Chapter 25

Chapter 25

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Star Hotel.

Early in the morning, Mr. and Mrs. Lin Shoucheng (mc's father) stood at the door of the private room.

As one of the most high-end hotels in Dongning City, Star Hotel was expensive, but there was nothing to complain about in terms of service or the quality of the dishes.

The banquet celebrating their son becoming an evolver was booked here, adding to the prestige.

"Uncle Tang, you're here."

"Sit here, please."

"Is this your daughter? She has grown so much in the blink of an eye."

"Uncle Nian, please walk slower. Inside, please. If it weren't for you back then, I wouldn't know where I'd be now."

Lin Shoucheng didn't have a moment to spare, constantly exchanging pleasantries at the door.

Half an hour later.

Almost everyone had arrived.

The family banquet officially began.

Everyone sat down to eat and drink.

Lin Yuan sat at the main seat, and his chopsticks never stopped.

Star Hotel's success in Dongning City was not only due to influential backers but also its own excellent conditions.

Many of the ingredients at Star Hotel came from other planets, and many meats were from rare exotic beasts, surpassing the quality and taste of locally raised meats in Dongning City.

Although the energy contained in these meats was not as high as advanced nutrient solutions, it exceeded ordinary meals. Lin Yuan enjoyed the food very much.

During the banquet.

Apart from Lin Yuan, everyone didn't just focus on eating.

The main activity was chatting and socializing.

Among them, those who had done well in life were the most active.

Lin Shoucheng's distant cousin, Lin Jiye, had caught the trend in Dongning City, bought some land in the suburbs, and eventually made a fortune through government development projects. He was truly enjoying success.

"Let me tell you, I've seen the owner of Star Hotel a few times. It's a woman, they say."

Lin Jiye immediately began to show off his connections.

His words did attract the attention of most people present.

The owner of Star Hotel had always been mysterious, and few people had seen her. Everyone was secretly speculating about who this big shot might be.

"Oh, by the way."

"Shoucheng, what are your plans for your son, Xiao Yuan, in the future?"

After chatting about the owner of Star Hotel, Lin Jiye suddenly looked at Lin Yuan, who was eating and drinking.

As soon as this statement was made.

Everyone's attention immediately focused on Lin Yuan.

After all, today's family banquet was initiated because of Lin Yuan. And Lin Yuan becoming an evolver indeed exceeded the expectations of his relatives.

Apart from that, just considering Lin Yuan's future development, it was bound to be extraordinary. Most of the relatives present could only look up to him.

"I haven't really thought about it. I'll take it step by step."

Lin Yuan paused, put down his chopsticks, and spoke truthfully.

That was indeed the truth. So far, Lin Yuan didn't have any specific goals.

If anything, it was to become as strong as possible. However, stating this intention was like not saying anything at all, as who wouldn't want to become stronger?

"How about joining my company? Although your uncle's company isn't big, as long as you come, I'll pay you twenty thousand a month."

Lin Jiye said, patting his chest.

Now, it seemed that the spot might end up with the other evolvers in the bureau.

But unexpectedly, a distant relative's family had produced an evolver?

Lin Hao's idea was simple; since his own family had no chance at this spot, he might as well give it to Lin Yuan. At least, in the future, Lin Yuan would remember his distant uncle.

After all, everyone was family, no matter how you put it.

"Oh? Is this spot valuable?"

Lin Shoucheng was a bit confused.

Although he wasn't an evolver, he didn't understand the difficulty of obtaining a spot for higher education as an evolver.

But for ordinary people, entering a higher education institution was extremely difficult. How could Lin Hao's son just get in with a single sentence?

"No problem."

"Just listen to me when the time comes."

"Lin Hao doesn't mind," he said.

Giving the spot to Lin Yuan could be considered a windfall. It served Lin Hao's son right for not being ambitious enough.

Thinking of this, Lin Hao glanced at his son sitting beside him.

"This is from Brother Hao, thank you, thank you."

Lin Shoucheng felt joy in his heart and immediately stood up to express his gratitude.

"Xiao Yuan, why aren't you thanking your uncle?" Lin Shoucheng glared at Lin Yuan.

"Thank you, Uncle."

Lin Yuan spoke calmly.

To be honest, Lin Yuan wasn't interested in furthering his education at a higher institution. He believed that spending time on deepening his understanding of martial arts evolution, pushing the evolutionary path to higher levels, would earn him more merits established by the Goddess of Wisdom.

By accumulating merits, he could raise his citizen level. This seemed more worthwhile than pursuing formal education.

However, this was Lin Hao's goodwill, and if he refused on the spot, not only would Lin Hao lose face, but his parents might also be displeased.

"Hmph, you've received such a great benefit, and you still act like this. What are you pretending for?"

Lin Yan, who had been sitting next to Lin Hao without saying a word, felt extremely uncomfortable.

Logically, the spot should have been his; after all, he was Lin Hao's son. Who else should receive such a great benefit if not him?

However, due to the incident with becoming an evolver, he couldn't get the spot. He had already prepared himself for it, but he didn't expect his father to give the spot to a distant relative.

The thought of Lin Yuan enjoying everything that originally belonged to him in the future, going to a higher education institution, made Lin Yan extremely uneasy.

"You useless thing, you couldn't even become an evolver and yet you dare criticize others."

Lin Hao furrowed his brows, staring at his son. He was almost about to slap him.

Others, upon hearing this, displayed strange expressions on their faces.

It was evident that there was an internal issue within Lin Hao's family. Now, it involved Lin Shoucheng's family, making the situation quite interesting.

Lin Shoucheng's face turned somewhat red, unsure of what to say.

Normally, he should have spoken up immediately, stating that his family didn't need that spot, to ease the relationship between Lin Hao and his son.

But he was reluctant to give up the spot.

The atmosphere became awkward.

Just then, a staff member from Star Hotel suddenly barged in, looking a bit nervous. "Excuse me, is Mr. Lin Yuan here?"

This statement immediately shattered the atmosphere.

"He's here."

"Is there something wrong?"

Lin Shoucheng stepped forward to answer.

The staff member immediately said, "Someone wants to visit Mr. Lin Yuan."

This statement left Lin Shoucheng puzzled.

Someone wanted to visit his son? Hadn't all the guests for the family banquet arrived already? Who could be coming at this time?