Chapter 1426

Ge Pai Chang is absolutely sure of this.

"Not so." Jiang Yao stood out, approached Ge Pai Chang a few steps, then turned his gun back and threw it to Lu Xingzhi. "Take me for Zhou Junmin, I will walk and run at least, and I will not be a burden to you. Moreover, I am Lu Xingzhi's wife. Don't you think it is more useful to threaten him with me than to use Zhou Junmin who is half dead?"

Jiang Yao shakes her clothes and signals to ge Pai that she doesn't have any weapons. Seeing Ge Pai's expression, Jiang Yao takes advantage of the victory and continues, "I am a woman who can't threaten you. By the way, I see you are injured. I can also bandage you by the way. I'm a doctor. How can you know my medical skills?"

Jiang Yao scanned Zhou Junmin with the medical system, and confirmed that Zhou Junmin was in the state of fainting, but he put down some snacks before his life was in danger.

But the fact that there is no danger of life does not mean that Zhou Junmin will be safe all the time. If Zhou Junmin continues to be dragged down, the injury will become more and more serious. Even if he does not die, the injury that has been delayed for a long time will make Zhou Junmin a useless person in the future.

"Don't play tricks!" Ge Pai Chang was really moved. Dragging a half dead Zhou Junmin was not good for him to escape. He wanted to live, but he didn't want to die, so he had to escape. Even if the port he received was bombed, he had to escape.

"When you come, I'll let Zhou Junmin go!" Platoon leader Ge urged. As for his injuries, as a soldier, he didn't pay attention to them at all.

"Jiang Yao!" Lu Xingzhi's temple jumped suddenly and straightly. The woman had a good idea to send herself to the wolf again?

Zhou Junmin is important. Does she think her life is not important?

Damn to take her own Zhou Junmin!

Hearing the sound, Jiang Yao looks back at Lu Xingzhi, who looks at her with a measured face, looks across the air, smiles at him, and then continues to walk in the direction of platoon leader Ge.

"Give me a helicopter. There is only one pilot on the plane. No one else is allowed!"

"I dare to think." Lu Xingzhi bit his teeth and sneered, but he still had to answer, "give it to him! I want to see where he can fly! "

the helicopter at this position can't land, and obviously it can't let Ge platoon leader rest assured to put down the letdown rope, after all, he has to release the hostage.

When Jiang Yao gets close to him, Ge platoon leader turns the direction of the muzzle to Jiang Yao first. After the muzzle reaches Jiang Yao's head directly, he releases Zhou Junmin and lets his body fall to the ground like a broken kite.

"You go ahead." Platoon chief Ge raised his chin slightly and motioned to the front. "Go ahead three hundred meters and turn left. There is a small space for the helicopter to land there!"

It can be seen that platoon leader Ge is mindful of the environment in this area. Otherwise, he can't leave the people behind for several kilometers in such a short time.

Jiang Yao shrugs his shoulders and doesn't care. He takes the lead to turn around and face the landing stop. They stand in front of Ge Pai Chang, and then walk with Lu Xingzhi. "Zhou Junmin's injury is a little heavy. He has a broken rib, dislocated arms on both sides, and broken wrist. You must be careful when you move him. Don't shake him violently again."