Chapter 661: See through

Mu Peining looked at Gu Junqing's mood, it was like a little cabbage that he raised in his own house that was arched by a pig.

That's it.

There is even a possibility that at a certain moment in the future, even with himself and even a few sisters will be arched by this pig!

Thinking about it like that, it just makes me angrier.

I can't wait to give Gu Junqing a sip.

Of course, she, who believes in science, is still dubious about Master's fortune-telling prophecy, so she can only take a step by step.

"Youshan, go back and have a good rest first, I think your spirit is a little bad."

Mu Peining looked at Shi Youshan's slightly haggard expression, and said with some distress.

"Oh, then we'll go first."

Shi Youshan nodded.

Excessive blood loss, coupled with excessive exercise, is indeed easy to get sleepy.

Pulling her little hand, she blinked slightly at Gu Junqing, motioning for Gu Junqing to go with her.

"He stays, and I'll talk to him again."

Mu Peining said lightly.

"Ah, sixth sister, what are you going to tell him?" Shi Youshan was stunned and said hesitantly.

"It's nothing, can't I chat with him when you two have such a big thing? Will sixth sister still beat him?"

Seeing Shi Youshan's worried look, Mu Peining said angrily.

The elbows of Shi Youshan, the seventh sister, were almost turned to the sky.

This also made her resentful towards Gu Junqing.

"It's okay if you beat him, you can't beat him anyway."

Shi Youshan muttered softly.

"Then see if I can beat you!"

Mu Peining laughed angrily, and regardless of the teacher's demeanor, got up and chased after Shi Youshan.

"Ah! Sixth sister, I was wrong! I'll go first!"

Shi Youshan smiled and fled outside in a panic.

As for letting Gu Junqing and Mu Peining stay together, she didn't think Mu Peining would really make it difficult for Gu Junqing.

Mu Peining chased after him for a while, leaning against the door and watching Shi Youshan's back running away in a panic, and shook his head with a smile.

She felt that Shi Youshan was already a college student, but she was still like a child.

But in a blink of an eye, she was several years older than Shi Youshan, but she was still a big girl.

And Shi Youshan not only found a boyfriend before her, but also got rid of the identity of the big girl.

It seems that she is a child by comparison...

Thinking about Mu Peining's heart was a little stuck.

"Gu Junqing, how did you assure me? You agreed not to touch You Shan!"

After Mu Peining closed the door, she said to Gu Junqing in a deep voice.

Shi Youshan was on the side just now, and she couldn't say many things in front of her.

Now that Shi Youshan is gone, she can talk to Gu Junqing properly.

"Yesterday was really an accident. I didn't even think of it. If you want to blame it, it's your brother. If he didn't get me drunk, I really didn't think so."

Gu Junqing shrugged and said helplessly.

Anyway, he just intends to keep the idea of ​​pushing all these pots to Dao Tianyan.

He is still incomparably pure and unparalleled in the world, Young Master Gu!

Seeing Mu Peining sneer at him with a look of disbelief.

Gu Junqing could only continue to explain.

"Sister Mu, put yourself in your shoes and think about it. If it were you, two drunk men and a woman were in the same room, would you be able to control them?"

After speaking, she looked at Mu Peining's delicate and indifferent face and blinked.

Anyway, he will continue adhering to the four principles of scumbags: not taking the initiative, not rejecting, not committing, and not being responsible.

By the way, take its essence and get rid of its dross.

Unacceptable and irresponsible, he intends to abandon it.

The heroine, he intends not to fall.

After all, the heroine's luck is dependent. If the heroine really likes you, then her luck will also love you to a certain extent.

The vast majority of female protagonists have the fate of Wangfu.

Putting aside this advantage, the heroine's own work is generally smooth sailing, and she has luck to help.

Before the female protagonist meets the male protagonist, every one of them can accomplish something big.

And after meeting the male protagonist, because his luck will always be absorbed by the male protagonist, he will encounter many unfortunate things.

Mu Peining was silent for a while, then pinched his eyebrows with a headache.

She felt that if she was replaced by Gu Junqing, she might not be able to hold back a drunk Shi Youshan.

"Are you really the man of destiny?"

Mu Peining murmured with a headache.

"Man of destiny?" Gu Junqing raised his eyebrows slightly.


Mu Peining got up and stopped thinking about these questions.

Since You Shan values ​​Gu Junqing, let her go.

As for her and her sisters, then it's up to Gu Junqing to see if he has any other abilities.

The two were speechless for a while, each thinking about their own affairs, and the atmosphere froze for a while.

After a while, Gu Junqing suddenly asked, "Sister Mu, how did the test sample go?"

"What experimental sample?"

Mu Peining turned to look at Gu Junqing for a moment, but saw the ambiguous smile on his face, and his face suddenly turned red.

This is not shame, but anger.

She knew what kind of experiment Gu Junqing was talking about.

It was the saliva test Gu Junqing forcibly performed on her last time.

Although Gu Junqing stirred and stirred in her mouth with his fingers at that time, it made her a little unbearable.

But after the incident, she secretly took her own saliva sample for testing.

I tested two copies, one was my normal saliva, and the other was saliva stirred by Gu Junqing's hands.

The results surprised her.

When her oxytocin content was in contact with Gu Junqing, it turned out to be double the usual level.

When she knew the result, she was stunned for a long time.

Oxytocin generally rises when people feel happy and relaxed.

So when Gu Junqing stirred her mouth with her hands, was she secretly happy?

This made her a little bit devastated.

But scientific data doesn't lie.

She was still depressed for several days.

Now Gu Junqing has come to mention such an annoying thing again!

"Sister Mu, you must have taken it for a test, right?"

The corners of Gu Junqing's mouth were slightly raised, and his eyes were sharp.

It seemed that Mu Peining was very sure that Mu Peining would take a saliva sample for testing.

"It's none of your business to test or not."

Mu Peining's eyes dodged, not daring to look directly into Gu Junqing's eyes.

Last time, Gu Junqing took advantage of the opportunity because there were not many people in the school, and now there is still a lot of noise outside. She doesn't think Gu Junqing dares to come as strong as last time.

"Why is it none of my business? Isn't Sister Mu just trying to know if she likes me?"

Gu Junqing raised his eyebrows slightly, and the old **** said on the ground.

After Shi Youshan left, it seemed that the offensive and defensive trends had been exchanged.

Instead, Gu Junqing has been attacking.

"Bah, You Shan is gone, you don't plan to pretend to tease me?"

Mu Peining stared at Gu Junqing, as if he wanted to show some dignity as a teacher.

"Who pretended, but Sister Mu, don't you want to do further experiments?"

Gu Junqing sat opposite Mu Peining, admiringly looking at Mu Peining's small face with red lips and white teeth and picturesque brows.

Even though Gu Junqing is someone who has seen strong winds and waves, he is still full of praise for Mu Peining's appearance.

The fair and delicate face and the skin that can be broken by blowing bullets are simply a stunner in this world.

The dignified expression on her face matched the bulging look of her upper body.

The whole person has a feeling of abstinence, and people can't help but want to bully.

But the halo on Mu Peining's body was so dazzling that ordinary people didn't even have the courage to look directly at her.

Even her looks are not so dazzling on her.

She was able to break through multiple foreign blockades, and led the team to study a number of top talents with high-precision technology from zero to one.

Being able to come to Huaqing University as a professor at a top institution like Huaqing University is considered to be the luck of Huaqing University.

At the beginning, Huaqing University was competing with another university next door, as well as the Kyoto Academy of Sciences, all three universities wanted to **** Mu Peining.

Not counting the rest of Mu Peining's halo, even using Mu Peining as a mascot can attract a lot of attention to his school.

In the end, Mu Peining decided to come to Huaqing University by himself.

The reason is gratifying, because Shi Youshan said that she prefers Huaqing University a little...

But Gu Junqing doesn't care about that.

For him, the fact that Mu Peining is the heroine is enough.

Seeing Gu Junqing's smiling eyes, Mu Peining became angry.

After she just got her sister's Fa-rectification on the spot, now you want to tease her?

If that Man of Destiny is really Gu Junqing, then Gu Junqing's current behavior can be understood.

This is a bad guy eating in a bowl and looking at the pot.

It's not enough to have Youshan, now I want to tease her!

Scumbag! Mu Peining groaned in his heart.

"What do you mean by further experiments?" Mu Peining said with a half-smile.

"Like, what happens to your body's hormones when you kiss?"

Gu Junqing rubbed his chin and suggested.

"Gu Junqing, are you taking me for a fool? Just say it if you want to take advantage!"

Mu Peining secretly snorted, and she said that Gu Junqing definitely didn't have any good ideas in his heart.

"It's not enough to take advantage of my sister so much. Are you planning to take advantage of my sister now?"

Mu Peining watched gritted his teeth, and his expression wished to bite him.

As expected of the sisters who grew up together, Shi Youshan is no different from her.

Gu Junqing muttered in his heart when he saw that Mu Peining seemed to want to bite him.

Shi Youshan also likes to bite him when she gets angry.

Like last night, when he wanted to end with a bite, and was almost bitten by her.

Biting and biting are sometimes the same words, but the meanings are completely different, everyone understands it!

But if Mu Peining came to bite, it didn't seem to be impossible.

When he thought that Mu Peining would bite him with that dignified and serious look, like a woman from a good family.

Gu Junqing couldn't help but sway in his heart.

"Hey, what's your expression like?"

Mu Peining originally saw that Gu Junqing did not speak, and thought he had admitted it.

But suddenly seeing the way he kept looking at his mouth, he shuddered for some reason.