
Gu Rou immediately felt a shiver, accompanied by a numbness that she was not unfamiliar with. She was initially startled, but soon realized that the man had an even more evil and charming smile, and then she hurriedly suppressed her confusion and grinded her teeth, "Stop, why aren't you taking it out yet!"

The Ceo Ji acted as if he did not hear it, and continued to take advantage of the situation, and continued to talk to himself, "If I knew earlier, we would have taken over the entire area, that way we could have done whatever we wanted, don't you think so, darling?"


"Why don't we go later? "Yeah, after this movie is finished, I'll go find the people at the cinema to arrange it …"

"You wish! "Don't you dare touch me, don't you dare do that to me again!" Gu Rou unconsciously raised her voice, realizing that she seemed to be looking at him from behind. She immediately shut her mouth and glared at him, showing her annoyance.

Ji Chenxi naturally realized this as well. Knowing that it was enough, he smiled and said, "Alright, can't you just keep it a secret? "Your skin is so thin. Fine, your husband knows that you still like being at home, so let's just play at home."

When he finished, he withdrew his hand.

Gu Rou continued to glare at him viciously, returning her gaze back to the big screen in front.

Ceo Ji's mouth still had a happy smile. He first looked at her with interest for a while, then found a slightly comfortable position and took out his phone to handle some official business.

Gradually, Gu Rou noticed that she couldn't help but take a glance at him.

Ji Chenxi touched her face and said, "I'm not interested in this movie, just look good, ignore me."

"How could I not be interested? This is something that every male audience loves to see." Gu Rou could not help but agree. The reason she had chosen this book, aside from her own interest, was because she had considered that it would at least be suitable for him.

"Oh, really? But I think it's average, 60 points! " Ji Chenxi continued to be careless.

60 points?

Gu Rou was instantly speechless.

Did he dare to say this as the original story of the novel? It would be weird if he didn't rip her to shreds!

That's right, this movie seems to have been posted by another film company. It seems like that's the reason why he wasn't optimistic about it?

"Sometimes other people's things may not be bad, but when it comes to people, one must be humble and eager to learn. Only in this way can there be competition for development."

"Hehe ~ ~ ~"

At this time, it was Ji Chenxi's turn to not know whether to laugh or cry. This little girl actually thought of him in this way?

Not bad, he had always thought that King's Age's achievements in the field of film and television were great, surpassing many of his peers, but that did not mean that he had never favored other movies. At least, the action movie at the beginning of this year, and the big one in the middle of the year, both of their overall evaluation were pretty good.

"If the time is right in the future, I'll show you the real thrills and fights that don't have any special effects. Moreover, if you can't do it, then you'll really die." Ji Chenxi passed Gu Rou a light smile, "Alright, you continue watching. I'll do the rest."

When he finished, he lowered his head again, but a big hand was still on the back of her head, rubbing it from time to time.

Gu Rou could not help but get drowsy again as a certain phrase repeatedly echoed in her ears.

Real fighting and thrilling?

Pointing to what his company was going to take?

But there was no special effect?

Without special effects, how could it be considered an action movie?

Also, can't NG? Even movie emperors have NG.

Was he too confident? Aren't you bragging too much about yourself?

"Don't you like it? "Then concentrate on reading." Suddenly, someone said again, but did not raise his head, and instead forcefully pinched her again.

Errr —

As a result, Gu Rou suppressed her confusion, and turned her attention back to the big screen, all the way until the end.

"Where do you want to go later?" Ceo Ji had temporarily suspended his work.

Gu Rou stared at him for a few seconds, then asked in embarrassment: "Let's go home?"

Go home? Ji Chenxi raised his eyebrows, then suddenly realised something and explained, "Just now, I was working because I was a little bored. Next, let's go play with other things, you accompany me, and I won't be working."

"…" Gu Rou was silent for a moment, before she finally said, "There's nothing much left to go to, let's go home and eat."

After a while, Ceo Ji finally did not force her, she hugged her and left the playback hall, "That's good too, later we'll go straight to the supermarket to buy some food, then we'll go back to cook for you!"

Due to the lateness of the hour, this time they only bought a few dishes, which could be stored in a bag.

Returning back to the small district's underground parking lot, Ji Chenxi parked his car and carried his stuff in one hand while holding onto Gu Rou's waist with the other.

When the elevator reached the 28th floor, the two walked out of the elevator door intimately. Unexpectedly, a familiar figure walked over.

Jane, Ying, Ying!

Originally, when she was hugged by someone just now, Gu Rou's heart didn't have the usual sweet feeling, and was even a little instinctively repulsed and unnatural. But at this moment, her body subconsciously leaned towards Ji Chenxi, and a blissful expression quickly appeared on her face.

Ceo Ji noticed and immediately smiled, showing a profound and obvious smile. Suddenly, he felt that this feeling was quite good.

As for Jian Yingying, her face was stiff for more than ten seconds. Only then did she regain her senses, forced a smile and greeted first, but only to Ji Chenxi, "Chenxi, have dinner?"

After two seconds, Ji Chenxi raised his left hand and replied, "I just bought the ingredients."

"Is that so? It looks like you intend to cook yourself? After all, I haven't eaten a meal cooked by you for a long time, so I miss it a lot. How about I cook a little more so that I can enjoy myself as well? Gu Rou, you don't mind, do you? "

Only then did Jian Yingying look at Gu Rou with malicious intent.

Unfortunately, the results were not as she wished, and Gu Rou bluntly rejected her offer, "Sorry, Miss Jian, we will prepare a candlelight dinner tonight, outsiders might be inconvenient, next time is fine.

It was obvious how ugly Jian Yingying's face was. The hypocritical smile in her eyes instantly faded as it was covered by hatred.

Gu Rou turned a blind eye. It could even be said that she was really happy in her heart.

Immediately after, Gu Rou even stuck her hand into the crook of Ji Chenxi's arm, and said with a mischievous voice, "Hubby, I'm hungry, let's go in quickly."

He was a little hungry, so he purposefully said those two words in a peculiar and ambiguous manner. People couldn't help but think about him.

Ceo Ji tried his best to hold back, and finally did not express the urge to laugh. However, his mood was getting better and better.

He did not say a word as he gave Jian Yingying a faint glance, as if she was saying goodbye. Then, she was very happy to be held by Gu Rou's hand as she opened the door and entered the room.

Just that, after he entered the house and closed the door, Gu Rou's hand immediately left his arm.

"Are you trying to destroy the bridge after crossing the river? After I'm done using it, I can't wait to get rid of it? " With his eyebrows raised, Ji Chenxi moaned.

Gu Rou started to calculate with him, "So what? Also, don't cook tonight, I'm not hungry and don't want to eat anymore! If you want to cook it, then take it next door. It's not like you haven't cooked it for her before! "

Errr —

Ji Chenxi once again revealed a helpless expression.

"Ji Chenxi, you're a bastard!" The more Gu Rou thought about it, the more unwilling she became.

Ji Chenxi naturally knew what she was angry about, and also seriously embraced her. His low and deep voice was extremely gentle, "I didn't know you at that time, if I knew that you would appear in my life, I would have definitely kept everything for you."