
At about 11 o'clock, Ji Chenxi really said goodbye.

Sitting in the car home, Gu Rou is still very quiet, almost without saying a word. Ji Chenxi looks at her thoughtfully and embraces her in her arms, "it seems that she is not very happy? Later it will be slow, or if you don't like it, you don't have to see them again next time. "

Then he put his hand on her shoulder and held it gently.

Gu Rou lowered her head, raised her head a few seconds later, looked at him, and asked, "that mayor, has she married?"

Ji Chenxi's face was obviously slightly changed, until he saw that she was waiting for his response with a little suspicion on her eyebrows, and he hurriedly replied, "well, married, but seemed to leave again."

Married, and left, that is now, single.

"Why divorce? Is it because she doesn't love her husband? When did she not love her? Did she divorce before she became mayor or after she became mayor? Don't people in politics pay much attention to marriage and family? She doesn't think about these? What is the reason why she ended the marriage without hesitation? " A series of questions in her stomach almost blurted out, and her tone was still very urgent. When Gu Rou came to realize it, she saw Ji Chenxi's eyes slightly staring at her with inquiry.

But she doesn't care. Since she has asked, she'll let it go.

Yes, jichenxi's heart did fluctuate. If she asked other students, maybe he didn't feel anything, but she asked Zhao Xinran, which always made him feel a little weird, even a little guilty.

Does she know anything?

There's no reason. Although those people are joking and joking in front of him, they are also prudent people, so they won't talk nonsense to her.

And I didn't have any special contact with Zhao Xinran in the whole process of the party, at least there won't be any easily misunderstood pictures, except That meeting chatted on the corridor and was seen by her.

Thinking of this, jichenxi's mood suddenly brightened a lot. She tightened her arms and hugged her tighter. She said with a low smile, "still tangled about things in the corridor? Didn't I talk to you? I suddenly met you and talked to you for a few words. This kind of vinegar also needs to be eaten. Can't I really talk to the opposite sex in the future? However, sometimes my work is unavoidable. Do you want to install a monitor to supervise me all the time... "

"Ji Chenxi, I'm serious with you!" Gu Rou is inexplicably fidgety again, subconsciously pushed him.

Ji Chenxi didn't tease her, and said seriously, "well, I'm not kidding, but I can't answer the series of questions you just asked, because I really don't know. Although we are classmates, we are not familiar with such personal questions."

What he said was very serious. He was very frank. There was no cheating at all. She should believe him.

But she obviously can't do it. She seems to have something blocking her heart, which makes her feel stuffy.

Or simply point out, directly to him that period of love? But how should I ask? Did you tell him that you just heard something at the door?

With his wisdom and sensitivity, she must quickly guess her difference. If he and Zhao Xinran are all right, or nothing at all, isn't it humiliating for her to worry about this kind of old vinegar?

However, if you don't ask, you are restless. It means that you will lose sleep tonight.

Gu Rou didn't say it after all, but when she got home and went to bed after taking a bath, Ji Chenxi habitually put her in her arms, kissed her, kissed her and prepared to do something joyful and fascinating.

Gu Rou's body reacts as usual, even hotter than ever. However, her mind is always troubled. Although she has tried very hard to let go of the trouble with him, she can't get into the state. She even tasted a kind of feeling that she would almost collapse and go mad. Finally, she asked, "I have something to talk to you!"

This kind of moment is interrupted, Ji Chenxi's mood has how crazy can be imagined, the black eyes full of emotions look at her thoughtfully, for a few seconds, nodding, "well, what do you want to talk about?"

His hands could not help but act urgently.

Gu Rou has completely lost the feeling of spring heart rippling. She looks serious and says, "have you ever been in love before? I mean, apart from Jane Yingying, have you ever had a woman you like?"

When Ji Chen Xi Dun is tiny again one is startled, asked a rhetorically, "how?"

"Answer me!" Gu Rou looks more and more serious.

Ji Chenxi naturally thought of the topic discussed tonight, and some past events also came up.

In the end, though, he didn't feel like telling her.

But when she heard him say no, Gu Rou felt that the whole heart was cold when a basin of cold water was sprinkled on her head.

In fact, no one has the right or need to investigate the past, but what is it if he doesn't admit it? Does not mean that the feeling is very real, very unforgettable, even now there are still feelings, just deliberately to cover up?

After a while, Ji Chenxi thought to himself, "you girl, why do you ask this for no reason? I ask you, too? I knew it was you. I should have taken you with me in those days, and made you my man at once, so that I didn't have to take advantage of Leng! "At this moment, Gu Rou is not joking at all, and her chest is still stuffy. When he starts to attack her again, she stops her decisively.

"Girl --"

"I'm a little tired. I don't want to do it. I'm sorry." Gu Rou said and turned over to sit up. "I'll go out for a while. You go to sleep first."

Sleep first, how can Ji Chenxi sleep!

He was just about to catch her, who knows her today's action is super fast, at last he could only watch her tiny figure disappear out of sight.

And just then, his cell phone rang, it was Zhao Xinran they just talked about.

Staring at the screen of the mobile phone, Ji Chenxi was connected for a long time.

Zhao Xinran's crisp voice came slowly, "Chen Xi, have you slept? I hope it doesn't affect your rest. "

Ji Chenxi quickly replied, "no, I haven't had a rest. What can I do so late? "

Zhao Xinran pauses a little and explains his intention, "well, there was a foreign investor who wanted to invest in energy at home. The background and strength of the other side were very strong, but after careful evaluation, they didn't reach a conclusion. I think your side might be more suitable. I plan to introduce them to you. If you are interested, I can make an appointment for you."

To increase GDP, attracting investment is an important factor, which they both know.

And Ji Chenxi just wanted to make a political achievement when he came here. He just needed such cooperation. His heart suddenly brightened and even his voice jumped up unconsciously, "really? Are you sure you want to give it to me? "