Chapter 582: nurtured appetite

Jixiong's face was about to stick to the fire, and the village chief couldn't help standing beside Mu Bingyun. The whole orc village stared at Mu Bingyun so tightly... The meat in his hand could no longer be used. Look away.

"smell good!"

"It's really fragrant."

Mu Bingyun heard everyone's words and the sound of their swallowing saliva, the corner of his mouth hooked, revealing a rare smirk. I didn't expect that she still has talent in cooking. What happened to Huaguo really didn't go in vain.

"Miss Mu, are you ready? Can you eat it?" Jixiong felt that he had never seen such delicious food in his life, and even if he looked at it, he felt that his life was complete. This fragrance, if you take a bite, even if you are bitten by a monster, it is worth it.

The old face of the village chief was also a little bit unbearable, and he stared at Mu Bingyun eagerly. If it wasn't for the face, he really wanted to ask, is it okay to eat?

But seeing the coveted appearances of the young people around him, he couldn't help but cursed inwardly: You bastard!

If he wants to eat, he must be the first bite of the village chief, right?

After a long time, Mu Bingyun sprinkled the last seasoning and said, "Okay, bring a plate."

She took out the short knife around her waist and cut the meat piece by piece on the plate. Jixiong took his own piece of meat into his mouth in one bite. Ali was the second fast person, and the village chief became the third person. The three of them widened their eyes and felt the meat that was tender on the outside and tender on the outside. What kind of taste was it?

In short, the mouth is full of fragrance, which is indescribable at all. They chewed it a lot, for fear that it would be gone after eating.

Mu Bingyun felt the eyes of everyone in the village like a pack of wolves, and her forehead twitched. Did she do something irreversible?

"I don't think I can eat the meat on the plate anymore." Ali was a little distressed, took a bite of the meat that had no seasoning before, but felt that the taste was chewy, and she couldn't swallow at all, and took a deep breath: "It's too unpalatable, I really don't understand why I used to think it was delicious."

Everyone nodded in unison, wishing they could put their bowls on the table, not to look at the meat that was not good-looking and delicious.

Although the village chief also wanted to express this way, he had to say seriously: "Don't worry everyone, the wooden girl will definitely not just give us a piece of meat to eat."

Mu Bingyun shook his head and laughed, this village chief is indeed a wise man. She didn't hide it either, and was going to tell them about the seasoning.

"Actually, this is roasted with seasonings. As long as you pick the corresponding seasonings and collect them, the meat will be ready for roasting. But there is one main thing, salt. You know what salt is. ?"

Seeing everyone shaking their heads, even the village chief didn't understand, they had lived for more than 100 years, and they had never heard of such things as salt. However, the salty taste just now made him very familiar.

"Miss Mu, I remembered something. There is a river here, and all the orcs will use the water in the river. If they don't drink the water there after a few days, the village will be in a state of weakness. Could it be that? Is the salty taste just now related to the taste in the river?"

The words of the village chief made Mu Bingyun a little happy.

"It should be, the water in the river can extract such a thing, so let's do it, village chief, I will give you the method of seasoning and the method of salt, and you can ask someone to do it. At that time, you will be able to bake delicious food yourself."

Hearing Mu Bingyun's words, the whole village was excited. The thought of knowing such delicious food every day made them excited.

"Thank you for the generosity of the wooden girl."

Maybe this is not important to Mu Bingyun, but it is very important to their village, and even to the entire orc race in the future. All the people in the village, except Feifei, have nothing but pure gratitude to Mu Bingyun.

After   Mu Bingyun told everyone about everything, the village head divided the labor among everyone. Seeing that everyone was performing their duties, the village chief moved to Mu Bingyun's side, his kind face full of desire.

"Miss Mu, although I don't know where you came from, thank you very much for bringing such good things to the village. If you need any help, just say it, we will do our best to help."

What the village chief said was very sincere.

"There are indeed some things, let's talk to the village chief later!" Mu Bingyun looked at the stone tools they used, "Actually, besides roasting meat, you can also cook broth. If you can have an iron pot, you can also The meat can be used for frying…” In short, Mu Bingyun explained all kinds of methods, and the village chief was stunned. It turned out that in this world, it was possible to make such delicious food, and he felt that he had lived in vain. For many years, if he could, he wished to live another hundred years.

The village chief carefully recorded what Mu Bingyun said in special words, and then endured the pain, finally took out a piece of pure iron that was going to be made into a weapon, and asked the villagers to make a pot.

This pot is very big, enough for the people in their village to cook broth. After Mu Bingyun found out, he couldn't help laughing. She was also a little helpless about the cauldron in front of her. Later, the preparation of the seasoning was almost done, and the salt was also brought out by the villagers.

The village chief also asked people to leave those seasonings as seeds, ready to open up barren hills and plant them, so that they would have a steady stream of seasonings to use.

At this moment, everyone in the village looked at the huge pot and felt a sense of happiness in their hearts, especially the smell of broth wafting out of it. There were also a lot of green leaves next to them. These were wild vegetables that were picked. Listening to Mu Bingyun's words, they were going to put them into the broth.

Everyone swallowed and looked forward to the broth. The village chief stood on the side, stirring constantly, smelling the smell inside, if not so many juniors watching, he really couldn't help putting the spoon in his mouth, it smelled so good, it must be very delicious.

"Village Chief, is it okay to eat?" Jixiong was the most anxious. If it weren't for the temperature of the iron pot, he would probably have to lie on top of it, a pair of tigers staring so big that his eyes would fall into the pot. .

Ali couldn't help patting him: "What are you worried about, the village chief said that you can eat it, and it will be distributed to everyone! The village chief is the most fair person in the village, so he won't take it all alone!"

The village chief actually wanted to say something, now he has a feeling of wanting to eat the broth in the pot. But I didn't dare to say this, otherwise I wouldn't be laughed at to death. Thinking of being able to eat this kind of broth every day in the future, he felt happier.

"All right."