Chapter 750

There was a surprised voice on the phone: "what's the matter?"

Su Yan cried and said, "I'm in Lijing apartment on Mingyang road now! I I killed Huo Zhenmin's cousin by mistake! What to do - her nanny is coming back soon. What to do I can't go to jail, I can't... "

After ten seconds of silence, the voice finally came out: "calm down first. When you went to cousin Huo Zhenmin's apartment, did anyone see you? "

"No No, "Su Yan recalled flurriedly." Lijing is a new apartment. The occupancy rate is not high. Now it's working time. Most of the apartment residents are not at home. I come in and go up the elevator to her house. No one sees me But there's surveillance in the apartment! "

The man hesitated for a while: "listen to me, I'll send someone to help you clean up the scene and deal with everything in 15 minutes. What you have to do now is to use Xiaoluo's mobile phone to send a text message to her nanny, who says that she has something to do with Chu Jiayi's appointment to go home, and doesn't want to be disturbed, so let the nanny go home later. "

Tell the baby sitter that Xiao Luo has an appointment with Jia Yi?

Su Yan was surprised, but she didn't think much: "and then? What else can I do? "

After a pause, the man added a bit of treacherous and gloomy tone: "then, you use Xiao Luo's mobile phone to send a text message to Chu Jiayi and let her come to Huo Zhenmin's cousin's apartment."

Su Yan was stunned: "you plan to --"

"if you don't want to go to prison, just do as I say."

Man's voice gradually sink, as if the ghost of hell.


when Jiayi was looking at the design draft of the computer wedding dress shop, her mobile phone vibrated.

She picked up her cell phone and glanced at it. It was Xiao Luo's message.

In a word: come to my apartment, I will tell you about our visit to Disheng that day, but you should come alone, don't tell your cousins.

Her face moved slightly.

When she talked to Xiao Luo on the phone for several hours, she was still biting her teeth. She just refused to admit that she had stolen into the study with Su Yan that day.

Now you've figured it out?

If at ordinary times, Xiao Luo comes to look for, she doesn't bother to deal with it at all.

But this time

It's about the man.

If you can persuade Xiao Luo to trip Su Yan, at least you can do something for him.

She pondered for a moment, turned off the computer, changed a dress, and went downstairs.

Seeing that she was going out, Li Ma asked, "it's getting late. Is the young grandmother going out?"

"Well, something happened."

"Where are you going? I'll get the driver to prepare the car. "

Jiayi said, "no, I can drive myself. I'll be back in a moment."

Xiao Luo reminded her to go alone in her SMS. If you take someone there, the naughty girl will have to go back.

Li's mother was used to seeing her daughter-in-law go in and out by herself. Knowing that she didn't like people to follow her, she didn't say much and watched her go out.

Jia Yihuo's garage picked up a car for travel, drove out of the villa area and headed for the destination.

At the door of Lijing apartment, Jiayi stops the car, gets out of the car and walks towards the apartment building.

Lijing apartment is a high-grade apartment building in Yunling, with high land price. Although it is located in the prosperous area of the city, it is located in a quiet position in the noisy area.

The whole modern apartment building is hidden behind the busy streets and surrounded by green belts.

Today is a weekday. It's not time to get off work yet. The apartment building is empty and quiet. There are few people.

Although it's one of the Huo family's properties in Yunling, Jiayi has never been here. She only knows that Xiaoluo lives on the 12th floor.

Take the elevator to the twelfth floor. As soon as the elevator door opens.

The quiet corridor made the atmosphere narrow and tense.

Jiayi's palms sweat a little and walks out of the elevator.

Lijing apartment is a staircase, each floor has only one family, so Jiayi goes directly to the tan anti-theft iron door at the end of the corridor and rings the doorbell.

Half a day, but no one responded.

As her eyes slid down, she realized that the iron door was open.

In her heart a doubt, a push door, toward inside walked two steps, light shout a: "small Luo."

There is still no response.

She felt that there was something wrong with the atmosphere. She stopped at the porch and didn't go in. She raised her voice warily:

"Xiao Luo, I'm here. Don't you have something to say to me --"

her voice declined and she was hit hard on the back neck.

The strength is not big, but the technique is obviously very skilled, just find out the position that causes people to faint.

She slumped down in the dark.


I don't know how long later, Jiayi's eyes opened with a flash of her eyelashes in the constant dull pain of her temple.

Overhead is the ceiling.

Under the body is the cold living room tileShe propped herself up and tried to sit up, feeling some sticky liquid in her palms.

There is a fishy smell under the nose.

A sense of nausea rushed up her throat, and she was conditioned to feel nauseous.

Looking to the side, her pupils suddenly shrink, is the blood

His whole person lies in a sea of blood, but it is obviously not his own blood.

The conditioned reflex sweeps to the side and takes a cool breath.

A familiar figure is lying on the ground, with blood all over his head. His delicate face is full of flesh and skin. He can't find a complete piece of flesh and skin. He looks miserable and terrible!

It's Xiao Luo!

Jiayi let out a low scream and drew back. What's the matter

Before she got up, footsteps came from the porch.

Then there was the sound of the bag of vegetables falling to the ground, and the scream of the middle-aged nanny circled in the room:

"ah - ah - it's been killed --"


Huo's house in the evening.

After all the young masters came back from the city hall, Li Ma cooked the meal, but she hasn't seen her daughter-in-law come back yet.

As the sky darkened, Huo Zhenmin's face sank: "didn't she say where to go?"

"No," he said Li Ma was also worried. She didn't like to be followed when she went out, and she didn't often use the villa car. The young master slowly acquiesced to her. So today, Li Ma didn't care much when she went out, but she didn't come back when it was almost dinner time, so she was worried.

Just then the telephone in the living room rang sharply.

Li Ma thought it was Jiayi who called back. She was relieved and quickly picked it up. Within two seconds, her face changed:

"yes Yes... "

Then he turned pale and glared: "can't you?"

Huo Zhenmin's eyes sank and he gazed at Li Ma like an icicle.

Li Ma stammered: "it's from the police station Miss Shuo She was killed in her apartment. She was at the scene, witnessed by the nanny, and now she is taken to the police station... "


Yunling police station, detention center.

It's been several hours, and Jiayi hasn't recovered.

Brain dizzy, feet also like stepping on cotton, soft.

Up to now, it seems that there is still a scene of a big pool of blood, and Xiao Luo's bloody face

Then the babysitter's scream out of control attracted the property security guard who was patrolling the floor. , the fastest update of the webnovel!