
"Luyao, thank you." Thank you for coming to see me and enlighten me.

Having such a sister is my good fortune, letting me know that I also have someone who cares about me.

She was getting impatient. "There are so many people who need to thank me, why are you joining in the fun? Don't be angry, you waste a day just because you're angry for one day. But are you still going for this summer vacation?"

I shook my head and said firmly, "Of course not."

I would rather not see him, give me choice, I will leave the palace.

She sighed and said, "That's true. Originally, the emperor didn't have the mood to go, but the empress became furious, saying that if you bite, the emperor will punish you and cripple you. The emperor is adamant, but he has no choice but to go on a summer vacation."

"I don't want to be involved in his affairs, I don't want to hear about it." He turned his head and shook the basket. "I just want to keep an eye on him so he can grow up faster."

Heart, very tired, one night is enough to make me old for ten years.

Lu Yao came over and caressed his little face. "What a cute child. I like kids best, Zhi Qiu. "Then we'll live a good life in the palace. Don't be unhappy, once they leave, hmph, this harem is my territory, we'll be able to live, eat and play to our heart's content."

On the night of my departure, a dark figure stood under the flower tree. I coldly looked out of the window, not even wanting to look at it.

He really hurt me too much.

How can I forgive, children can be deceived, pawns can be pawns, stomachs can be stabbed with knives, and I often dream of myself covered in blood, crawling around with my hands on the ground, crying out for help, but these people, they are all waiting for the arrival of the Emperor.

He must have told me that he would come, and that he would keep me in the dark when he came to the palace, saying that I was a misbegotten child.

Sweating profusely, I panted as I stood up and shouted, "Men, light all the lamps!"

The night was too dark, and I was afraid. In my dream, he had personally stabbed me with a knife. It was so real that I didn't dare to close my eyes.

He tossed and turned until the sun was about to rise. When he woke up, he didn't know what time it was, so he couldn't be bothered to hug the blanket and not move.

"Empress, the emperor has already left." the aunt whispered.

I didn't even bother to respond. If I wanted to leave, I had nothing to do with him. I wouldn't worry about him anymore. A few days ago, he was still enthusiastically saying that he had built a Misty Pavilion for me to climb the mountain, look at the sea of clouds, and go fishing to eat fish. Now that I think about it, I just think that he's crazy, how can he continue to act so nonchalantly after harming someone like that? It was okay, now that he was awake.

From start to finish, I was just a pawn. From start to finish, I only became a heart, and only my heart was damaged.

After he left for two days, the palace became even quieter. He went with a lot of concubines, and also emptied a lot of imperial guards and maidservants.

Thankfully, the baby was better and would listen, and if he spoke he would listen quietly, but he still couldn't look at anything in the eye.

The empress dowager also left for the Lu family in the south, and the people in the palace seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. Lu Yao was the first to fall asleep, and then the palace maid walked into my palace, before clenching her fists and smiling widely. "That's great, we can go out and play now."

She didn't look like the empress at all. She was gentle and elegant in front of us, humble in every way, but she complained incessantly afterwards, as if she wanted to vent her anger. She said how tired it was to be a empress, not to mention that you all came to pay respects to Boss Andu, I'm not willing to get up early in the morning and wait for you all to come.

I sighed at her words, empress really isn't easy to do, but empress is the dream of concubine position.

"Zhiqiu, come out with me to play. Come out to eat something delicious with me." She tugged at my sleeve and shook it. "All we have to do is to eat and drink big chunks of meat and drink in big bowls. What's there to be surprised about? There's nothing to worry about anymore."

"I don't want to go. Jama is in better shape, and I don't want to cause any more trouble in the palace."

After saying that, he noticed that she was staring straight at me. Then, she said with a bit of determination, "I don't even know what you think of me. Am I, Lu Yao, the type of person that can't be bothered? "Go on, go on. There is a type of cold and sour plum outside, but it's delicious, and it's almost August. I wonder if the osmanthus flower has bloomed yet?"

"How?" All she wanted was for me to get rid of my boredom. She didn't want me to be stuck in the palace all day.

She crooked her fingers and snickered. "I have my ways."

In the end, she still wore the clothes of a palace maid. She sat on the carriage and let the young eunuch drive out of the palace to say what she wanted to buy, and also let him buy two sets of common clothes. She then changed her clothes in the carriage and told him to wait somewhere else before returning.

The palace, however, said that I was chatting with the empress in her chambers, and no one was allowed to worry.

She pushed me away with a smile. "Okay, okay, don't worry about that face, we'll go back earlier. Hurry, I think I'm going to starve."

He pulled me into the simple little shop, and before anyone could arrive, he shouted loudly, "I want a big plate of fish head, beef jerky, red girls, lees and chickens..."

After finishing her sentence in one breath, she blinked and said, "There aren't many left. Hurry up and come up."

The waiter sized her up, "Miss, are you sure you want so much?"

"Of course. What? Do you think I can't afford it?" She coldly snorted as she took out a large bag of silver and took out a piece of snowflake silver from inside, "Is it enough? Hurry up and get me some scented tea. "

The waiter reacted. Knowing that it was his boss, he hurriedly served the tea.

She held it up and drank with satisfaction, "It's really good. I just like this taste. I can't taste this taste from inside."

I also had a nice drink. I looked up at the small shop, but it must be special. Otherwise, she wouldn't be looking forward to coming here to eat.

As expected, every dish was special when served one at a time.

She wolfed down her food. "The taste isn't bad. Quickly, try it."

After eating a few pieces, I got tired of it. Seeing how she ate with her mouth full of oil made me sigh to myself, "I didn't know. I thought you hadn't eaten for a few days."

"It's not just a few days, it's almost a year." She swallowed her food with a sip of tea. "I do miss that, God knows."

After eating, she pulled me along to buy something like this. Waving dirt like gold is very generous, as long as I look at it once more, no matter what the price is, she will buy it for me and tell me, one thing is as happy as another. Then I will buy ten items for you, and you will be very happy.

I held the dark green bead in my hand. "If I had known earlier, I would have gone to look at that priceless item."

"Haha, little greedy ghost, this bead is for that fellow Xu to play with. It is quite unique. Let's go, let's go. I will bring you to see something else."

It was really different. She pulled me to see the cockfight.

I never go to those places. It's a place where rich young masters of the capital waste their time. They just let two big roosters fight each other to the death. Luyao said he was taking me to places I hadn't been to, and that many of the new wonders would make life a little more exciting.

"Hit it, hit it." As soon as he entered, he heard loud shouts.

A crowd of people were clamoring around a field, and the roosters inside were crowing and crowing.

A wave of sighs followed as everyone cheered, "King Tie won again! That tiger was about to peck King Tie to death! Give him the money!"

The other party was a little depressed. They took out their silver and handed it over to the other group, saying unwillingly, "Change it to another one."

The dying tiger was thrown out, nearly hitting me, scaring me into dodging backwards, but I accidentally stepped on someone.

The man pushed me away and said disdainfully, "Why are women here? Go away. Is this a place where you can come?"

"You can come with money, why are you being so fierce?" Luyao protects me.

This angered the princes, and they turned around to look at us, "Are you two women trying to ruin the scene by coming here? "This is a place to gamble, not a brothel. You've come to the wrong place, but if you're drinking with your men, it's not like you're not going to give it to them."

Lu Yao let out a cold snort, "I came here today to fight with my chickens. I randomly picked a rooster that's in a bamboo cage and said," I want this rooster to fight with all of you. "

"Little lady, this isn't a place to play. If you attack, one of us will have to fight at least a hundred and two rounds." The man who wrote the accounts said amiably.

Lu Yao snorted. He took out several tens of silver notes from his robes and counted them out. "I bet one thousand for one match. I'll bet with all of you." He took out a hundred taels of silver and gave it to the waiter. "A soft chair, some good scented tea, and some fruits."

It's really luxurious. I pulled at her clothes to prevent her from overdoing it.

Instead, she lowered her voice and told me, "Money is used for spending. Since I don't need to spend it now, when do you think I will have the chance to spend it?" He then glared at the young masters and said, "I have a lot of money, but I can't spend it all. Today, I will fight with you two."

That's what her personality is sometimes like. She sits down and sips her tea. Under the stares of the crowd, I feel too embarrassed to stare back at her one by one. However, Lu Yao was not afraid at all. He coldly glanced around before he looked at the two roosters. She could not compare with the flower tiger with just her finger alone. As soon as she saw it, she retreated backwards.

Everyone burst into laughter. It was indeed a victory for Flower Tiger.

I don't know why we're fighting chickens, but winning two chickens against one doesn't mean we'll win forever. Lu Yao lost a thousand taels of silver and gave it away with ease.

The crowd jeered, "Let's go, young lady."

"Get me three roosters." As before, she calmly instructed, "If three of them come on stage, I'll give you one thousand taels. The rooster can pick the one you want, but if you lose, I'll give you four thousand taels of silver."

I'm really a bit speechless, how can you play it so big? In the eyes of the rich, a thousand taels of silver seemed like a sum that the world would not need to earn.

Ai, if I had had the money back then, my mother's illness wouldn't have dragged on like this.

Lu Yao might have wanted to use these to vent her feelings. In the palace, she was a meticulous person. When she left the palace, she would think about everything and play the most, so she would play with them. The more she spent, the more relaxed her eyebrows were.

This seemed to be quite reasonable. Those people were thinking that it was rare for someone to send money to them, so how could they not accept it? If she lost, she would have to give him four thousand silvers.

The flower tiger had always been victorious, its arrogant aura was especially fierce.

Everyone cheered in unison. The fight in the arena was one of life and death, while the Iron King below was flopping about. No one cared if he lost or not.

It lowered its head to the ground and tried to get up, but it seemed to lack the strength to do so.

I couldn't bear to look. I turned around and saw that one of the chickens had fallen to the tiger's peck, and she had lost another thousand silver taels. The other two roosters looked at the tiger in fear, and kept trying to push back.

Lu Yao didn't seem to be nervous as he yelled out and calmly gave her another thousand taels.

The atmosphere in the stadium became heated. They were shouting, "Flower Tiger, peck it to death, peck it to death!"

The more he shouted, the more excited the chicken became. It spread its wings and pounced forward.

The other one also fell very quickly. I sighed in my heart, but Lu Yao still gave me a thousand taels.

The remaining one, on the other hand, was somewhat unexpected. It suddenly jumped up, anxious to find a way out, causing them to laugh.

"Miss, buy four thousand liang for four roosters and have a good stew. Don't waste it."

She sipped her tea lightly and said without looking up, "Is that so? The good show is not over yet, why are you guys still so anxious? Isn't there still one more? "

I couldn't bear to watch it either. It was like a battle in life.

I've never been on the battlefield, but I've seen the written challenge. The roosters, because of the love of the rich, have also become crippled objects.

The remaining chicken was chased by the Flower Tiger until there was nowhere to run. It forcefully pecked off two hairs from its mouth, and finally, it no longer dodged. Or perhaps it understood that there was nowhere to retreat to.

It was angry, and its feathers stood up like black darksteel. When the flower tiger pounced on it, it flew lightly, and the two roosters half-flew half-peck each other, and its feathers fell to the ground.

The flower tiger suddenly retracted its wings, looking at it with a guarded expression, as it continued to retreat.

The black rooster pounced on it, pecking it fiercely, flinging it down until it couldn't stand up and let it bully it.

It really made people almost drop their jaws. The unremarkable black rooster actually won.