eyes still did not move half a minute.

For a moment, Mu Qingqing's indifferent expression suddenly became tight. She suddenly remembered that she had promised Mo Liancheng to become Mrs. Mo, as long as you wake up. This sentence is clearly the third day of the operation in moliancheng near 12 o'clock, he said in front of the bed in moliancheng.

Mu Qingqing clearly remembers that Zhong Lin was waiting outside the door. There was no one else in the ward except himself and moliancheng, who was lying unconscious in bed.

Mu Qingqing's eyes became frightened. She looked at Mo Liancheng in disbelief and half opened her mouth, "you How do you know? "

"I want you to fulfill your promise, to be a woman of moliancheng, the kind of woman with a fair name, OK?" Mo Liancheng did not know where to find a ring. He carefully took Mu Qingqing's hand, and his tentative eyes lingered in Mu Qingqing's eyebrows.When the ring was about to be put on Mu Qingqing's ring finger, she suddenly pulled out her hand and said, "at that time, you have already woken up?"

"Listen to me..."

Mu Qingqing severely interrupted Mo Liancheng's words, and his sharp tone was full of consternation. "Answer my question. When did you wake up and when did you wake up after the operation? Answer me

After a long time, Mo Liancheng slowly opened his mouth and said, "the next morning, I woke up the next morning after the operation. The operation was very successful and smooth."


Mu Qingqing sneered in despair. She suddenly felt that she was like a ridiculous clown in front of Molian city. At this moment, those tears and truth confessions seemed extremely embarrassing, like a premeditated mockery.

"Are you kidding me? Is it interesting? " Mu Qingqing remembers that she woke up in the hotel after being drugged. How could all of this happen to be hit by Molian City, unless

"Did you know what Lin Yu wanted to do to me?"

"I swear, I really don't know about it. I haven't told you the truth in the hospital for a reason. I said that there are some things that I can't explain to you for a while, but you have to believe me!"

Mu Qingqing's shoulder trembled slightly, she pushed away from the Mo Liancheng and ran out of the car.