Chapter 1096

Hum, after asking so many questions, I saw her open a cake shop. I'm greedy!

Smile big square pat chest: "you really have vision! You don't know, my mom is good at making desserts. You wait. " Then he ran to the shop.

I know.

Of course he knows.

She once promised to prepare birthday cake for him every year in the future.

His eyes are fixed on the deep feeling, looking at the back of the small steamed stuffed bun running away.


At the same time, in the hi cake store.

After receiving the guests, Liang Anya walked out of the counter and saw Jiang pinhao teasing Xiaobao patiently. She walked over with a smile: "pinhao, go back to accompany Huihui and Xiaokai. It's delayed you for a long time."

Jiang pinhao said with a smile, "you are welcome. It's Huihui who asked me to come out with Xiaobao. "

She sighed: "in the past two years, you two have been so kind to me. You are not as bad to Xiaobao as your own son Xiaokai. I'm really embarrassed."

From the confirmation of pregnancy, to the birth of Xiaobao, and then to the confinement, it's basically the Jiang family's work. She's really grateful to have such a pair of friends.

"Uncle Liang is old. Your brother and sister-in-law do business. They don't often go back to H city. It's too hard for you to take two children and open a shop. When we don't have classes, we are quite free. We should help you. "

Hard work?

Maybe this kind of hard work is exactly what she wants.

The harder you work, the faster you can forget some people who are deeply engraved in your bones.

Liang Anya looks at Xiaobao's pure face in the pram.

"Why, regret the birth of Xiaobao?" Jiang asked.

Do you regret it? She was stunned.

The arrival of Xiaobao is indeed an accident.

She didn't think that the man made her pregnant again.

It's the fruit planted that night.

She escaped to Taicang emperor that night, and she didn't have time to take contraceptives afterwards.

Sure after pregnancy, she was shocked, and some laughing and crying, said good can't have it?

She can't believe to run to ask the doctor, why his other women can't be pregnant, but only she, again and again won the first prize.

The doctor's answer is that some people's genes are easy to conceive, or it happens that the genes of these two people are more harmonious.

As the saying goes, the body is born to fit.

The reason for leaving Xiaobao was the same as Xiaoxiao's decision to raise Xiaoxiao alone. She didn't think about it for long.

Perhaps, under the care of her father and friends, she opened a small shop containing her own interests, guarded a pair of children, and lived on the other side of the earth thousands of miles away from him.

"No regrets." She answered firmly.

Jiang pinhao's penetrating eyes looked at her gently. Since he didn't regret it, he still had feelings for that man.

"If you don't regret it, why don't you try to find him. Anya, don't cheat your heart

Her mind was suddenly disturbed, subconsciously want to avoid this problem, change the topic: "eh, smile? Where is this guy? "

Jiang pinhao also responded and looked around for a week: "just now, I saw her run to the back kitchen and come out with a strawberry cake. I thought the little greedy cat was hungry and went to the corner to eat. Why did she disappear all of a sudden?"

"This little guy must have sneaked out again. He's more wild than a boy. No, I'll look outside." Liang Anya was a little worried, said hello and walked out of hi cake.

Originally came out to find Xiaoxiao just to avoid Jiang pinhao's problem, along the road, looking for a long time did not see Xiaoxiao, she really a little nervous.

This little bun, although occasionally sneaks out to play, is usually at the door of the store, so it won't go far.

Sweating on her back, she ran to the marshmallow shop across the road: "boss, have you seen my family smile?"

"Little guy just came to buy cotton candy! What's the matter? Haven't you gone back yet? "

"Yes." Liang Anya is so anxious.

A shopkeeper ran over his head and said, "do you say smile? I just saw her talking to a man there. They were holding a strawberry cake. It seemed that they went to the park over there... "

Liang Anya is surprised, smile just took the cake is to give a strange man to eat?

The boss slapped the shopkeeper on the head: "didn't you say that earlier? What if it's an obscene man who abducts a little girl? "

The shopkeeper scratched the back of his head wrongly: "Xiaoxiao is usually so smart, how can he deal with strangers? I think she is very intimate with that man. I thought she knew him... "

Liang Anya couldn't take care of it and ran to the park. Her heart was about to jump out.

…… Smile, don't do anything!

The park in the middle of the street is not big. It's quiet in the afternoon. The thick leaves are shaking and the sun is shining down from the cracks, reflecting a mottled gold on the ground.A quiet afternoon.

Panting, she ran in, listening to a small soft voice in front of her. It seemed that she was talking to someone.


Which bastard dares to take her daughter? If she dares to hurt Xiaoxiao, she will beat him to death!

She ran towards the sound source, but another sound made her walk slowly, then she trembled and stopped.

The heart, still beating, is no longer worried about laughing, but another kind of heart beat faster.

At this moment, the world seems to stop working, everything around no longer exists.

This feeling, after she left country a, no longer exists.

After a long time, she just stepped forward a few steps, looking past.

Xiaoxiao is surrounded by a familiar figure, listening attentively.

It seems that the man is telling a story to Xiaoxiao. It may be the first time that he is telling a story to a little girl. It's a bit clumsy and unfamiliar, but his tone is so affectionate:

" Once upon a time, there was a little princess named miyasha... "

She had never seen Xiaoxiao listen to the story so seriously.

Finally, with the story finished, Xiaoxiao raised the plastic fork and fed the figure the cake.

"The story of little princess miyasha is so beautiful! I reward you with strawberry cake! My mother made it herself Said Xiaoxiao with pride.

The man sat on the stone bench in the park, with his long arm on the edge of the bench, his lips pasted with cream, and tasted the strawberry cake fed by steamed buns.

One bite at a time.

It seems to make up for the birthday cake missed in the past two years.

I haven't seen him for two years. The man who is high above me is still dignified, but there is more precipitation.

And lost a lot of weight.

The wind blew through his hair, revealing a scar on his forehead.

It's a burn.

It was evidence that he had rushed into the fire to find their mother and daughter.

This life, will not disappear.

Her throat moved.

Aware of the movement, he turned around with a smile and exclaimed in surprise: "Mommy!"

Her breath froze, just in line with his eyes.

Like in a dream.

There is a kind of feeling on her mind, almost thought, can always look at him like this.

Si Yuheng stood up, walked over slowly, raised his hand, brushed a wisp of her hair, gently pulled it to the back of her ear, and said, "please give me more advice in the next days."

She burst into tears and fell into his arms.

In the afternoon, the park is quiet.

Life goes on, and his and her new life has just begun.

That year's love life will move, doomed to a lifetime of entanglement.


once in a lifetime, the best girl is once in a lifetime.

Fortunately, it was you both times. , the fastest update of the webnovel!