Chapter 394

Gu Hanzhou knew what she was thinking when she saw her pink lips curling up the corners of her mouth.

Silly girl, it is clear that she suffered losses, but when she saw the 300000, she felt satisfied.


"Lady, pay for it."

He opened his mouth slowly. Although his speaking speed was not fast, he gave people an absolute pressure.

The man opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but there was no sound in his throat.

She looked at Gu Hanzhou stupidly until her best friend pulled her arm.

"600000 600000... "

She murmured these three words, obviously the blow is not small.

600000 she can take, the most hit is that she did not expect Xu Yi warm body that looked at the ordinary jeans should be so expensive.


Only a pair of jeans, how can it be so expensive, in the end there is no reason!

How much should she have from head to toe?

She even put a woman dressed in U.S. dollars as a service person in the shop, and she didn't know what kind of compensation she wanted. Can't she think of it?

"If you don't pay compensation, I'm going to get a lawyer involved."

He said in a cold voice, the deep Phoenix eyes lightly swept over her body, suddenly let her back cold, even produced a stubble of cold sweat.

"I I'll pay for But I don't have a check. I only have a card. Let me transfer money to you... "

She stammered, and there was no longer the air of arrogance.

"Warm up, use your card."

"Wow, there's money coming in!"

Xu yinuan said happily and took out his bank card.

The man dealt with it and respectfully returned the bank card: "cross border transfer, it may take some time. You can check it in a few days."

"I see. Thank you."

"You should thank her for what she did."

"Oh, oh."

Xu yinuan thinks about it. If she is not aggressive, maybe there won't be so many things.

So, when things happen, we all give way to each other, how harmonious it is!

The other party left, Gu Hanzhou touched her head and asked if she was hungry.

She nodded sincerely.

Originally that table oneself didn't finish eating, now ran to and fro again, that little thing in the stomach already digested clean.

Gu Hanzhou took her back to the previous restaurant. When the manager saw that they were back, the other table did not come back, so he knew it immediately.

The two guests seemed to be very different and of high value.

They served more attentively.

After eating, Gu Hanzhou took the initiative to pay the bill, because Xu yinuan felt that it was not good to eat and drink for nothing.

After all, people want to do business.

Besides, she felt pain at first, but just after knowing the price of her clothes, she felt that she should not feel sorry for Gu Hanzhou.

It's really hard to think of money for him.

But the manager refused to ask for anything and insisted that it was our responsibility.

In the end, however, they had to give up.

After dinner, they sat for a while and looked at the night view of manleton.

The deeper the night, the more bright the lights below, and more and more lights up. The Dolan river has become extraordinarily beautiful.

"Gu Hanzhou, do you like the clothes? Why do you always buy me that one? "

"The reason clothes fit you is that I want to buy you the best because you deserve the best."

"Because of this?"

She immediately very helpless, Gu Hanzhou spending money point dare to be more honest?

"Well, isn't it?"

"Of course not. It's a waste of so much money on clothes..."

"To spend money on you is never a waste, but an honor."

"Good, in the future, you are responsible for spending money and losing your family. I am responsible for making money and supporting the family. What's wrong with a clear division of labor?"

He fondly touched Xu Yi's warm head, with a shallow smile on his mouth, full of connivance.

He would like to hold the best things in the world in front of her, just want her to smile.

He thought that it was no exaggeration to say that there were warlords in the war drama in history. It was worthwhile to throw away thousands of gold and just smile for the beauty.


Some people, is the supreme treasure, is worth it.

Xu yinuan is the treasure in his heart, no one can replace it.

She is unique!

"So Why do I feel so stressed? Let me spend money to ruin my family I just want to save for a living. "

"You can save money and learn to spend money. If you are reluctant to spend money on yourself, let your man spend it. It's the same. Besides, I don't have a bad eye. I'll choose the most suitable one for you. Isn't that good? "Xu yinuan can't refute this.

Gu Hanzhou is not a straight man, which is worth celebrating.

If he buys anything for himself, he will know a lot of things in advance.

If you buy her skin care products, first test whether her skin is dry and oily or mixed skin, what is more sensitive, and whether the skin needs moisturizing or brightening

He studies everything, but she can't figure it out. She doesn't even talk about buying skin care products from small to large.

His thoughtfulness was set off by her carelessness.

So her cosmetics and skin care products are all prepared by Gu Hanzhou. He knows every ingredient in it. It's terrible.

Of course, it's also the best.

Only the right love is the longest.

She thought that she had found a perfect match in her life.

She hopes that every day in the future, there will be this man around.

"Gu Hanzhou, what did you spend money for before?"

"All my things are prepared by Jiang Han and uncle an. Men don't have to take care of their wives. There was no place to spend money before, so I saved a lot of money for my wife. I think it's legal for you to graduate in another year. My wife is enough. Then you can marry me without hesitation. "

"Will you propose to me?"

"On one knee?"

"It doesn't need such a grand ceremony. It's all about cheating children in TV dramas! You just need to propose to me with a ring, I think Can I expect something? "

"Well, I remember."

Xu yinuan was relieved to hear this.

He said remember, that will always remember, will not forget.

"Eat and drink, let's go home."


He knocked her on the head and took her back with him.


When Xu yinuan went to class the next day, Fiona didn't come, and her small group immediately dissolved.

Although we will talk about ourselves behind our backs, we are obviously afraid.

Laura offered to be nice so that she would not be left alone in yoga class.

As time goes by, the days are full and interesting.

They have been here for more than ten days.

Today, Wen Yiqing asked them to go to dinner. They were very busy.

Wen Yiqing sees that there is a person missing from the table. Finally, after eating, she can't help calling Wen Yan