Chapter 1543

At this time, Liu's mother said:

"Do you have eyesight? Why don't you go and wash the vegetables and sweep the ground? If your brother comes back and sees you eat his food, he doesn't work yet, he must slap you in the face."

Liu Ping hurried to work silently, and LeLe followed Liu Ping to sweep the floor.

Liu's mother stood at the door, eating melon seeds and chatting with people.

With a daughter working, of course she is happy to be free.

Suddenly Liu Ping's father went home by bike.

As he rode, he said:

"Whose friends and relatives drive Rolls Royce?"

"I don't know who burned Gao Xiang and climbed up to such a relative."

Liu's mother said strangely:

"What Rolls Royce?"

Liu Tang said:

"A brand-new Rolls Royce stops at the entrance of our village. It's so beautiful. It's golden. It's said that it's plated with gold. It's estimated that it will cost millions?"

Unspeakable envy.

Then the neighbor said:

"Millions want to buy someone else's car?"

"What a blind and poor man. Do you know what kind of luxury car they have?"

Liu Tang stammered:

"Isn't it Rolls Royce?"

The neighbor replied:

"It's Rolls Royce. But is that an ordinary Rolls Royce?"

"It's a gold-plated Rolls Royce, and it's specially made. It's estimated that there's only one in the world."

"And the license plate number, do you think ordinary people can afford it?"

"I heard my son-in-law talk about this car. It seems to be the car of the boss of Lin's group."

"But I'm also curious. Will the boss of Lin's group come here?"

Liu Tang looked curious:

"Lin group? Which Lin group?"

The neighbor said contemptuously:

"Sure enough, the hillbilly didn't see it."

"Of course, it's the Lin group with a market value of $300 billion, the multinational group where my son-in-law works."

"Then again, your son-in-law is also surnamed Lin, and others are also surnamed Lin."

"The same surname is Lin. why is the gap so big?"

After listening to the neighbors, Liu Tang and his wife stopped talking.

Neighbors have money.

My daughter married an executive of a large company, lived in a thousand foot mansion and drove luxury cars, earning millions or even tens of millions a year.

How to compare with others?

Hundreds of billions of dollars? How much does it cost?

Mr. and Mrs. Liu Tang felt that they couldn't count by breaking their fingers.

At the same time, there is more resentment in Lin Laoliu's heart.

They are all surnamed Lin. why is their son-in-law such a waste?

No money is annoying enough.

It has also become a laughing stock for the village neighbors.

Thinking so, Liu's mother looked at her daughter more unhappy. I couldn't help scolding:

"I know how to work and work hard every day! I can work without seeing what you and your husband can do."

"Look at you husband and wife. You've been poor all your life."

"Don't mention buying a house or a car. Even eating by yourself is a problem."

Liu Ping shook her head and said:

"Mom, in fact, Lao Liu is very good."

Liu Mu sneered:

"Very good? If you were really good, you wouldn't still live in a house of more than ten square meters, and you wouldn't come to our house to eat."

"You know what? Every time your family comes to me, what does the next door neighbor say?"

"They said, don't you feel ashamed that your beggars have gone back to their mother's house to beg?"

"Come on! Your son grabs fruit again? Put it down, or I'll slap you in the face."

Liu Ping was so frightened that she quickly put down the fruit in Lele's hand.

Lele was also scared to cry:

"Mom, why don't my grandparents let me eat fruit?"

Liu Ping wiped her tears silently, but she couldn't speak.

Liu's mother is very fierce:

"Don't eat. It's not what you eat."

"Go and wash the dishes quickly. It looks like it's useless waste like your parents in the future."

"Ah! My hand is bleeding."

Lele suddenly screamed and accidentally stabbed and scratched her finger while washing vegetables.

Liu Ping hurried over and said:

"Lele, are you okay? Let mom see your hand."

At this time, Liu's mother also ran over and slapped Lele again:

"You little funeral star, if I ask you to wash the dishes, you can wash the dishes for me."

"Do you know how expensive this dish is now?"

"More than twenty yuan a catty."

"You've ruined it so much. What do you want us to eat in the evening?"

Lele was dazed and quickly hid in Liu Ping's arms and began to cry.

Liu Ping holds Lele's head and complains slightly:

"Mom, Lele is still so young. It hurts so much when you hit him. He didn't mean it."


Liu's mother glared at Liu Ping:

"Zombie star, it's not good for you to come to your house."

"Eat ours, live ours, you still have reason?"

Liu Ping said:

"Didn't I give you living expenses yesterday?"

"Besides, we help you every day when we go home."

Liu's mother suddenly became angry:

"Oh! If I scold you, does the mourning star dare to refute?"

"What do you have enough money for? Can you buy a foot house?"

"Get out, get out now."

Then Liu's mother gave Liu Ping a hard push, kicked Lele's body, ran into the house and threw all the luggage Liu Ping brought out.

Liu Ping was so angry that she trembled all over, but she didn't dare to be stubborn with her mother anymore.

Now scar Zi has a strong debt recovery. If scar Zi catches him again, I'm afraid he won't have a good life.

"What are you doing? What is this?"

Just as Lin Zihao passed by, he was surprised to see this scene.

Lele saw Lin Zihao, jumped up with a "wow" and cried:

"Dad, grandma hit me."

Liu Ping silently shed tears with her luggage, but she closed her mouth and refused to say her grievances.

However, Lin Zihao is insightful. In fact, what virtues can he not know about his parents-in-law?

Lin Zihao touched his son's swollen face and whispered:

"Mom, what's the matter with Lele? Children can't slap you like that."

Liu mother said fiercely:

"It's careless to ask him to wash my dishes and dirty them all."

"Who will compensate for the lost money? Will you compensate?"

At this time, the next door neighbor saw the Lin Zihao family and said with a smile:

"Oh! Isn't this the beggars' family? Why? I went to my mother-in-law's house to rub rice again?"

Lin Zihao ignored his neighbors and said to Liu's mother:

"Mom, I'll give you the money. How can Lele say it? It's also your own grandson. You do this to your own grandson?"

Mrs. Liu said with her hands on her hips:

"No! I don't have such a stupid lost star grandson."

"Then again, it sounds like you have a lot of money?"

"Yes! You can really afford to pay for dishes worth more than 20 yuan."

"But what else can you get besides these twenty dollars?"

"Buy a house? Can't afford it! Buy a car? Can't afford it either."

"You say you are a poor man who has nothing. What big tail wolf do you pretend to be?"

"Haven't you heard? What did people say about you just now? They said your family was beggars and came to our house to beg."

Lin Zihao thought Liu's mother was really ugly, so he turned his eyes to Liu Tang.

But Liu Tang smoked silently and didn't speak.

Obviously, I agree with my wife at the bottom of my heart.