Chapter 423

Suxiaoxiao looked at his watch and felt that the time was almost up. Then he gave Gao tezhu a look.

After Gao tezhu understood the meaning of his president, "yes".

Then he went out.

Shortly after arriving at the hall, I saw a woman wearing a white skirt and a bright diamond bag with a ponytail coming towards the hall.

Su Yue went to the front desk and asked politely.

"Hello, I'm here to see you, Mr. Su. Do you think you can arrange it for me?"

"Do you have an appointment?"

Su Yue was very embarrassed and said, "No."

But in order to prevent them from misunderstanding at the front desk, another sentence was added.

"Your president and I are friends. She called the housekeeper and told him to bring me to her. If you don't believe me, you can ask her."

The front desk didn't know that someone would come to see their president, so he made a very impolite remark.

"I'm sorry. My president is in a meeting and you haven't made an appointment. Not everyone can come and disturb me."

"If you want to see our president, please make an appointment first. Otherwise, I won't arrange for you to see our president."


Su Yue was so angry that she stamped her heels.

He kept muttering, "it was suxiaoxiao who asked me to come here. Now he's playing this game for me. Are you trying to see me lose face?"

"I knew it. How could she be so kind?"

When Su Yue kept complaining about suxiaoxiao here, Gao tezhu rolled his eyes. "This woman really is!"

However, due to the instructions of the president.

Gao tezhu can only fight with Su Yue.

"Excuse me, are you Miss Su Yue? My president asked me to take you there."

Su Yue looked at the man in front of her, who had sent suxiaoxiao home before.

It seems to be called "gaotezhu"!

"Yes, yes, yes, I'm Su Yue."

"My president is in a meeting now, so you need to go to the reception hall with me for a while. My president said he would come to you after the meeting."

Su Yue nodded hurriedly, "OK, OK, OK, then you can take me there now!"

Although he said so on the surface, he thought to himself, "you are still in a meeting. Why did you pick me up so early? You must have deliberately put on a show in front of me."

"Yes, that's it!"

Su Yue thinks so now. When she was fighting with the Su family's brothers and sisters in the villa, she thinks that the sooner Su Xiaoxiao tells her to go, the better.

It's true that the words spoken at different times are different.

In the conference room.

Suxiaoxiao looked at the people in the conference room and couldn't help feeling a little confused.

"What's the matter with you today? Haven't you eaten one by one? Why are you so spiritless?"

"Keep your voice up when you report!"

In this way, I always knew that the last person had finished reporting.

Suxiaoxiao tugged at the corners of his mouth. "The meeting is over!"

In the reception hall.

Su Yue has been waiting here for quite a while, but she hasn't seen suxiaoxiao's person yet.

I felt a little anxious.

Get up from your seat and ask Gao Tefu.

"Gao tezhu, could you please go and have a look for me again? When will suxiaoxiao finish the meeting?"

When Gao te heard what she said, he felt a little funny.

"The president of my family has a meeting in the conference room. The discussion is all about big things. Just wait here patiently."

"The president of my family lost. If he brought you here, he would come to you. Don't worry."

Su Yue thought about it. It is true.

I'm waiting for suxiaoxiao here. She can't stand her own pigeon, can she?

After leaving the meeting room, suxiaoxiao walked in the corridor leading to the meeting room.

But I kept thinking, "what kind of excuse should I find later to fulfill the lie I told her?"

The more you think about it, the worse it gets.

Later, he stamped suxiaoxiao's feet.

"Oh, I am so bored."

Soon one of her secretaries came to tell her.

"President, we will go to the school to investigate later. Do you want to go there now or do you want to prepare?"

school? investigation and research?


"Oh, I see. I'll get ready. You should inform Gao tezhu first and wait for me downstairs."


Later, suxiaoxiao's steps to the meeting room became much lighter.

Dada, dada, dada

The long and thin high-heeled shoes make a series of clear and crisp noises on the floor.

It's in the reception hall.

Su Yue, who had just sat on the chair, stood up when she heard the sound of high heels.

"Is suxiaoxiao here?"

At this time, Gao tezhu just received a message from the secretary.

"Gao tezhu, the president, said that he would go to the school to investigate in ten minutes. He asked you to prepare first. When you are ready, you will wait downstairs for the president secretary."

Gao tezhu replied, "OK, copy!"

"Gao tezhu, why don't you answer me when I ask you something?"

I finally want to leave this woman.

Gao tezhu can hardly stand it.

Said impatiently.

"Is the president of my family here? You can see by yourself later. Why do you ask me? I don't know."

After that, he turned and left to get ready.

Su Yue felt that she had been ignored by Gao tezhu. "Hey! How do you talk? Believe it or not, I'll tell your president? Let her deduct your salary!"

Suxiaoxiao listened at the door, and then whispered, "hum, when it's your turn to be my employee, it's up to you."

As soon as Gao tezhu opened the door, he saw Su Xiaoxiao at the door.

Suxiaoxiao gave him a silent gesture.

Gao tezhu nodded and left.

Suxiaoxiao tidied up her hair and clothes.

Open the door and go in.

Su Yue looked up and it was su Xiaoxiao.

So he hurried forward to complain to her about how her subordinates treated her just now.

"Xiaoxiao, you don't know how they treated me just now. They just..."

Suxiaoxiao raised her hand and interrupted her.

"Sorry! I just went to a meeting. Have you been waiting here for a long time?"

"Oh, no, no, I've been waiting for a while."

Just where Su Yue could not see, suxiaoxiao's eyes were cold.

However, the moment Su Yue turned back, he returned to normal.

"Oh, by the way, Xiaoxiao, you call the housekeeper and call me. What's the matter?"

"Well, I'm going to do some research at the school. I'd like to ask you a favor."