Chapter 1409

Zheng Baoguo also said: "in Nanhu, no one dares to fight against general manager Wang!"

Wang Qiuqiu nodded: "Tao Ran, I want you to kneel down and apologize, otherwise I won't let you go!"

Everyone held their breath, their eyes filled with shock and sympathy. Compared with Wang Qiuqiu's arrogance, Tao Ran's appearance can be confused and disordered. In short, it is not the same level as Wang Qiuqiu.

It is rumored that Wang Qiuqiu is powerful and his influence in Nanhu province is out of the sky.

"No way!" Tao Ran said hard.

But this defensive tone, in the face of Wang Qiuqiu's momentum, is really inferior.

Wang Qiuqiu nodded coldly: "very good! Since you're looking for death, don't blame me for not being polite. "

When everyone is waiting to see how Wang Qiuqiu attacks Tao Ran mercilessly——

All of a sudden, there was a big laugh

"Ha ha ha... Wang Qiuqiu, I didn't expect to see you for only five or six years. Are you changing so much? Is it becoming more and more powerful? "

Who said that? Call Wang Qiuqiu's name directly?

All eyes turned to the place where the voice came out, and Zhang Muye came out.

Seeing that Zhang Muye did appear, Lin Jing turned pale.

Tao Ran is slightly relieved, just in the face of ferocious Wang Qiuqiu, his cold sweat all flow out.

Although Tao Ran is the boss of Chutian entertainment, in the final analysis, he is only now in office. He is still in the stage of treading on thin ice, and it is impossible to cultivate that kind of domineering spirit in a short period of time. In the face of Wang Qiuqiu, a villain who can be called insidious, cunning and desperado, he is naturally in a weak position.

When Wang Qiuqiu saw Zhang Muye, his eyes were round, and his eyes were almost staring out. He could hardly believe what happened in front of him, and he was even more reluctant to believe it!

In fact, Wang Qiuqiu has become so unscrupulous and arrogant these years. The most important reason is that Zhang Muye "died"!

No matter whether Wang Qiuqiu himself admits it or not, Zhang Muye is like the Tathagata on the head of the monkey king.

If Zhang Muye is still alive, as Wang Qiuqiu's guide, Wang Qiuqiu may still have a trace of awe. But Zhang Muye "died". After he became the boss of Sihai network and tasted the sweetness of power, Wang Qiuqiu's desire began to emerge slowly, and finally expanded to the extreme.

Wang Qiuqiu is poor and afraid!

He hopes to change his destiny completely, and he doesn't want his offspring to suffer what he once suffered.

Therefore, he not only began to make up his background, but also made up that his parents were senior intellectuals. Even without his consent, he would not let his mother come to Tianzhou city to see him.

Moreover, in fact, the biggest reason for the collapse of Sihai network is Wang Qiuqiu's betrayal.

At that time, in order to make Wang Qiuqiu's Sihai network bigger, Zhang Muye even gave Wang Qiuqiu shares after confirming Wang Qiuqiu's talent, and strongly helped him to become the CEO of Sihai network.

However, Wang Qiuqiu colluded with the outside world, which not only led to the collapse of Sihai network, but also made use of loopholes to embezzle property, and established a powerful business empire brilliant group in Nanhu province! He hoped that the group would be as glorious as himself.

I thought that I would never meet Zhang Muye again in my life, and Wang Qiuqiu could enjoy the glory and wealth. No one knows what he's doing behind his back, let alone pursue it!

Never thought that the person who was definitely dead would appear in front of him again? Wang Qiuqiu's face became extremely ugly. Today's Wang Qiuqiu is not afraid of heaven and earth. If there is a trace of awe in Wang Qiuqiu, only Zhang Muye will be.

So Wang Qiuqiu, who saw Zhang Muye appear, was so shocked.

"Who are you?" Wang Qiuqiu actually asked Zhang Muye who he was. In his private heart, he did not admit that Zhang Muye had come back from the dead.

Zhang Muye said with a smile: "Wang Qiuqiu, I haven't seen you for only a few years. Have you even forgotten my old classmate?"

Familiar voice, familiar movement, and the same familiar person. Finally, Wang Qiuqiu almost gritted his teeth

"Zhang... Zhang... Is it really you?"

According to the name in those days, Wang Qiuqiu seems to call Zhang Muye "boss Zhang", but now Wang Qiuqiu can be regarded as the boss of a party, and his pride does not allow him to say such servile words.

yes! you 're right! It was because of his humble years that Wang Qiuqiu now has a terrible self-esteem. Even a "boss Zhang" seems to him to be servile.

Zhang Muye's eyes were burning, and he instantly guessed Wang Qiuqiu's most real thoughts. But Zhang Muye didn't care. He nodded"Yes! I haven't seen you for several years. I didn't expect you to change! "

Wang Qiuqiu's face became very ugly, and people close to him had never seen such a ferocious expression.

Because no one knows what Zhang Muye's appearance means to Wang Qiuqiu, which means that all his dirty and obscene tricks in those years have been made public.

Including his betrayal of Zhang Muye for the sake of glory and wealth, and finally stealing the fruits of Sihai network.

All of a sudden, Wang Qiuqiu said angrily:

"No! incorrect! Zhang Muye has long been dead. He fell into the sea and drowned. This is a fact known all over the world. How could it be alive? How could it be alive? So, you are definitely not Zhang Muye! Say, who are you? Today, if you don't tell me who you are, I'll put your skin on the ground! "

See Wang Qiuqiu still want to struggle, do not want to face the fear in the heart.

With a cold smile, Zhang Muye suddenly walked forward, then raised his hand and slapped Wang Qiuqiu on the face. His strength was not big enough to kill Wang Qiuqiu, but he could beat Wang Qiuqiu to stand unsteadily and fall to the ground.

How dare Zhang Muye beat Wang Qiuqiu? Everyone was so stunned that Wang Qiuqiu's dog legs forgot to fight back!

Zhang Muye said coldly:

"Wang Qiuqiu, I didn't expect you to become such a person."

Finally, everyone responded that Wang Qiuqiu would break up the young man in front of him!

According to Wang Qiuqiu's strength, we can't break up Zhang Muye?!

Lin Jing's face is pale. She doesn't know that Zhang Muye is responsible for Wang Qiuqiu's success today. After all, Wang Qiuqiu never talks about Zhang Muye's support after she grows up. She even thinks that Zhang Muye and Wang Qiuqiu are still partners. But now that Zhang Muye has fallen to the altar and Wang Qiuqiu is in the sun, how dare Zhang Muye beat Wang Qiuqiu?

Only Tao Ran knows that Zhang Muye is responsible for Wang Qiuqiu's achievements.

So he didn't worry at all. He knew Zhang Muye's ability. No matter how strong Wang Qiuqiu is outside, he can't get out of Zhang Muye's Wuzhishan!