100 Could It Be Her Husband

The next morning, Angelique woke up from a heavy headache. She looked around and notice the familiar place, as she turned her head around, she notices a man's head resting on the edge of her bed. She slowly got up and sat down on the bed, she notices the IV cord was connected and she slowly removed it.

Her slight moved caused the man to be woken up, "Your awake?"

Angelique looked at the half sleepy Jordon, "Did I wake you up?"

"No-" he then got up and check her temperature, "Hmm, you not that feverish than last night."

"Sorry to worry you Jordon," she said

Jordon embarrassed and comforted the girl, "It's fine, as long as your fine. No need to apologize."

Angelique felt comfortable in Jordon's arms, she then wraps his arms around him as she whispered, "Jordon, thank you for everything."

Jordon released the girl and planted a kiss on her forehead, "It's fine."

It did not surprise Angelique to received such a kiss from Jordon, it was something both of them are always comfortable to express their care for each other with.

"Get change, you need to eat, I'll inform Annie your awake." He said as he walked out of the room.

While Angelique was getting change, she heard a sudden knocked on the door, "Ange, can I come in?"

"Annie, go ahead," she said

Annie steps inside the room and saw Angelique fresh from the shower, her cheeks were red and her hair was dripping wet. " Come let me dry your hair."

After Annie dried Angelique's hair, she went and picked out her outfit, afterward both of them headed downstairs together.

On their way down, Annie couldn't help and wonder what happened last night, "Ange, what happened?"

"I remember little apart from Scott dragging me out of the club the rest I don't know, I don't even remember how I got back," she said

Annie did not say much and thought Jordon should explain everything to her, she did not want to say anything that Jordon might not wish to inform her. "Anyway, you should ask Jordon, I was fast asleep when you arrived."

Angelique smiled, "Sorry to worry you, was I really that drunk last night?"

"Kind of, you drank a whole bottle of wine to yourself." she said, "I tried to stop you but you insisted on drinking."

Angelique felt embarrassed hearing everything, she looked down as she felt ashamed of herself, "Sorry Annie, I was a little..."

"Don't worry about it, as long as your fine nothing to worry about. Last night is history, forget about it and move on," she said

Angelique felt pleased hearing Annie comforting words, "Thanks."

After breakfast, Jordon and Angelique walked around the resort for some fresh air. Angelique could not help but wonder what happened last night. Despite Annie told her to forget about what happened last night.

"Jordon, how did I get home," she asked

"Scott called me to pick you up. Did something happen last night?" he asked

Angelique shook her head, "I don't recall what happened last night apart from Scott dragging me out of the club."

"Then forget about it, anyways, what do you want to do today?" he asked

"I don't know?" she said

"They have an art exhibition today, want to go and check it out?" he asked

Angelique nodded, "Let's go."


Later that day, the three of them decide to visit the exhibition. It was only a few hours away from the resort they were staying at, when they arrived at the exhibition it was already crowded by a vast amount of people. Ranging from a different class in society but mainly from the upper class.

"I didn't expect it was such a high-class event?" Angelique asked seeing the vast amount of upper-class people inside.

"Uhmmm, should we leave instead." Jordon wonder.

"Come now, what's wrong with you two. Who are they for us to be ashamed of, come let's go see the exhibition." Annie said

Angelique and Jordon smiled confidently in hearing Annie's words, the three of them then step inside the exhibition hall as they roamed around checking every art pieces being displayed.

"Hey, isn't that the girl from last night?"

"Your right, that the Angelique."

Angelique sudden appearance has caught the eyes of some of the people in the hall since Angelique was such a famous singer and model right now. Everyone could not help it but whisper to each other as they watch her happily walking around with Jordon clinging onto his arm.

"Is he Angelique boyfriend?"

"Doesn't she have a boyfriend, could it be her husband?"

From a distance another person also caught there attention, he looked upset seeing the happy couple together, he turned around and walked away not mention a word about it.

His assistant watched as the man walked away leaving the people around them to be dumbfounded of what's happening, he apologized to them as he followed the man out of the hall. As he steps out, he took a last glance at the couple and sighed, he wonders when all this drama would end.