
She felt that these were the only things that were alive. The room was always quiet, but it was as if someone was watching from behind a crack in the door. As for the left side, the sound of water flowed incessantly, and clothes hung all over the corridor in front of her door.

I felt as if I had aged a decade at a time, and the light and the shadows were flowing fast, and the thin evening sun was cold again.

A cold wind woke me up, and when I said I didn't want to eat, the palace maid went back without my food.

Lighting the candle flame, looking at this strange place, I feel so depressed, I don't like it at all, four walls and a door, and I will be old for life.

He poured some tea and slowly drank the bitterness. Unfortunately, it wasn't the middle of autumn yet, so he couldn't enjoy the sweet fragrance of the Begonia.

"He didn't sleep well all night, and was woken up by the palace maid's loud voice the next day. Pushing open the small window by the bed, the two palace maids carried a large amount of clothes and went to Lin Shangyi's place, loudly cursing him for being lazy. It's been three or four days since Madame Li's clothes were delivered, and they haven't done anything yet."

After that, Lin Shangyi lowered his voice as he explained in a low voice. I sighed lightly, and closed the window as I couldn't bear to watch any longer. In this world, whoever owed whatever belongs to them. Perhaps it took time to get used to it. The boredom in his heart could not be eliminated as he wiped the floor with a wet and dry cloth. The wooden floor was slightly colored, but it couldn't cover the color that the years had precipitated.

I asked myself, what am I bothering with? Isn't that what I want to live in seclusion like this? Why do I feel like crying?

Although I don't like him in my heart, how can I be so sour? I've lived for so long that I can't see the end of my life, and I can only live here. The outside sunshine and cool breeze are extremely beautiful, but they don't belong to me anymore.

The palace maid's face was covered in sweat as she softly said, "Yun Fengyi, are you awake?"

"What is it?" I wiped the sweat from my face and breathed deeply to ease my nerves.

"Your master is treating you to breakfast."

"Alright." The helpless voice replied.

The breakfast wasn't very rich either, but it was much better than the time when I lived in Bamboo City, but I ate a hundred different kinds of food. I always wanted to get away from all of this, but the person sitting opposite me still asked with a smile, "Zhiqiu, are you used to it?"

"I'll get used to it." I said softly.

There was a smile in her eyes as if she didn't care at all as she said, "Zhiqiu, last night, I felt that there were some movements. Did the emperor announce you to go to bed in the middle of the night?"

"Nope." Why should I feel uncomfortable? Don't tell me that I just want to be pampered by him, or do I have to pay attention to it?

No, I didn't love him, and I didn't want to lose myself in such a life.

"It's rare for the winter sunlight to be so good. At this time, the emperor should be going to court. Will there be any ceremony?"

I hate the implication of these words. I don't want to take him to heart.

He raised his head and calmly said, "Thank you for your breakfast, I will take my leave first."

She stopped smiling and ate her porridge gracefully. "Then, Yun Fengyi will leave."

Do she want anything from me? I didn't want to see him at all. Yes, he was a deadly pool, the allure of rippling green and deep blue that would make people unable to stop themselves from indulging in it. Once one's heart gave in, one would no longer be able to have oneself.

After coming out of the house, I went back to the small house on the right. I saw Lin Shangyi jumping up on tiptoe to throw a sheet on the rope. The floor was slippery, and I couldn't stand properly for a few times, which made me scared.

I went over and took the sheet from her and jumped up.

"Zhiqiu …" she whispered.

I was in a very bad mood. As soon as I turned around, I said to her rudely, "It's very easy for you to fall down like this. Don't you know that even if you don't think for yourself, you still have to think for your child."

Who knew that when she covered her mouth and sobbed softly, two streams of clear tears fell from her big eyes.

I sighed, "I'm sorry, Lin Shangyi, I was rude."

She slipped into a chair under the pillar and said sadly, "I don't want to be like that either."

"Let me help you." I can't stand it.

Squatting down and washing her eyes, she wiped her tears away with a face full of grievance.

The water in winter, that chilled to the bone, I need to do a lot of things, so that I can get rid of the feeling of loss and gain in my heart.

I didn't have to sigh for him. The rope was too high, and I was about the same height as her. I jumped up and threw my clothes up, stepped on the water, and fell down onto the porch with a thud.

The world was spinning, and the pain made me throw all my distracting thoughts out of my mind.

Lin Shangyi was so scared that his face paled. He quickly came over to help me up and asked anxiously: "Zhiqiu, are you alright?"

I was actually able to smile. "Luckily it was me."

When she heard this, she burst into tears again.

Yes, fortunately it was me, I felt that I was at odds with the palace and was always injured, but now that I thought about it, my mind was clear, my small waist, alas, what a pain, I don't know if it broke or if I would be the same as Cai Nu, sick to the cold palace like this, very quickly gone.

Hundred Blossom Kill, how many flowers can we get through in winter?