Chapter 885

"You're very well informed." Jiang Yao couldn't laugh and praised Yang gaoshu. Then he continued: "I think Chen Lanying's child seems to have some physical problems."

"Did you talk to her?" Jiang Jie asked.

"Said, but she didn't seem to take it to heart, only when her child was just a common high fever." Jiang Yao's tone is a little helpless.

"That's her child. If she doesn't pay attention, you can't help it. Don't think about it." Jiang Jie rubbed his sister's head. "My sister will be a doctor in the future. If she doesn't listen to the doctor's words, she will have to bear the consequences."

"Yao Yao, how many medical skills did you learn in school half a year?" Jiang Lei farts to Jiang Yao in front of, "you can just look at that child's physical problems?"

"That child's condition is obviously not right, his face is also abnormal green, there are some other symptoms and you said, you do not understand." Children have physical problems. People who know the doctor can recognize them at a glance. Looking for a pediatrician can see something at a glance. However, the parents of the child don't pay attention to the abnormality of the child, so the child has been suffering from the pain.

To tell you the truth, Jiang Yao loves the child and sympathizes with his mother. During her pregnancy, her husband cheated. When the child was born, her father suspected that it was not flesh and blood. The most important thing is that her husband had another woman outside and even broke the child.

"My sister is so good!" Jiang Lei is very proud, "then look at elder brother, is elder brother in good health?"

"Don't worry, how are you?" As soon as Jiang Yao came back, she scanned her family, and the result was good. Except for the slight anemia that most women suffer from, her mother and sister-in-law, everyone was very healthy.

Yang gaoshu listened to Jianglei's left voice that my sister was very powerful, right voice that my sister was so wonderful, and he felt extremely harsh. Anyway, in Jianglei's heart, his sister was just a baby.

When the car arrived, four people got on the bus together. Jiang Yao saw Yang gaoshu getting on the bus together and knew that Yang gaoshu was going to Jiang's house with her. She opened her mouth and asked Yang gaoshu what she was going to do with her. But seeing her silly second brother's happy appearance, she closed her mouth again.

Because they didn't spend much time in the county, the four returned home early. The sun was shining straight in the courtyard of Jiangjia, warming Jiang Mu and Wang Xianzhao who were talking in the courtyard.

Jiang Mu really likes Wang Xian, the daughter-in-law. Wang Xian is a very quiet girl with a soft voice. She belongs to the kind of girl who can't bear to say a heavy word to her, so the two who are going to be the mother-in-law get along very well.

"What is my mother nagging about my sister-in-law?" When Jiang Yao entered the door, he went straight to Jiang mu, and then leaned his head on Jiang Mu's shoulder as if he had no bones. "Mom, don't make a nagging disease any more. Turning around scared my sister-in-law. I can't marry my sister-in-law to enter the door. I'll see how he is anxious with you."

"No, Ma doesn't nag." Wang Xian said with a smile, "Mom was talking to me about sewing machines just now. She said that she had found someone to get a sewing machine back. She could arrive tomorrow at the latest and put it in your brother's room and me when she arrived."

"Sewing machines?" When Yang gaoshu heard this, her ears stood up again. This sewing machine is not cheap. Jiang's mother is really good enough for Jiang Jie, the eldest son.