Chapter 2770

Because the helicopter ID suddenly appeared in the yard, all the people were stunned, all of them held their breath and didn't speak, so the words of the second sister-in-law of the land mother's family seemed extremely abrupt.

"It's red envelopes. The groom sprinkles them on the plane." Lu Xingzhi's voice is powerful.

"Whoever receives it, the red envelope is his." Jiang Yao takes a word.

At the time of their conversation, the red envelope of the bomb that the second sister-in-law of the land mother's family thought was a ghost had dropped had gone down.

"It's really a red envelope! Touch the drum! "

The courageous child has reached out to take it first, and looked down at it. It's really a red bag. The sound of the child's Crispy voice is so loud that the yard becomes lively.

Even when Lu Xingzhi was married, he didn't do it.

The yard immediately began to pick up the red envelopes, the entertainment of picking up the red envelopes. In order not to cause unrest, the red envelopes were also scattered for a while and the helicopter continued to fly forward.

The plane needs to stop on the playground of the school in the town. Today is the weekend, and there is no one in the school. It's convenient.

After picking up the red packets, they opened them on the spot. At a glance, they were really shocked. The amount of money in each red packet was uncertain. What was less was a few cents and a dollar, and what was more was ten to twenty dollars. Some even shouted that they had picked up a package of one hundred dollars.

There are several lucky red envelopes, which add up to more than 100 yuan, more than their monthly salary. "Huang chengunexpectedly is a coquettish move." Jiang Yao leaned on Lu Xingzhi's chest and couldn't close her mouth with a smile. Probably no one in the yard noticed that when they were receiving the red envelope rain just now, a white figure was flying among them. At this time, Mo did not know where to hide and count the spoils happily.

Just the speed of silence, where can these people get silence?

Jiang Yao wanted to say that, not exaggerating, Mo estimated that he had taken nearly one third of it.

"Maybe the senior taught him." Lu Xingzhi thinks that this idea is only the fourth or fifth generation's idea, because Huang Cheng is not that kind of person with high-profile personality, and he can't do such a rich thing.

But how to say, it's not a small amount of money for Huang Cheng to spend so much, but he has already promoted the image of the absent groom in everyone's heart.

Everyone has realized that today's bridegroom is rich and rich.

I drove a helicopter to pick up my family. I just spent money on the plane. Lu Xingzhi was sure that everyone in the yard would never meet a second person in my life. Everyone here, as long as I mentioned the wedding with my friends, would definitely mention the wedding of Lu Yuqing today.

It doesn't take a long time, maybe an hour or even half an hour. People in the whole town, including the whole county, will know that Lu Yuqing's husband is such a rich man who drives a helicopter and spreads red envelopes all the way.

In addition to commenting on Lu Yuqing's newly married husband's wealth, we will also sigh that Lu Yuqing is blessed and married a husband who is rich and willing to spend money for her.

Lu Xingzhi thought, this is the real purpose of Huang Cheng.

Lu Yuqing's reputation in the town is too aggrieved. She doesn't care, but Huang chengunexpectedly cares. So in this way, Lu Yuqing, the poor divorced woman in the population, becomes the envy of all the people in the future.