Chapter 499: Not really dead, right?

"By the way, you can exchange these properties for money to help the poor people in Luodu."

After Shi Youshan ordered the white-bearded old man to burn the tree, he handed over the stolen property from Zhao Hao to the white-bearded old man.

The white-bearded old man took the property handed over by Shi Youshan, opened it and saw that it was full of gold, silver, jewelry and cash, and he smiled bitterly.

"Little Miss, please restrain yourself."

"In the beginning, many people in the capital were angered by your stealing, but this is Luodu and the Gu family's territory. Let's be careful."

"The Gu family's site? Is it big?"

Shi Youshan asked curiously, her eyes rolled around, and she planned to come and go to Gu's house to steal something.

How could the white-bearded old man not see Shi Youshan's thoughts, and quickly stopped it with a horrified expression.

"Little miss, don't think about this Gu family. The Gu family is different from some of the big families you stole from."

"The Gu family in Luodu is very powerful, and even in the capital, their influence is not small."

Shi Youshan became more and more curious about what she said. She didn't know the situation in Luodu very well.

"Is the Gu family so powerful? But do I remember that the Gu family is not one of the four major families? Are all the four major families so powerful?"

"Actually not. If it is the original Gu family, although it is very large, its strength is not enough to make others fear it, but it is different now. In the past year, the development of the Gu family is really frightening. It is not impossible to dominate Luodu alone."

The white-bearded old man sighed and explained to Shi Youshan.

"Dominate Luodu in one year? That's really unusual."

Shi Youshan touched the smooth and perfect jaw, and became a little interested.

"That's why it suddenly grew stronger? It can't be because the family suddenly became rich when the mine opened."

"Maybe it's because of one person, but the situation is a bit complicated, and it is difficult for us outsiders to know some of these things."

"Because of one person? Who is it?" Shi Youshan became more and more curious.

You must know that her sister has gone through so many things, and the company is so large that it is not enough to dominate a local area.

"The young master of the Gu family, Gu Junqing."

The white-bearded old man held the package in his hand and said slowly with a serious expression.

"Gu Junqing? Why do I feel so familiar, maybe I've heard it somewhere."

Shi Youshan scratched her head and thought about it.

"Maybe I have heard of his appearance. It is said that the young master of the Gu family has a handsome and handsome face."

The white-bearded old man replied.

"Never mind, I'll come and go for a while with this young master Gu to see how capable he is, and by the way, how handsome he is."

I don't know if there is a handsome stink tree spirit. Shi Youshan muttered in her heart.

After Shi Youshan finished speaking, without waiting for the white-bearded old man's words of admonition, she said goodbye to the white-bearded old man directly, and then she walked to the elevator and returned to her room.

She has to take a good bath today to get rid of bad luck. She can encounter such things as tree spirits. She is really depressed.

Lightly unwinding Luo Chang, the black night clothes fell to the ground, Shi Youshan's long white and slender legs stepped into the bathtub, soaking the whole body with dark fragrance into the bathtub, Shi Youshan couldn't help sighing comfortably.

I can't help but think about what happened tonight.

"I have to say, this dead tree spirit turned into a human shape is pretty good-looking, shouldn't a monster turn into a human being able to turn into a handsome guy?"

"It's no wonder that so many scholars in the legend were deceived by the fox spirit."

Shi Youshan murmured softly, her voice echoing in the hazy mist.

"Woo, wash your mouth, I don't know if there is any fungus in the mouth of that tree. I heard that there are many bacteria and fungi on the tree. Don't grow mushrooms in my mouth tomorrow."

"I heard that athlete's foot is a fungal infection. When the doctor says that my mouth has athlete's foot, I will be embarrassed."

Shi Youshan suddenly thought of terrible things, and quickly sank her head into the bath.

"Grumpy Grumpy"

Several bubbles rose from the surface of the water, and after a long period of reciprocation, Shi Youshan got up from the bath.

Later, Shi Youshan hurriedly opened the water inlet and outlet and changed the water again, and then she began to wash her body.

"Hey, my mother's first kiss is gone, but fortunately this stinky tree spirit is pretty good-looking, and the technique is okay."

Shi Youshan lay down at ease this time, feeling the ups and downs of her body on the water.

"By the way, this stinky tree spirit also left a mark on me."

Shi Youshan hurriedly sat up again and looked at the junction of her left shoulder and her delicate collarbone.

"Does this seem to have a trace?"

Shi Youshan couldn't see what it looked like. She didn't even know that the tree spirit could leave a mark just by tapping her shoulder.


Shi Youshan didn't care that her body was still wet and dripping water, got up from the bathtub and ran to the large mirror in the bathroom to check the mark.

A closer look reveals that this is a tattoo that looks like a small tree, but it is not as obvious as a tattoo.

And the branches and leaves of this tree are also tied with ribbons and other things, which may mean that the tree is female? ?

This makes Shi Youshan a little crazy, what does this stinky tree spirit mean!

Does this really take her as a tree girl?

Shi Youshan cursed Gu Junqing crazily in her heart, wishing to catch thousands of chasing birds and peck Gu Junqing to death directly.

In the daytime, the white-bearded old man obeyed Shi Youshan's instructions, and a phone call made the property in heaven and earth tremble, and ordered all the trees in that forest to be cut down and burned.

And after Shi Youshan was sulking, she regretted it a little bit. Wouldn't it be a bit too extreme to burn it directly.

After all, the tree spirit just frightened her yesterday and didn't kill her.

Thinking of this, Shi Youshan ran to the heaven and earth with a little guilt, and there were several properties around to follow her to inspect.

At this time, the forest is no longer as lush and lush as it used to be, and has become a bare piece.

Shi Youshan hurriedly ran to the place where she met the tree spirit for the first time last night, but only the trunk of that tree was left.

"What about the tree here? Did it change when it was cut down? Like swaying wildly or something?"

Shi Youshan asked the property staff who followed her, and asked curiously.

Yesterday, the tree spirit was so powerful that it could not only command other trees, but also transform into a human form, so it shouldn't be so easy to die.


The property staff wondered what would happen if a tree was cut.

"Nothing changed."

"No?" Shi Youshan was a little surprised.

I can't help but mutter in my heart, this stinky tree spirit won't really be chopped to death, right?