Chapter 1529

A week later, after the visit, everyone began to return home intact.

And back in Jingzhou, soon face Miyagawa Mingyin and Ali's wedding.

Because he let go, Halley did not continue to let Ali poison.

Now, it's the best of both worlds.

It was the night -

the bride waited nervously in the room, her breath was a little unsteady, and she even drank several glasses of wine.

She is going to get married. This time, she will live as rijing Lisha.

She also did not make clear her heart, what kind of feelings for Miyagawa.

"Miss, don't drink it. If you drink it again, you will be drunk. Your Highness has not come yet."

The people below joked.

"I What should I pay attention to? "

"Don't pay attention to anything, just wait for the prince to come. Miss, you are going to marry the most handsome man in Jingzhou. Are you happy? The prince's highness is the dream lover of the whole Jingzhou girl, but our young lady is not bad, the second young lady of the Japanese capital society! "

Said the girl beside her with a smile.

Just then, someone outside called out the bridegroom.

She sat down at once.

Tonight, it's their wedding candle.

Miyagawa Mingyin did not come in by himself, but was helped in by the emperor.

"Sister in law, I've been waiting. My brother used to drink very well, but I didn't expect to become so bad now. At such a critical juncture, it's really disappointing to be drunk. I'm really sorry to delay your wedding

"Ah? So? " Ali was stunned. Although he would drink wine to the groom today, he would not be too cruel. After all, spring curfew is worth a thousand dollars.

She quickly stepped forward and helped Gongchuan Mingyin.

"Hard brother."

"It's nothing hard. It's the elder brother who advised him to drink a lot of wine. I thought he could drink it, but I didn't expect..."

The emperor shook his head gently.

"It's OK. Give him to me. You all go down and get ready to wake up

Soon all the people in the house were gone.

She tucked him up, looked at his slightly drunk face, and his whole body exuded wine gas. It seemed that she had drunk a lot.

She was worried about how to spend the evening.

Now it seems that there is no need to tangle up, sleep separately and feel embarrassed.

Soon after waking up, the soup was delivered. She handed it to his lips one by one, but he couldn't drink it at all. Instead, he wet the pillow.

How about not drinking sobering soup? I'm sure I'll have a headache tomorrow morning.

"Open your mouth. I'll give you a wake-up drink."

She said helplessly, suddenly a flash of light flashed into her mind.

It's better to Mouth to mouth, that's quick.

Anyway, they have done everything. What do you care about this?

Besides, he's sleeping like a pig, and he doesn't know what's going on.

She hesitated for a moment before she began to use her mouth.

She took a sip, and then slowly covered his lips, carefully from the gap between the lips, a little over.

When she was ready to leave, she did not expect that the man who had been in a coma suddenly had a movement.

The big hand wrapped around her waist and hugged her tightly.

Originally, there was still some distance between the two people, but the two bodies were tightly attached to one place.

He could feel his chest burning through his shirt.

She is shocked to stare big eyes, stunned at the eyes of the enlarged Jun Rong.

He did not open his eyes, but deepened the kiss.

The big tongue drove straight into the city and plundered the land, which was a mess.

She was panting and her heart was in a mess.

I'm not drunk and unconscious. How can I be alive now.

In a flash, she was under the pressure of men.

He opened his eyes, the sharp star eyes where there is a little confused appearance?

He took his eyes off and threw them aside.

Sven's appearance was oblivion in an instant, even with some wild and difficult to tame publicity.

She looked at the deep and hot eyes, and her heart trembled violently.

"You Aren't you drunk? How, how... "

"If not, when will I come back. To have a wedding with my bride

He raised his eyebrows and said in a clear voice.

"Did you mean it? You even cheat your brother? "

"He gave me the worst. If I continue to drink, those old guys will really stop me from waking up. What, do you want to see a husband who's drunk? Isn't that what I'm doing now

"You You should be serious. Go down first and crush me... "

Before she finished her words, the man bent over her chattering lips and began to ask for her sweetness.They are domineering and powerful, and all attacks are so swift and violent.

She had no power to resist, and soon she was completely occupied.

This night is doomed to be earth shaking.

Finally, the little man was tired and panting, lying on the man's chest.

She was tired and sleepy and wanted to go to sleep until dawn.

However, there is a problem has always been in my mind, always difficult to put down.

If you don't ask, she will be forced to death.

After hesitation, she summoned up the courage to ask.

"You Do you still love her? "

"I don't know."

"I don't know?"

She froze.

"I can't tell what love is and what doesn't love? I used to think it was love to try to catch her. Now I feel that it is love to let her free. I only know now that she doesn't belong to me. No matter how hard I try, I can't get it

"It's hard for me to give up suddenly and like people for so many years, but it won't kill me. If I don't live for her, can't I find other survival value? I am prince Zhaoren of Jingzhou. She despises me, but some people treat me as a treasure, don't they? "

His eyes straight on Ali's body, she some blush, timidly avoided his eyes.

"Who Who treasures you


"Yes, there is no It's all about the task. "

"I've given you many opportunities to kill me or leave me, but you don't have them. I seldom get drunk in front of outsiders, even in front of the emperor's brother. A wolf will not give his back to anyone. He is afraid that the person behind him will stab him. But I left my back to you. "

"If we say that it is inevitable to give up rijing pear yarn, but it will take a long time. And you are the catalyst. All of my patience is wasted. I don't want to waste my time. I want to do something meaningful with this time

"Than For example? "

"For example, I don't know much about you right now. But just give me time and I'll prove to you that I'm serious. "

The last four words, words Powerful,
