
It was still the same gentle, low and mellow tone from before, calming his heart.

I sniffled and laughed. "I know I love myself, but why didn't you tell me?"

"Can your body bear so much pain?" he whispered.

I think I really can't take it, his fingers gripping the railing, his hand moving slowly, and I'm even a little expectant, a little shaky.

His hand, covered my hand, tightly held, his hand so warm, around me, ah, that instant ah, the heart of grievance and hatred, precipitated and far away.

People were coming and going, but the hands that held each other made it hard for me to see.

"When I saw you that day, I really feared that I wouldn't be able to hold back and call your name. I knew that I couldn't stand or stay here any longer, but … but I can't move my feet. " The words were somewhat passionate, so he changed the topic and said, "Zhiqiu, are you still well? Is your heart still in pain? " He squeezed my hand. "Please tell me."

I shook my head. "It will hurt, but I'll have to face it. He won't let me stay."

He sighed and did not speak again.

Standing on top of the wind, it was so light, so soft, it made his face look as if he was sighing.

"Jun Tang." I called out softly, "I'm going down. He'll be back on his horse in a bit." He is a very autocratic man and he doesn't like to see me being intimate with other men.

"Yes," Xia Juntang responded, but he didn't let go of my hand.

I didn't pull it out. I thought, Let's feel his warmth a little more, just a little more, just a little more.

I really miss this kind of warmth. The more I can't get it, the more precious it is.

We all know that people will see us standing here, but who cares so much,

I looked at him a little greedily, wanting to remember that he was entangled in soft and gentle rays of light locking onto me. There was no need to say anything. Those eyes that couldn't be concentrated, that was their concern.

"He's coming back." I saw the black and white double, approaching slowly.

"They've already gone back." He said, "Zhiqiu, what happened to your eyes?"

I smiled. "It's nothing. It's just that I've looked at the sun for too long in the past, so I can't see it as clearly now as before. But luckily, there are some things I just don't want to see too clearly." He was always the most careful. He was always able to feel even the slightest bit of inaccuracy.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to lie to you." He apologized in a low voice.

I took a deep breath and the pain from the past came back. " I really want to stay here forever. A long, long time later, so long that everyone in this world has forgotten about me, Yun Zhiqiu, so I will come looking for you. You will definitely remember me, won't you? "

He smiled warmly: "I will remember Yun Zhiqiu for the rest of my life, the most beautiful and purest Yun Zhiqiu."

"I really want to never let go like this, but he's back."

After saying those words, I didn't have to have a regret in my heart forever. I spoke out the thing that was pressing down on my heart. Then, I took my hand from his palm and turned around to leave.

The other hand covered the hand, slowly feeling the warmth that was left behind.

Down the stairs, the palace maid took me back, just sat down he had come back, so fast.

When he arrived, the imperial physician immediately went up to bandage his wound. A general exclaimed in admiration, "Young Master Lang Teng's horse riding skills are really great, it's not a big deal for the horse to suddenly soften its legs."

It was a good thing something happened suddenly. The emperor's white clothes were like snow, dazzling my eyes, and some of the sweat on his face was sliding down. He leaned close to my face.

I used to wipe him with a handkerchief, and he said, "Zhiqiu, I'm good at riding."

"That's right." It's very different from what I expected, the guy with the knife in his smile.

"You cried?" His bright eyes stayed at the corners of my eyes.


He raised his eyebrows and sighed. He used his slender fingers to wipe the corners of my eyes. "I lost some powder. The sun must be too poisonous. Your eyes must be sweating."

I sighed. "Don't talk like that between us, but you can ask me what you want. Your Majesty, I've been a bird without feet my whole life, and I don't want to feel any more pressure. You don't have to love me, you don't have to love me, but you don't have to be like this, you're always full of thorns.

He traced his finger on my lips and softly said, "Zhiqiu, you really aren't obedient. After leaving the palace, your guts have grown quite a bit. I ask you, is Zhiqiu still the same as before leaving the palace?"

"Yes." He asked what he cared about.

The smile in his eyes floated up bit by bit, and his fingers caressed my face. "I know that Zhiqiu is smart and has the integrity of a courtesan."

Lifting up my hand, I gently kissed her. "I'll carry you in. Don't walk too far. The days of suffering have passed. I promise you that you won't have such a hard time."

He picked me up and, under the admiring eyes of the others, carried me into the main room.

He raised his head and looked at a corner of the city. The person there was still so lonely, and an incomparable grief enveloped him from all directions.

I want to push the Emperor away. I want to run up to the city and hug him and tell him that I want to be with him at all costs. We will be together, no matter what the suffering is.

However, hot kisses fell all over his face as the emperor spoke with a smile, "Zhiqiu, I'll give you a pleasant surprise. You'll definitely like it."

"Your Majesty, I …" You can send me down. " I don't want him to hold it. Xia Junchang will see it.

"Zhi Qiu, lower your voice. Don't wake him up." There was a smile in his eyes. "If not, he would be crying loudly."

I started, wondering if he had brought Xu along.

When he entered the main room, he saw the familiar ladies, then the nurse, and the cat. They slept on the side, bored, and the little creature on the cradle was staring up at the hanging things with wide eyes.

"Jags." I called softly.

With a wave of his hand, everyone descended and sat by the side of the cradle while hugging me. "This Emperor told you to come out and watch This Emperor ride his horse just now so that someone could bring him here. What a surprise, isn't it?"

"He's grown up, his hair is long, and his eyes are full of spirit. He's even smiling at me, Jian'er. Do you still recognize me?" I cried softly.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled my face over his. "Zhiqiu, I want to see him. Alright, thank you to me first."

I leaned forward and looked at his smiling face. I couldn't get a grip on it, so I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and he let me go and let me hold the baby.

"The jacaranda has grown quite a bit and gained weight as well. It's so heavy to carry." It was really becoming more and more adorable.

He looked on contentedly, then said, "After you were gone, he also fell ill. I told him that you would definitely come back."

"I'm sorry, I didn't leave on purpose. Couplets really aren't obedient. Mufei doesn't need Jiji anymore, hehe." Look, look, he smiled at me. " I cried excitedly.

It didn't matter that he was the Emperor, it didn't matter that she didn't want to care about him anymore.

He came up to me and took me in his arms. He looked at us from behind and said, "Zhiqiu, don't ever leave my side again."

Such a soft voice, with a hint of pain. It really wasn't like him.

He said, "Let's start again."

If it isn't heavy, he will decide. My fate will not be in his hands.

The arrival of Xu Yourong caused many thoughts to sink in.

I carried him out to bask in the sun and told him it was an ox, a horse, and a sheep.

After staying for two days, he said that he wanted to make his way back to the capital.

There were already a lot of people with the wolf cub around Lang Xiao. His clothes made him look even more mature.

"Zhi Qiu, is Jian'er asleep?" he asked softly, looking at the wolf cub.

I smiled and nodded. "I fell asleep." He really did know how to be intimate in front of Lang Xiao.

Perhaps because my heart has already settled down, he didn't feel sad for everyone anymore. After three rounds of drinks, the first one to speak up was actually the people from Lang Xiao's side.

The envoy stood up and saluted the Emperor, "Your excellency, Young Master Lang Teng has always liked the culture and life of the Emperor. Young Master Lang Teng spoke bluntly and wanted to build a relationship with the Emperor, using 200 Ferghana Horses and 10 boxes of jewelry …"

Before he finished speaking, the Emperor had already interrupted him, "The relationship between the two kingdoms has always been good, and the people live in peace and happiness. I also wish to have a good relationship with Lang Teng, and naturally, I have a lot of good looks, and now that I've gone to the northwest, I also wish to meet Young Master Lang Teng. He must be a man of great talent and be very courteous, ah, people, give Young Master Lang Teng ten talented women and ten carts of silk."

The ladies came up one by one, and under the light of the lamp, they too were extremely beautiful, each of them had their own beauty, like a shy flower close to the moon.

Lang Xiao really knew how to take advantage of the situation, but the emperor was also really strong. Why did he already do so much when he was just mentioned?

My lord, I, Lang Teng, have an unwritten rule. If a woman saves a man, then a man must marry her. If a man is willing to take a woman back, he will guard her for the rest of his life.

"It's really a bit unwritten." The emperor lightly said, "Zhiqiu, have you ever heard of such a thing?"

I shook my head. "Never heard of it."

Lang Xiao really wasn't afraid of death. Say it, say it more, it's not about breaking a bone in your hand.

The emperor knows how to do things the best. No matter how much he said, it doesn't taste good, but I can be considered as being strong. Yet, he was so sweet that he didn't want to worry and still chased me all the way to the northwest.

"Your majesty, this young master only wants to ask the emperor for a single person."

"Who?" His smile was very gentle, "However, I will say this first. No matter who you want, if she agrees, I won't make things difficult for you. If she doesn't, I won't force you either."

I smiled lightly and said, "Your majesty, Young Master Lang Teng is probably thinking of forming a family with your majesty."

"There are still a few princesses in the capital who have yet to be married off." He sang.

I don't know if it was because Lang Teng's people were not afraid of death, but no matter whether we expressed it or hinted at it, he would still say it in the end.

He looked straight at me, but his eyes were gentle as he said word by word, "This young master wants to ask you for Yun Zhiqiu."

The cup in my hand was knocked over on the table, and my father-in-law immediately scattered it in panic. He turned around and held my finger, and said with a smile: "Young Master Lang Teng, do you want Yun Zhiqiu?"

"Yes." He insisted, "I want to take her back."

I'm not going, I, ah, really, Lang Xiao, you're an idiot, you're really an idiot. Not only are you bringing me out of the prairie, you're even speaking frankly here.

The faces of everyone in the audience changed as they looked carefully at Long Yan, afraid that they would be angered.

I, I'm scared too. I forced myself not to look at the emperor.

He is a narrow-minded person, who knows that because of Lang Xiao's straightforward attitude, he would suspect that I have something to do with him.

He drank a cup of wine and said, "Can Young Master Lang Teng tell me why it is that Yun Kexin wants to know?"

The other grabbed my hand, so tight it hurt, and I pulled at him with my hand and told him to let go.

He let go and put his arm around my waist, so possessive and assertive.

The man who was not afraid of death said, "I did not think that a woman of the great conflict would be so brave and like a girl. Do you need a reason?"

He answered with confidence and even threw a question at me, which really made me break out in cold sweat.

"Haha, I appreciate your directness. Lang Xiao, I've heard that Lang Teng is after a woman, but he is not afraid of difficulty. Even if you were to speak up now, I won't make things difficult for you. I just want to test you on behalf of Yun Zhiqiu." There was a hint of killing intent in the smile that made my hair stand on end.

Take his hand and write in it: "Don't overdo it."

He turned his head and gave me a gentle smile. Then he said, "Lang Xiao, do you want to show me your manliness?"

They were all of equal status, but Lang Xiao was a bit eccentric. Although he was clearly the Young Lord, he still wanted to go to the northwest alone, so Lang Teng's people would go to the northwest to search for him. Now that the emperor had spoken, he stepped forward again. "As long as the emperor is willing to give Yun Zhiqiu to this young master, what can't Lang Xiao be tested with?"

"That's someone else, but they're also degrading the young master's identity. Someone, go and pay respect to the third prince. Let me see who's better between the third prince and young master Langxiao."

Startled, I pinched the palm of his hand.

How could he let Xia Junchang come here?

"No." I kept writing.

He whispered, "Between the two, who do you care about?"

"Didn't you say that we'd forget about it?" Why ask me all this?

I don't like to see Xia Junchang being played around like a playboy. I think I'm that bone.

"You said it, forget it." He smiled gently, and his expression became more gentle.

Then he continued, "There's no need to worry about the Third Marquis. Since Young Master Lang Teng wanted to meet me face to face, I shall give you Yun Zhiqiu."