Chapter 1481

Every night, Wang Zhongtian goes to this private club for dinner. After hearing the news, many dignitaries and dignitaries come to the club one after another, hoping to get to know Wang Zhongtian.

Today's Wang Zhongtian is definitely stamping his feet and shaking three times in Songjiang. There are too many benefits to know him, even if you abandon your dignity and be a dog.

With the continuous improvement of Wang Zhongtian's strength, his influence in the organization is also rising, and Zhou Tian has to rely on Wang Zhongtian.

But there are also too many women in Wang Zhongtian. Zhou Tian is not particularly beautiful among them. It is difficult to stand out.

In Zhou Tian's mind, Zhang Muye's picture reappears. Zhang Muye compares with Wang Zhongtian. The answer is that Wang Zhongtian has a crush on Zhang Muye in terms of power and money.

Funny to say, Zhou Tian has skin relatives with many men, but she only remembers Zhang Muye?

But the thought that the bitch dared to challenge the organization and then killed her fiance Wang Zhongshi made her teeth itch.

If Wang Zhongshi had not died, Zhou Tianpan would have been attached to the wings of the Wang family, and now his position in the organization would be much higher than now.

Thinking of this, Zhou Tian hates Zhang Muye even more.

Suddenly, there was a commotion at the door of the banquet hall. Then everyone stood up and looked at the door respectfully, with an expression of worship, awe or fear

Wang Zhongtian, the owner of the club, came in.

Wang Zhongtian was tall and straight, his eyes were like electricity, and his eyebrows naturally exuded a heroic spirit. When he appeared, the momentum swept the audience immediately.

Women can't help winking at Wang Zhongtian, hoping to get Wang Zhongtian's favor. Even if they have an affair with Wang Zhongtian overnight, it's enough to boast for a lifetime.

The man unconsciously put his head under it and looked at Wang Zhongtian with a cheap and flattering expression.

Wang Zhongtian nodded, hugged a beautiful woman in his arms and walked to the throne as fast as the wind. A woman looks like a little bird, happy and incomparable. Looking at Wang Zhongtian is also a look of worship.

Zhou Tian's eyes suddenly exuded a evil spirit.

Now, Zhou Tian's staying goose capital has been controlled by the organization. If she wants to reach a higher position, she must get the help of Wang Zhongtian, so she is hostile to any woman close to Wang Zhongtian.

As soon as Wang Zhongtian sat down, a company boss worth more than one billion came over and said with a low brow:

"Wang Shao's shoes are dirty. I'll clean them for Wang Shao."

Another boss of a listed group also said:

"Wang Shao, are you tired? Shall I beat your back?"

A boss worth 10 billion said flatteringly:

"What is Wang Shao's identity? You help Wang Shao clean his shoes. Do you use clothes? Are you sincere enough to use clothes? You have to use your tongue and lick to show your respect for Wang Shao."

Several other women even crowded around Wang Zhongtian to get Wang Zhongtian's favor.

Wang Zhongtian enjoyed all this. He was like a high emperor, controlling everyone's life and death and making them surrender at his feet.

Zhou Tian stood up and came to Wang Zhongtian and said:

"Wang Shao, since the death of Wang Qiuqiu's dog, the share price of brilliant group under him has plummeted, and the market is almost occupied by Dayang high tech. does Wang Shao need to take action?"

"In addition, we also found a spy lurking in the brilliant group. The spy also provided a lot of information why oceantech was able to completely defeat the brilliant group."

"Ocean high tech again?"

Wang Zhongtian flashed a ferocious color in his eyes and smiled coldly: "it's all right. Let oceantech eat enough first and kill it more vigorously."

Having said that, thinking of Cao Ying, the boss of Ocean high tech, Wang Zhongtian's eyes showed an uncontrollable color of anger.

It was a beautiful and noble woman like the goddess of the moon. Wang Zhongtian saw her twice and fell in love with her uncontrollably.

But no matter how hard Wang Zhongtian tried, he couldn't get this woman. This greatly frustrated Wang Zhongtian.

There is a rumor behind the scenes that this woman likes Zhang Muye. The reason why oceantech was founded is to prevent the foundation of the four seas network from being destroyed.

Zhang Muye is Wang Zhongtian's enemy.

In that case, Wang Zhongtian doesn't have to be polite to Cao Ying.

Then a young man came into the box:

"Wang Shao, the downfall of the Zhong family has been thoroughly investigated. It is determined that Zhang Muye did it."

Wang Zhongtian was furious:

"Zhang Muye's dog didn't die! How dare even the Zhong family I supported?"

"Good! I will make his life worse than death!"

The people around showed gloating expressions one after another, thinking that they could see the great shock of Wang shaoshen's power again, and then killed the door.

Offending Wang Zhongtian can only be a blessing in itself.

Zhou Tian was shocked when she heard it. In fact, she vaguely heard many rumors that Zhang Muye was not dead.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Muye didn't die?

Wang Zhongtian's way:

"By the way, you just said that Dayang high tech planted spies in brilliant group? Did you catch them?"

Zhou Tian nodded and said, "I got it."

Wang Zhongtian gently waved: "where are the people? Bring them up."

Zhou Tian nodded to the assistant again. After the assistant went out, she didn't have much effort to see a woman brought up by her.

Although she was severely beaten, she still couldn't hide the woman's natural beauty.

Is it Lin Jing?

She looked haggard, her clothes were rotten, and even her face was red and swollen. It was obvious that she had been severely beaten on the way here.

Although Lin Jing promised Zhang Muye to leave Wang Qiuqiu's side after meeting Zhang Muye in the banquet hall last time, the information she mastered still made great contributions to the annexation of brilliant group by oceantech.

But it fell into Zhou Tian's hands and was brought to Wang Zhongtian.

The king looked at Lin Jing from the sky, with an evil smile in his eyes:

"Not bad! Very beautiful! Tell me, how did you spy on the brilliant group?"

Lin Jing gave Wang Zhongtian a cold stare and said proudly, "it's none of your business. If you want to kill or cut, you're welcome."

"Good! You're dead if you dare to talk to me like that. But I'll make you feel supreme happiness before you die."

Wang Zhongtian soon set the tone for Lin Jing's next fate, and then asked Zhou Tian:

"Tell me, how did she provide information for oceantech?"

Zhou Tian said: "she lurks around Wang Qiuqiu as a secretary, and then uses her position to disclose the information of brilliant group bit by bit."

Wang Zhongtian nodded: "I see. I didn't expect you to get the trust of that fool Wang Qiuqiu. It's not easy!"

"But that's it. Take her down and let my brothers have a good time. Anyone can fuck her tonight without money. Work until eight o'clock tomorrow morning and throw her into the cage to feed the dog."

Lin Jing's eyes suddenly showed a desperate expression: "no, you beast, you can't die easily."