Chapter 1498

He didn't disturb anyone and left after seeing Cynthia.

Laura wanted to follow him, but after leaving the resort, he told her to go back to the hotel first. He wanted to walk around.

Jane is walking on the busy street. He is familiar with the city, second only to Marlton.

At the beginning, I knew every road in this city because Xu yinuan lived in this city, so I came here for her.

But he didn't expect that the memory of this city that he never forgot now was because of another woman.

He clearly remembers every street they walked, the restaurants they went to, and the amusement parks they visited.

These memories, like marks left, take root and sprout in the mind and can't be forgotten.

He went to the place where he had been, but he didn't have the courage to go in. Finally, he stopped for a long time and turned to leave.

He felt as if he had experienced a great dream of spring and autumn, in which there were many beautiful things, but when he woke up, there was nothing left.

He thought that pear yarn was the salvation sent by heaven, let him pick up the ability of love again, overcome the shadow.

He knew she was hard to marry, and he was ready to fight a country.

He was ready to go, willing to give everything, but in the end

The heroine in the story disappeared as if she had never appeared.

He is very angry with Miyagawa Mingyin and would like to kill him, and Miyagawa Mingyin is also to himself.

Two people hate each other, the root of which is a woman.

If it is not the other side, pear yarn may not disappear, not to now in the past, or no news.

No matter in the West or in the East, beauty is a story that he enjoys talking about. He didn't expect that he would lose himself because of love.

He walked from day to night by himself. He didn't do anything all day, but his body was very heavy.

He is like a walking corpse, walking in the familiar street, relying on memories and beliefs to live on. He does not know what the meaning of his existence is?

If he can't find the whereabouts of pear yarn in his life, where should he go?

There was no light in the room. He was used to the world of night, and his eyes were used to the darkness.

He was like a ghost, wandering empty.

After washing, sit in front of the bed.

I don't know when to start. I need to drink a glass of wine before going to bed, paralyze the nerves and hypnotize myself. I'm very tired. I should go to sleep. Don't dream about the worried person at night, otherwise the night will be hard.

He can't taste the good or bad wine, in his eyes are the same, similar to sleeping pills, to help him sleep.

Before you dream, pray again and again, don't dream about her, but In the dream, she still appears, smiling like a flower, beautiful and moving.

At the moment, Fu Yuan's private residence.

He likes to be alone, dealing with computers every day and living with countless codes.

He often goes to the old house to see Gu Lei ting and azure blue. He knows that he is an ignoble illegitimate son, but Gu Lei Ting doesn't mind and treats him as his own.

Blue also gradually relieved, knowing that he owed Fu Yuan too much, all these sins were brought by Fu Zhuo, and had nothing to do with him, but he took on too much.

Although his surname is Fu, he is a family member.

In this world, his most intimate person is Fu Xicheng, but he has gone.

He meets Gu Hanzhou every day to help him manage the company and do his duty.

He has never given up looking for Xinmao. Bai ruolinian will tell him the whereabouts of Xinmao. She has gone to many places, and the one who stays the least is the imperial capital.

He knew that one day she would come back.

At present, he has more important things, is to complete the commitment to his friends, to take care of pear yarn smoothly after the birth of the child.

It's been eight months, and the due date is almost set.

Yasuki personally contacted the hospital, only need to be hospitalized in advance, all the confidentiality work has been done.

There is a special person to take care of Lisha. Three meals a day are prepared. He comes back late from work, and there is no need to worry about her being hungry.

Today, he saw a bubble blowing gun on the roadside. He always thought Xinmao would like it. It was a good match for her pink girl's room.

He couldn't help but buy one in all colors.

When I buy, I always feel that I can see Xinmao when I go home.

But he knew that she was wandering outside like duckweed. He was willing to give her a home, but she didn't care.

He didn't dare to go back too late because Lisha would wait for him.

She felt lonely, and he also felt lonely. They were like animals shivering with cold in winter. When they were together, no one would laugh at anyone. They were like kindred family members, bearing their own helplessness.

"You're back."

Pear yarn heard the sound of opening the door, immediately got up and dragged her huge stomach to go over.Her stomach was very large, and her petite body looked very asymmetric, as if to crush the pear yarn.

He immediately came forward to help, pregnancy is coming, he is particularly nervous, after all, from the first month, he began to take care of pear yarn.

Looking at her belly growing up day by day, he is also very happy, looking forward to the arrival of this new life.

Children come out, how to call their uncle, he is an elder.

"Is this for me? Is it too childlike? I love it

Pear saw bubble gun, eyes a bright, can't wait to get to the arms of research.

Fu Yuan Di's face was a little strange. She grabbed her hair awkwardly. Pear yarn understood instantly and laughed: "for your own girl?"

"You Don't laugh at me. You know I'm amorous. She's not here. I'm I buy these things every day. "

He was so angry that he threw everything on the porch cabinet.

has a maiden heart hairpin, and the head hoop of the little deer horn, and the toy of piggy page. He even bought Lolita style clothes back, saying it was seen in the store, it was very suitable for Xin cat to buy it directly.

When he took his things and left, the shop assistants looked at him with strange eyes, as if they were looking at a pervert.

In fact, he also felt that he was a pervert. When he was away, he could not help thinking of Xinmao when he saw anything on the road.

He is looking forward to

One day she came home with a small gift, and she opened the door to herself in her pajamas and slippers.

Maybe he didn't wake up when he opened the door, or looked at him complaining that he was starving to death and asked him to cook.

Can be As long as it's her who opens the door.

Then, he will give a gift like a treasure, strange, buy what he sees.

She likes or dislikes them, but all these things are sent to the people who should give them, instead of accumulating more and more here, where there is no place to put them, and they are reluctant to throw them away.

One by one, just like in a disguised mockery of their own.

There was no one to give away, and he was still in vain.