
"Woah ~ ~ ~"

The boys felt their blood boil and their hearts surge as they heard her last sentence.

Of course they would sleep with her.

With such a beautiful and charming female ticket, they couldn't wait to hug the bedsheet rolling all day long!

The corner of Gu Rou's mouth raised higher and higher, her eyebrows curved, her black and white eyes twinkling like stars, her entire body releasing a kind of multicolored light aura, making him even more charming.

The boys were completely drunk.

Our Ceo Ji's heart was filled with helplessness as his large hand quietly moved to her small waist and pinched it with all his might.

Little girl, if this makes you feel better, you can go ahead and play with me. However, if I see you teasing other men in such a naked manner again, I will teach you a lesson.

Wasn't his skin very thin? He dared to openly invite them to sleep? Don't you know that even if you sleep, you can only sleep with me?

I'll sleep with you tonight when I get back. I'll make sure you won't dare to talk to other men like this ever again!

In the blink of an eye, the warm big hand crawled onto Gu Rou's chest.

Gu Rou's body instantly stiffened. After a few seconds, she stood up and used this chance to avoid someone's harassment.

Quickly, she tore off the pad of paper that the bar had placed on the table, wrote down 11 Arabic numerals, and handed them to one of the boys. "This is my cell phone number. Welcome to the bar!"

Then, amidst the excited looks on the boys' faces, they walked outside.

The boys crowded around, pointing to the phone numbers, excited, and just as they pulled out their phones to record and save, a large hand reached out and snatched the note out of their hands.

"Hey, you …" "What for?" When they thought that this person had appeared out of nowhere and took advantage of their goddess, and even chased away their goddess, they became furious, glared at Ji Chenxi, and scolded, "May I ask who are you? What right do you have to touch our things? "

Despite the crowd's raging anger, Ji Chenxi was still calm. He first indifferently swept them with his cold gaze and snorted, "Your things? Do you know who she is? My wife! He should still be reading, right? If the school didn't teach you guys, other people's wives wouldn't be allowed to spy on you? "


Was that girl his wife?

This man was the husband of their goddess?

No, how could this be possible!

The boys instantly felt as if they were struck by lightning. They found it unbelievable. However, when they recalled the man doing something special to the girl, although the girl ignored him, she didn't seem to resist. For example, she didn't scold or scold him.

"She had a fight with me, came out to vent her anger, and deliberately angered me. "She's my wife, no matter what she does, I won't bear to touch her. But you guys are different, if anyone dares to have any ill intentions towards my wife, I'll definitely send them to hell!"

The deep voice sounded light and relaxed, but the boys present could faintly hear a chill in the air.

Before they could regain their senses, the man had already disappeared. Everything just now had been like a dream.

The few of them looked at each other and did not react for a long time.

Ceo Ji who was about to leave the bar quickly found the familiar figure.

The petite and slender her, walking in the silent and dim night, appeared so lonely that one could not help but feel a kind of pity for her.

Especially when he thought about her tragic experience, Ji Chenxi's heart ached even more. He ran up quickly, took off his suit and covered her thin body, ignoring her struggle to hold her tightly, and said with a low voice, "I'm sorry!"

Gu Rou's body stiffened heavily yet again, but she didn't say anything as she continued to walk forward as if nothing had happened.

She was only as tall as his shoulder. Ji Chenxi turned his head slightly, his chin just happening to be on top of her head as he embraced her, and following her footsteps, he slowed down for a bit and muttered, "Tonight's dinner was notified to me by the Fourth Uncle. I only found out that Jian Yingying was also here, so I couldn't possibly turn around and leave, could I? Even if I do not give Jian Yingying face, I cannot ignore the feelings of the Fourth Uncle, regardless of what intentions Jian Yingying has, the person who invited me here is my Fourth Uncle! "

As for not telling you the truth, it's because you once cared too much about the relationship between Jian Yingying and I, and were worried that if you were to say it directly, it would cause you to become unhappy.

"As I told you, I have no feelings for her. I know that I will not betray you, that I will control myself, that my heart will only hold you. I didn't expect your reaction to be so intense. "Don't worry, I'm different from your father. You don't have to worry about your mother walking down this path in the future."

Clang — —

In the next moment, Gu Rou's calm lake felt like a giant boulder had been smashed down, causing a huge wave to spread out.

How did he know about her father and mother? Could it be that Qiu Feng told him?

It was only then that Gu Rou remembered why he had come to this place!

It seemed that after he ran away, Qiu Feng found him, met him, scolded him, and told him some of her past?

That must be it!

"A woman that can catch my, Ji Chenxi's, eyes, is naturally the best. I never felt that you were any kind of bad, nor did I think that you were worse than Jian Yingying or Su Xiaofeng.

"You probably don't know what meaning the Fourth Uncle has to me, right? He played a very important role in my life. It can be said that without him there would be no me! He is the elder whom I respect the most in my life, and you are my most beloved woman. How could I not want you to meet him? "

"As for the past few days, I didn't touch you because I didn't want to make you angry. Do you remember what you said the other day when you were drunk? "You're the one who forbade me from touching you, and even said that if I dared to force my way here, I won't forgive you. I finally brought you back to me after so much difficulty, how could I possibly let you go?!"

"I heard you intentionally bought those sexy clothes to surprise me? If you want to give me benefits in the future, just tell me and don't give me any surprises. Just like this time, if I knew your plan, I would have come back no matter what.

Perhaps, this was the time he spoke the most to her. His personality was always reserved and deep, always putting things in his heart. Even if he liked a person, he would act more than words.

He thought that it was enough that he liked her, that she could feel his love for her. After all, to be able to make Ji Chenxi do so much, and have so few women who have broken through to such a state, his care towards her had already far surpassed his care towards Jian Yingying!

Although Jian Yingying's previous flirtation with Ji Zijie had made him feel anger and ruthlessness, he had never been afraid. It was only her that had made him experience the taste of fear, afraid that she would run away from his life!

That feeling he had towards Jian Yingying had long since happened in his life and it was no longer something he could control or change. After all, time could not be reversed, so the only thing he could do was to try his best to ignore it!