Chapter 1873

Wen Youqian sat in his seat, unable to calm down for a long time.

Life is too short to have fun.

Smile more and do what you like.

No one told him that all along.

He was born to take over Wynn.

I was born to give everything for this.

Like people, do not love themselves, he chose to let go.

In fact, he knows that letting go is not a generous accomplishment. In this game of three people, there is no place for him from the beginning. He can also show his magnanimity.

If you continue to doggedly fight, it really does not even have to do friends, in the end, they will only be black and blue, a mess.

However, he was also to save his face and care for the friendship between the two families.

He didn't want to admit that he lost, and he lost so badly.

He looked at the empty plate in front of him, and suddenly fell into meditation.

Just then, a voice from the other side interrupted his train of thought.

"Mr. Wen, you've come to eat, but I've never seen you in the staff canteen. I'm really lucky. May I sit opposite you? "

The girl here is very strange. She is an employee of the company, but she has never cared about it.

She very skillfully moved the plate to one side, saw he did not respond, then the heart secretly pleased to sit down.

"Mr. Wen Eat. "

"I'm full. Use it slowly."

After that, he wiped his mouth gracefully, got up and left without looking back.

The rest of them were laughing, laughing at the woman's overstepping.

The woman's face also gradually heavy up, she was ashamed and angry to bite chopsticks, angry did not eat to leave.

Alice is very busy these days. She has to do market research and write papers, but she still finds time to eat with Wen Youqian every noon.

He was also forced from the beginning, and gradually got used to it. When he got to the eating point, he would consciously push aside all the itineraries, no matter how important it was, and left the time to eat with her.

He took her to the high-rise special canteen, no one else to disturb, also did not have a lot of complicated and strange eyes.

She still eats a lot, and she doesn't seem to grow fat. Her stomach seems to be a bottomless pit that can devour everything.

"This is for you."

"What is this?" He looked curiously at the box in front of him.

She urged him to open it himself.

He opened curiously, the result is a clay doll, wearing a suit with eyes, looking at the board.

Some of them are not good-looking, and the marks of handcraft are obvious.

"Did you do it?"

"Well, there is an interest class today. I mixed into the junior team, went to the sculpture class, and made it according to your appearance, like? In order to do this, I bit all the new nails I just made

She held out her little hand. She had a good manicure, but now she is bald.

The small hand is green and white, and there are several holes on the back of the hand.

"What's going on?"

In a hurry, he grabbed her little hand.

"It's hard to carve clay sculptures with eyes and nose. The knife is not sure, so It doesn't matter. It'll be OK after a while. "

Wen Youqian listened, but his heart was not a taste.

"Don't do this. It's not worth hurting yourself. I like the gift very much. I will keep it well. Come with me to the office later. I'll help you with some medicine. It's easy to get worse in winter. "

"Well then..."

She nodded.

She suddenly thought of something and said, "why don't you contact me? Give you your phone number. Is it a decoration

"I I have nothing to contact you about? It's nothing. "

"Why is it all right? You can tell me what you're doing, whether you're busy or tired, and ask me what time class is over and what you've done She broke her fingers and immediately found several topics: "don't be shy. Boys should be able to talk these days, or you can't find a daughter-in-law."

"These Just say it face to face. Why say it on the phone? "

His eyes twinkled and he did not dare to face Alice's bright amber eyes, which flowed with heavy blue light.

"That's fine, you ask."

"Ask, what?"

"Ask questions, you are more interested. Come on, I will tell you the truth. "

"Well, then tell me honestly why I am."

He asked with a puff of courage.

"Didn't I say that? At the beginning, I chose you because you have excellent conditions in all aspects. I wanted to persuade you. After seeing you, I was convinced by you. I'll be responsible for you. I'm not a half hearted girl

"But you are too young."

"Age is not a problem, gender is not a distance, as long as there is love, everything is possible.""Who told you all this nonsense?"

"Who else can be without Cynthia, but for the first time I agree with her."

Wen Youqian's head is as big as a fight, which is like the style of caring for warmth.

"In my eyes, you are just my sister. I don't care about you. I don't love men and women. Therefore, I will not take the initiative to call you, you do not come to me for dinner, I will not take the initiative to wonder why you do not come

"I like this one. It's always your wish and I can't come. I still have a person in my heart. If I play with you, I will be irresponsible to you and cheat your feelings. I can't do it. "

"Today, I have just said everything. Your existence has seriously affected my daily life. I don't like being left and right by others. I hope you have self-respect. As the eldest lady of Kettering, it's really disgraceful to chase other men like this. It's ridiculous."

"In my opinion, this is not a bold move, on the contrary Let people look down on you. You are devaluing yourself. Any man who has a mind for you will take the initiative to show favor and try to be with you instead of being indifferent all the time

"Alice, I say that a lot, do you understand?"

Wen Youqian can't help but say what he really thinks.

Alice stares at him, these words are like thunder, one after another.

Little face gradually pale, mind also a blank.

It's really hurtful of him to say that.

She felt heartache.

Before I didn't understand why someone said love was sour, sweet and bitter. She thought that every day when they were together, they should be happy.

Now she understood that it was really bitter and spicy.

"You You really don't like me at all? "

"Yes, I don't feel anything about you. There's another person in my heart."

"I'm going to kill Cynthia, rob my mom and Dad, and now my man."

She was about to get up and leave in anger, but he caught her arm.

"It has nothing to do with her. It's my problem."

"You let go."

Her eyes were red and tears big as beans fell.

I've never been so sad.

He looked at her tears, his heart trembled slightly, and his hands could not help letting go.

"I hate you, Wen Youqian. I hate you."

She said that and left crying.