Chapter 577: Evil Gods and Eldritch Horrors Part Seven

Chapter 577: Evil Gods and Eldritch Horrors Part Seven

Again! Ather shouted out at the people surrounding him, paying no mind to those hed already knocked down as he started to fight more, hardening and strengthening his body with his earth augmentation while swinging his spear, all to work out his burning frustration and rage.

That was all he could do after his last failed murder attempt, his mortal father and the church as a whole having sent him away under the guise of training, even if he was well aware they simply didnt want him around to cause problems for a while when the wounds of that monsters visit were still so fresh, with none of them satisfied in the end. Hed failed and the apostle still drew breath.

No matter how much he trained and grew, it did nothing for the memories of his defeat against a disgusting nobody. The feeling of his humiliating loss still clung to him like a poison, eating away at his mind with every day he needed to suffer the indignity of sharing the world with his hated enemy.

Even without a scar to show it after all of the healers had worked on him, he still felt that cut that had dug through his flesh and the ache of the mysterious weapon that coward had blasted him with, a pain he knew would never fade until he finally got his revenge.

If I get my revenge.

He growled as the thought crossed his mind and the spear clenched in his hands strained under the newfound pressure. Both times the statue had fallen hed failed to end things, instead suffering only more indignation to bring back what he saw as the natural order, not just from the hands of the apostle, but his woman as well.

Hed given that very woman an opportunity to actually matter and that was how she repaid his kindness? By helping the sworn enemy of his fathers church attack him? It was beyond outrageous and marked her as just another target for revenge. All he needed was the how of it all.

Of course, father, He said, still in a bow. What would you have me do?

Some fool has gone and opened a gate to hell and put the world on a path to destruction, His father told him, going briefly into the details of exactly what happened before going on. While you may not have a useful magic for this situation, youll be expected to protect the light and death mages who do. Show the world the strength of the church of Eneth and do not disappoint me.

Not to worry father, none will question our strength when they witness my power. I will make you proud.

See that you do, Eneth told him, seeming as though their conversation was done until he said one final thing. Ah, and so none can complain that I didnt at least tell you, the apostle of Myriad will also be there attempting to deal with this. Should you encounter him, make sure you behave in a way becoming of the son of a war god.

Thats all I ever do.

His father nodded with those final words before Ather found himself back in his bed, rushing up and off through the gate to meet with the space mage who would be helping so many get to the distant spot across the globe, all while his fathers words echoed in his head.

Behave in a way becoming of the son of a war god.

Neither needed to spell out what that meant, both knew easily. Ather was getting his chance. No son of any god should accept what happened to him. In the chaos of it all, he would find Ben and finally kill him, reclaiming his dignity and peace.