
The summer trip finally began. In the spacious carriage, the two babies were curiously looking out the window at the scenery. The baby had also learned how to walk.

After a while, she obediently came to my side, rubbing against me. Her soft and fragrant body could always easily cause tender affection for others.

When the baby saw that, how could it? She stopped looking and immediately came over to fight. She didn't allow me to leave. I was too concerned about her, so I stumbled forward a few steps and then rushed over to her.

I quickly rolled aside with her in my arms. The carriage was covered with a soft blanket, so it wouldn't fall on her. She crawled over unwillingly and cried out for me to hold her.

The baby is really good, and the bigger the better not to cry, but if I don't teach it properly, I'm afraid I'll grow up to be a stubborn girl. Instead, I'm afraid I'll grow up to be a very quiet and smart kid who can learn everything very quickly, and the most important thing is to be very good.

"Mufei." He suddenly said two words in a clear voice, and his dark eyes looked at me.

All the tiredness had softened these two words, and he cried out excitedly: "Xu, what do you call me? Call me again, good girl, call me again."

"Mufei." he cried childishly.

I was so happy that I hugged him and kissed his little face. The baby wasn't willing to let him have it, so he cried out and put his hands on my hands. He didn't want me to hold him.

Lying in the carriage, one on the left and one on the right, it was nice and sweet.

Although it wasn't me, I had a very beautiful feeling. The carriage moved forward, neither fast nor bumpy, but I was a little afraid that I would be very tired if I took the long distance carriage.

The Emperor and Imperial Concubine Mu were walking in front. I thought that for the sake of this summer vacation, he had lost all of his arrogance. He caved the land, he gave money and fodder, he wanted the northwest to be peaceful.

With his past personality, he wasn't afraid of Lang Teng's people. He was young and domineering, and might even want to take the initiative and personally fight against him. The two little ones fell asleep, intimately pressed together, and I looked greedily out of the window at the wind, so free, so shaded by the mountains, so pure cool, out of that shade, and out again into the hot sun with the wind, and everything outside, whatever it was, was so good.

The wind can blow as much as it pleases, the sun can bask as much as it pleases, and the shade can be very cold.

Everything was under these conditions. The alluring yellow grains and the impudent green leaves looked like they wanted to fall asleep. The two little fellows didn't disturb me. As I slept, I slept until the sun rose and the mountain, while the carriage was still moving slowly.

"The reason." I called softly.

He opened the curtain on the carriage and respectfully said, "Miss can still sleep for a while, I think we'll need some time to get to the mountain resort. The baby and the eldest prince have already been fed."

"Sorry for the trouble." That's great, there's no need to bother. The two little fellows were tugging at their clothes, and I lay back wearily.

Looking at the lantern on the roof of the carriage with a slight headache, it hurt so much to shake it.

"Mufei." With a soft cry, he crawled over.

The baby also did not want to show weakness, threw himself on my body will not scream, only look at me in a panic.

I sighed and touched his face. "Be good, don't fight with your little sister. I'm really tired." The baby didn't touch her and didn't want to. Her face came close to mine and I held her hand. "The baby is so obedient. Let me sleep a little longer. This carriage is so annoying. It gives me a headache."

The two of them looked at me obediently, neither making a ruckus nor making a ruckus. I was able to sleep peacefully for a while. After a while, I felt the speed of the carriage had increased by a lot, so I slept soundly. Anyway, when the reason came, I would be called.

When my body was light and light, I opened my eyes and saw him holding me. My heart immediately relaxed. I shrank into his embrace and whispered, "Where's the child?"

"Take the palace maid with you. Sleep a while longer if there's nothing else." Carrying me into the quiet and ornate house, he placed me on the soft couch and took the wet towel from my father-in-law to wash my face and knead my hands.

No more pain, no more tiredness. I looked at him quietly.

He lightly said, "You have so many problems. When you become old, don't you want me to help you massage them?"

"Will we grow old together?" I whispered to him.

He said, "Of course. I want you to stay with me and grow old. I want to see your hair turn white and your teeth fall off."

I laughed, "That must be very ugly. It will make you laugh. In the past, the emperor was already fifty to sixty years old, but he still possessed an incomparably beautiful harem."

"That was in the past. This is my name. Take care of your body well. In the future, don't let me worry about you too much."

"Yes." I said, "You're nice."

"I have been doing very well, it's just that you didn't notice." He was starting to get a little proud.

"Hur hur." I chuckled. "You weren't good in the past. You always bullied me and you always scared me."

How could the night be so quiet, so quiet that even the insects' voices could no longer be heard. We spoke very softly, afraid that we would wake up the night.

He picked me up and hugged me to her chest. "If you had been so obedient this morning, would I have needed to heal you?"

"What time is it? Aren't you tired?" It's the Emperor's. He's here to take care of me.

He also laid down, "It's almost dawn, stop sleeping, you lazy cat have slept for a long time, if you wait a little longer, you will see mist rising, beautiful, just like a fairyland. "Last year, I was in pain alone here. I thought there would be someone to accompany me here, but when I woke up, the sun was high in the sky and the mist had not dispersed. When I woke up, I knew that I was the only one here."

"I'm not sleeping, I'll watch the fog with you."

We did not sleep and kept our eyes open to see the sky slowly turning white, to see the stars write clear and cold, so clear and close, and he pointed with my finger, and he said what star, and what star, and the sky grew whiter and whiter, and the mist was as thick as a white cloud, and I got up in surprise and went over to step on it, but it was still empty, and the four strikes were all a thin white mist, and if he looked at me now, I must have been in the middle of it, and the mist was getting thicker and thicker, and it hid the layers of the mountains, and I did not even dare to go out, for fear that the fog would collapse here, and the platform would be the place of the play.

"Zhiqiu, don't go too far." Inside, he called out to me, "Don't let the fog tempt you. We're in a deep abyss."

Startled, I quickly pulled back a few steps and stretched out my hands to grab at the white mist.

He came over and spread his arms to embrace the coolness, and the gentle morning light made him as still as water, and I followed his example, spreading out my arms and saying aloud, "It's beautiful, it's so comfortable."

He hugged me from behind and walked slowly to the railing. "Do you dare to look down?"

"I dare." He couldn't see it clearly anyway. It was all white mist.

"If I dump you from here, are you afraid?" His voice was low, both true and false.

I smiled and held his head. "I am not afraid. I am afraid that you will throw me down. If you want to retrieve me, it will never be possible."

He listened to me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

I didn't know what kind of thoughts he had in mind, but he actually said that he was going to throw me into the sea of mist. That would truly be breaking my body into pieces.

The thin kiss pressed against my neck, and I didn't hide in his arms, letting his cold kiss slide across my cheek and touch my lips.

"How beautiful. Let me tell you, there's a pond at the bottom that you can go fishing in."

"How about I cook fish for you?"

"Will you?" He looked at me suspiciously, incredulous.

"Of course I will. I'm at home and I'm the one who cooked." It's impossible to enter the palace, and I won't.

He shook his head, "That's not what I meant. I was saying that your family is so poor. Can you even eat fish?"

"Don't look down on me. I don't have fish, so I won't go fishing. Don't look at how calm I am, but which part of me can't go up the mountain or go down to the sea?" You really look down on me, pinching his face and ravaging him.

"You're quiet." He laughed. "Would a demure woman go up to the mountains or down to the sea? "I know that you have some strength. How about this, you want to please me by carrying my mother around? It's not like I won't give you the chance to walk around on my back." He wrapped his arms around my shoulders and hooked himself into his arms.

Gritting my teeth, I carried him on my back and took two steps forward. "You're too heavy. Ah, I can't do it anymore. I'm so tired."

"I can carry you to the top of the mountain." He landed on the ground, "Come, This Emperor will carry you up."

"Forget it!" If people see something that's not good. "

"This is not the palace. If this were the same as the palace, why would I still be here to take shelter in the summer heat? Come, let me carry you up. Carry me down." I jumped on his back. "If you want me to carry you down, that's fine. I'll kick you down the mountain."

"Woman, don't be so fierce." Laughing heartily, he carried me out of the fog and up the hill step by step.

The mist was thick, but I could see that the rugged mountain road was wet and full of elegance. The flowers were still hugging their petals and sleeping, and I said in a soft voice, "Xia Junlan."

"What for?" he asked savagely.

"If you're tired, then let me down. I won't laugh at you."

He laughed. "Shameless Yun Zhiqiu, you are afraid that I will let you go, aren't you? I'll tell you, this move has been useless to me since a long time ago. "

"Then you have to treat me well. Don't make me sad, and I won't make you sad either. Don't make me lonely, and I won't let you be lonely either. Don't make me sigh, I also want to help you heal the pain in your heart."

When I came here, I had already said goodbye to my past. I think he'll understand what I'm talking about.

He didn't answer and only supported me up before taking a few steps and saying, "Yun Zhiqiu, aren't you getting heavier and heavier? I'm a bit tired from carrying you on my back and walking up the mountain."

"When you're tired, let me carry you." I rubbed lazily against his back.

"Zhiqiu, how long can you possibly believe a person's oath?"

"A long, long time." Don't worry, what is he worried about? I wanted to walk into his mind.

There was mist everywhere, and he carried me up step by step, sweating his clothes and his hair, and I didn't know why he had to carry me, and I didn't ask him.

They were almost at the top of the mountain, but they could faintly see a few palace maids.

He was a little angry. "Who told them to come up?"

When the palace maid saw who it was, she hurried over. Upon seeing who it was, the emperor jumped even more and knelt down respectfully as he greeted, "Your Majesty, long live the Emperor."

"There's someone even earlier than you." I whispered in my ear, "Why don't you hurry up."

When the people in the fog heard it was the emperor, they immediately came out to pay their respects. The soft green clothes caught the eyes of the people in the fog, and their sweet voices said, "Chenqie greets the emperor."

So it was Imperial Concubine Mu. I felt more and more disheartened. He wanted to let go of me, but I held tightly onto his neck and didn't let go.

Perhaps he was a little happy, so he propped me up and said, "There's no need to be so courteous. How come my beloved concubine is so early?"

"Chenqie knows that the emperor likes to see fog in the early morning at Jun Lin Manor. Chenqie also wants to experience this grand and imposing manner of yours. Since tea has been set up, the emperor will definitely be hungry as well."

"I'm hungry." I weakly shouted, "I didn't eat yesterday afternoon and also didn't eat tonight."

Imperial Concubine Mu was startled as she looked at me, who was behind him.

He chuckled, "You deserve to be hungry for two meals. It's incredibly heavy. Why haven't you come down yet?"

I chuckled and jumped off his back. As my feet gave way, he hurriedly helped me up. "What kind of jump? Can't you slow down a bit?"

"Alright, stop scolding me. I'm really very hungry, very hungry. Imperial Concubine Mu is really good, she prepared tea for us. Your majesty, have you brought Qiao Liang here yet? I like the pastries she makes. I don't know if Imperial Concubine has prepared any?"

He walked past her and saw the surprise on her face.

I treated her as if she were nothing, and took the emperor's hand to a small table in the fine fog. The second cup of tea had already been placed, and I was still warm.

"Imperial Concubine Mu is really interested." "Your majesty, can I eat it?"

"Why ask when you already know the answer?" He also gave her a nonchalant look. "Hurry up and eat. Don't be so hungry that you say I'm bullying you."

"You should also eat some. Carrying me on your back is very tiring. Eat, eat." I'll be as sweet as I can be. I really want to strip off Imperial Concubine Mu's fake face.

I stuffed a pastry into my mouth and bit into it. Sighing, I said, "I don't like this taste. It's sweet, but it's sweet. It's a pity that the sour taste of the fruit is gone. Haha, your majesty, there's something on your face."

"Don't wipe your dirty hands on me. You are really bold. I won't forgive you." He took the pastry and rubbed it in my face.

At any rate, it was a ruckus, and the sun was rising slowly. I wiped the pastries off my face and looked at Imperial Concubine Mu. Her face was still beautiful and calm, but her black eyes were filled with grief.

Didn't she not love the Emperor? Wasn't there only Xia Junchang in his heart? What is the emperor doing to me? Wiping the sweat off his forehead, he said, "Your majesty, I should head back now. The children might even be awake by now. Your majesty says you want to fish. Quickly go down the mountain so you won't ruin Imperial Concubine Mu's mood."

"That's true." He stood up.

The palace maid respectfully sent him off. Imperial Concubine Mu pursed her red lips with thousand of pity. He held my hand and walked a few steps away before saying, "Have you had your time?"