Chapter 1783

As soon as the communication machine was opened, Lu Xingzhi said with some pride: "Zhou Junmin, Zhou Junmin, please come back when you hear it! The loach digging plan has been completed, and the shunzi plan has been implemented since half an hour. "

Zhou Junmin delayed to attend the closed training because of the serious injury of the last mission. He didn't participate in the last exercise until Zhou Junmin joined in this exercise. It can be said that Zhou Junmin is the right hand of Lu Xingzhi. They have known each other for many years. Zhou Junmin was almost brought by Lu Xingzhi, so Lu Xingzhi and Zhou Junmin didn't talk It takes a lot of brain work. Generally speaking, Zhou Junmin can understand what it means.

Usually, Zhou Junmin's words will excitedly praise him for a while, but Lu Xingzhi can feel Zhou Junmin's mood just by listening to his breathing.

"Things have changed?" Lu Xingzhi frowned, obviously dissatisfied with the speculation.

"Commander, my sister-in-law was kidnapped. I contacted you for a long time, but I couldn't contact you. Commander, you need to quit the drill and rush back to the city." Zhou Junmin said, "it's been a long time, so we don't know what's going on there. The chief of the drill should contact the General Command Office immediately. They should..."

Zhou Junmin's words are not finished, but Lu Xingzhi has hung up the phone.

He yelled at the people behind him to quickly change the plan and arrangement, and then stepped out towards the commander-in-chief.

Compared with Jiang Yao's kidnapping, Lu Xingzhi would rather hear the news that his regiment was destroyed.

Without any hesitation, the drill is no more important than Jiang yaolai.

Chen xuyao took a disguised train with the soldiers in civilian clothes to enter the village. The car first pretended to pass through the gate of the factory which was closed. As the political commissar said, the factory was no longer prosperous. The dormitory building of the factory was also closed at this time. There were only a few rooms in the whole building with several clothes in the sun.

Compared with the past, even using people to get out of the building is just like this.

After the car passed the factory gate, it quickly disappeared into the darkness, and then a group of people from the car quickly hid in four places, like the messengers in this heaven and earth, some were mountains, some were all kinds of people or objects.

After Jiang Yao hung up the phone, she was pushed back to the distance. In her sight, she saw a man leaving the place quickly. When she got on the car, she didn't know where she was driving. Soon after he left, someone sent her and Chu Sheng dinner.

"Chu Sheng, don't eat tonight's meal. Hold on for a while. If you eat, in case Chen xuyao acts in the evening, we can't take you away smoothly. I'm afraid you will fall into the hands of the enemy and let them threaten us in turn."

Jiang Yao advised him to pick up the chopsticks and eat the rice with a big mouth. There are sleeping pills in the rice. Normal people can't eat them often. When she was caught here, she saw that Chu Sheng was fed many sleeping pills.

Although sleeping pills will not be fatal for a time, they will have a lot of side effects if taken too much. Taking them for a long time will also cause great damage to people.

Jiang Yao thinks that the old five's head should be able to think of the words she told the old five tonight.