Chapter 4006

More than half an hour later, the car stopped at Gu Haoyu's downstairs.

Along the way, neither of them spoke.

Wen Xuehui stops the car, waves to Gu Haoyu, and signals him to get out of the car and roll quickly.

Gu Haoyu, however, seemed to be unable to understand her gestures. He still sat there still, looking at her.

Suddenly he said something.

"I grew up in Kyoto. Tian'anmen is like a park in front of my house. I strolled and strolled. I knew how to walk with my eyes closed, so I didn't want to row at the gate of Tian'anmen."

What Gu Haoyu said is inexplicable.

What Wen Xuehui listened to was in the clouds. He didn't know what he wanted to express at all.

Hearing this, she turned to look at Gu Haoyu and waited for him to continue.

As a result, after waiting for nearly a minute, Gu Haoyu didn't say another word.

"What do you mean by that?" Wen Xuehui asked seriously.

"You really don't understand or don't you understand?" Gu Haoyu has reason to doubt that Wen Xuehui is playing dumb.

"If you don't understand, you don't understand. You speak too deeply." Wen Xuehui rolled her eyes. "Who cares where you live? Who cares if you are familiar with Tiananmen? When you get home, get out of the car quickly! "

Gu Haoyu still doesn't move.

"I haven't seen you for a few years. If I have a bad temper, I won't even have an IQ." Gu Haoyu can see that Wen Xuehui really doesn't understand what he wants to say.

Seeing wenxuehui reach out to push him out of the car, Gu Haoyu sits still.

"I said, I don't want to stand in front of Tian'anmen Gate. Can you let me join the line? If you can get the first one at your door, it would be better. " Ancient Haoyu road.

"What a mess..." Before the bad words were said, Wen Xuehui had a big meal.

Suddenly I understood what Gu Haoyu said.

Just at dinner, her father said that her pursuers had photographed Tian'anmen Square from Nanjiang City, so Gu Haoyu asked her if he could join a team.

This is asking her in disguise, can you chase her?

Not in a word, Gu Haoyu would take such a big turn to ask in such a euphemistic way.

Wen Xuehui almost couldn't help laughing.

"You don't have to jump in line." Wen Xuehui smiled at Gu Haoyu tenderly.

When Gu Haoyu was pleasantly surprised, she said slowly, "because with our relationship, you can't even stand in line."

With that, Wen Xuehui opened the door of Gu Haoyu's side, untied his seat belt, and mercilessly pushed people out of the car.

When the door closed, Gu Haoyu read two words from her moving mouth.

Go away.

Gu Haoyu is waiting for Wen Xuehui's taillights to disappear before standing there and sighing deeply.

Frankly speaking, when Wen Xuehui said that he didn't even have the qualification to line up, his heart really hurt.

She used to be almost a blank sheet of paper emotionally.

All her emotional experiences are related to him.

All her thoughts on emotion now are written by him in the past, which makes her what she is now.

It's his fault.

Gu Haoyu sat there and lit a cigarette, because she didn't like the cigarettes she gave up, and then smoked because she lost them.