Chapter 762

Huo Zhenmin's face was covered by the gloomy low pressure, flying past a little imperceptibly cold.

George's right. Birds leave marks.

What people have done, no matter how seamless, there must be traces.

However, the police will soon transfer Jiayi to prosecution, and will go to court soon.

She can't afford to wait.

Relying on his power, he secretly gave an ultimatum to the chief of the police station to extend the investigation time and delay going to court, which has come to an end.

The public's voice can not continue to grow.

Once the lawsuit is lost, it's not a detention center but a real prison waiting for her.

It was a hell full of darkness, full of prison bullies, tormenting people both physically and mentally, and losing their reputation.

He can't let it happen.

You can't have a little chance.


night came.

In the small skylight, it is rare to see a little scattered star light, but the mottled but bright light shines into the narrow cell.

Is this a sign that we can achieve our wish tomorrow and see him?

At the end of their visit, Jiayi tossed and turned and couldn't sleep.

She never knew that she was looking forward to seeing him like this.

Thinking that he might come tomorrow during the visiting time, she lost sleep.

The heart in the narrow quiet room, beating thumping, very clear.

Even if I haven't seen him yet, I can only imagine that her courage, which is about to be exhausted these days, seems to have come back a lot.

In this way, I don't know how long it took. In the second half of the night, Jiayi repressed her excited heartbeat and fell asleep.


it's time to visit the next day.

Jiayi waited for a long time, but there was no familiar footsteps or voices outside.

As time goes on, my heart drops a little bit.

Because the corner of the dress was tightly pinched between the fingers, it was ravaged and wrinkled.

But the patrolman asked how funny it was that he wanted to go back several times.

It was not until mother and Fang Yao came to visit the detention center that she regained her spirits and acted as if nothing had happened.

Several times, she wanted to ask Fang Yao if she had brought a message for her. When the words came to her mouth, she swallowed them.

Fang Yao promised to do something.

She must have conveyed her words to Huo Zhenmin

Fang Yao knows that Derek didn't come to visit today, and she doesn't dare to look directly at Jiayi, let alone mention her visit to Disheng yesterday. I'm afraid to see her eyes occupied by a little bit of gloom. I can't help but scold her from the bottom of my heart, Huo Zhenmin, you damned son of a bitch!

After they left, the visiting time was almost over.

The policeman took out a large key to lock the iron door.

As usual, the lock of the outermost iron door represents the official end of today's visiting time.

Jiayi suddenly woke up and rushed over: "wait a minute, officer --"

the middle-aged policewoman wondered: "what's the matter. What can I do for you

She blushed and rubbed the corners of her clothes to hide her nervousness: "wait a little longer, ok..."

Policewoman Leng for a while, immediately understand, can't help a slight hiss, pierce her mind: "you are to wait for mayor Huo?"

She blushed even more and did not speak.

The policewoman looked at the young woman in front of her.

This woman is not a child of a few years old. It seems that even her and the mayor's children can make soy sauce, but her whole body exudes a kind of innocence and childishness that makes people wonder how old she is.

It's not just her natural appearance, but her natural temperament.

Only in a strong man's meticulous protection and doting, a woman can maintain this kind of age can not erode the sense of innocence.

Such a rare sense of childishness will make the same sex jealous.

Policewoman's eyes a little more disdain because of jealousy.

In these days, because mayor Huo has never been to the detention center again, the guard's attitude towards Jiayi is more contemptuous and less respectful than before.

Although I dare not be sarcastic, it is obvious that I am not so polite as before.

The policewoman turned her lips and said carelessly, "I'm coming early. The access doors on this side of the detention center are closed. It's not that I don't speak well. When I'm at the top of the storm, people who are a little smarter won't ask for trouble. How many media and people are watching! For men, career and future are the most important. "

Then he closed the iron door with a bang.

The crisp and cold sound of closing the door whirled around the cell for a few seconds.

It took a long time to stop.

Jia Yi was in a daze for a while, holding a powder fist, slowly walked back to the hard bed, climbed up, bent her knees, and buried her head between her legs.

I don't know if it's because she's in a low mood, her stomach is tight, and her nausea a few days ago comes back.She jumped out of bed, rushed to the toilet, put her fingers in her throat and vomited.

I didn't eat much all day and there was nothing in my stomach.

Only sour water.

"What's the matter? What's the matter? Why don't you take a break! " When the policewoman heard the news, she came back and opened the small window through the iron door. She was not happy. She lowered her voice and muttered, "it's really delicate and expensive. I don't know where it comes from! It's only been here for a long time. Everyone else is fine. You're the only one who vomits or faints all day. If you tell me, people think we've abused you. "

If a suspect in the detention center falls ill and is sent to an internal hospital for treatment, it will take time and effort. It may also delay the normal commuting time. Of course, the policewomen are not happy.

Jia Yi raised her head. Her face was as white as paper. Her eyes were cold. She didn't pay attention to the nagging policewoman. She stood up and went to the iron gate.

Hand a lift, "Hua La" a, throw up small window, return to bed again, lean on the wall.

The policewoman refused to let her go, but she didn't expect that the woman, who looked a little delicate, still had some hard bones. She dared to lose her temper with herself, and didn't bother to worry about anything. Facing the closed iron door, she couldn't help but sneer:

"still regard herself as the young grandmother of the Huo family, the mayor's wife! Can't you see that? Mayor Huo put it clear that it's hard to manage you! Who can see it if it's two or eight thousand! "

The voice came in word by word along the crack of the iron door.

Yesterday began to support Jiayi's few strength, now it's like being taken away by someone.

The sound insulation effect of the cell was so bad that the policewoman outside the door was thrown by her, but she still couldn't get rid of her anger, and the low cursing still kept floating in.

She just didn't hear.

Until the irony of policewomen came again:

" I'm counting on support for such a big thing. I don't look at myself at all. Do you really think of yourself as the same as before? Three thousand spoiled in one? not to know good from bad. Can't you see that my husband is avoiding you and is too lazy to care about you? I'm still there looking forward to people coming. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!