Chapter 3557

"It's hard to come here. Just stay a few more days." Jiang Yao then said, "tomorrow I will take those children to the army. There are many children. My parents will help me take care of them."

"Is it the children who saved Yangyang in the city before?" Asked the land mother.

"Yes, it's them. They agreed to take them to the army, but they haven't had time. This time they're all back, so they've got in touch with their school. Then they'll take the train to the market, and the army will arrange cars and people to the railway station to pick them up."

Jiang Yao said, "these children are kind to Chenyang and our family, so I want to treat them well."

"It's necessary. If it wasn't for these brave and intelligent children, Chenyang would be really dangerous." Lu's mother thought of the last time, and felt a bit frightened. When she heard Jiang Yao say that she would take these children to the market, Lu immediately agreed.

"Well, we'll go back to our hometown after these children go back. I'll tell the school to extend the holiday a little later. If the school doesn't approve it, I won't go to class and quit!" Lu Mu took the board with special willfulness.

As for Jiang Fu and Jiang mu, they had nothing to worry about, so they nodded their heads and promised to stay.

After lunch, after a short sit at home, Lu Xingzhi went back to the camp. Lu Mu and Jiang Mu asked Jiang Yao for some money from the children who would come tomorrow. Lu Fu drove the three people to the city to prepare some meeting gifts for the children in advance.

Jiang Yao didn't go with him because he was ready earlier and he had Lu Chenyang who was just going to make trouble.

Because there is no plan to go out in the afternoon, Jiang Yao sits in the small bed beside Lu Chenyang after coaxing Lu Chenyang to take a nap and reads the book to kill time.

When Shi Xiaoxue came to Jiangyao at three o'clock with sun in her arms, she was fascinated by the book she was reading. When she heard the knock to open the door, she went with the book in her hand.

Seeing the man standing at the door is Shi Xiaoxue, Jiang Yao can be said to be quite shocked.

"Do you read foreign books?" Shi Xiaoxue noticed the book in Jiang Yao's hand when she entered the door. When she noticed that Jiang Yao was holding a foreign book in a pure foreign language, her surprise was no less than that of Jiang Yao when she saw her. "Well, I've only read half of the books before." Jiang Yao asks Shi Xiaoxue to come in and put the book on the table. He turns around and pours tea for Shi Xiaoxue first.

Shi Xiaoxue looked at the book cover on the desk again, and then went to see Jiang Yao's expression more amazing.

"I heard Xiao Song's mother said that you are a doctor, so I was surprised to see you read such a foreign book in a pure foreign language." Shi Xiaoxue said, "I remember that medical students don't have very high requirements for foreign languages, do they? Some of my classmates also study medicine, but their foreign languages are very weak. "

"It's a fact that there is not a strong demand for foreign languages in the major, but we can't have too low demand for ourselves." Jiang Yao explained, "mastering more than one language can bring me more knowledge."

Jiang Yao's foreign language has made rapid progress with the help of Lu Xingzhi in recent years.

How could she be able to read a complete book in a foreign language?