Chapter 58

Chapter 58

The intercity arena competition is divided into individual and team matches.

The individual matches are easy to understand.

As for the team matches, it's a 4v4 battle between four evolvers and four evolvers.

Therefore, team matches test the coordination among members.

At the arena in Dongning City, the host Sun Bin appears.

As a well-known local host, Sun Bin can be considered a 'regular' at various arena competitions.

His ability to do so comes from Sun Bin's own skills

Having a deep understanding of many evolutionary paths, he can often comment on the situation and provide his judgment in the first instance.

Coupled with a humorous and not stiff language, his position as the arena host is naturally unshakable.

Standing next to Sun Bin is a young woman, also a host of the arena competition.

Throughout the history of the arena competitions in Dongning City, hosts have always been a pair, one male and one female.

This female host is evidently commenting on the arena competition for the first time, with a slightly nervous expression.

"Today is the day the arena competition begins. In Dongning City, we will face opponents from other cities."

"I believe that our representatives, the evolvers of Dongning City, will surely surpass previous records in this arena competition."

Sun Bin's tone is enthusiastic; regardless of whether they can surpass the past, the momentum must not be lacking.

"Alright, let me introduce them."

"Our representatives from Dongning City, first is Zong Bai, a familiar face to everyone, with the strength of Rank 1 Stage 12. I believe Zong Bai is very close to Rank 2 by now."

"The second is Cao Rong."

"The third is Lu Xiguang."

"The fourth."

Sun Bin paused intentionally at this point, then continued, "The fourth representative is participating in the arena competition for the first time. However, since they can stand here, they surely have extraordinary qualities."

Next, host Sun Bin introduced the four representatives of the opponent, Zijing City.

Finally, the host began to summarize.

"The opponents are strong. Everyone is familiar with the past records of Zijing City. However, I believe in the four players from Dongning City."

Sun Bin said loudly, "Now, let the arena competition begin."

"Go, big brother." Lin Yi clenched her small fist to cheer for Lin Yuan.

"I see that everyone's emotions are not that great. They say Dongning City is destined to lose, Zijing City is too strong, and there's even a 'newcomer' added. Isn't this mocking our little Yuan at home?"

Mother Lin Qiong looked at the continuously floating 'bullet comments' and couldn't help but say.

"Zijing City's strength is indeed very strong, especially that 'giant' captain."

Father Lin Shoucheng belongs to the 'old audience,' objectively commenting, "Looking at the records of previous competitions, the hope of Dongning City winning is very small, almost negligible."

After Lin Shoucheng finished speaking, seeing Lin Qiong frowning, he hurriedly explained, "But this has nothing to do with little Yuan."

"Even if little Yuan doesn't play, with the configuration of Dongning City in previous arena competitions, they can't win. These people nowadays just like to shift blame. Our little Yuan hasn't done anything, but he's been given a hat."

"Can't you say something good about little Yuan?" Lin Qiong glared at Lin Shoucheng, "I have confidence in little Yuan."

Lin Shoucheng immediately smiled and said, "Yes, I also have confidence in our little Yuan. With little Yuan, Dongning City will surely win."

Lin Shoucheng looked flattering.

In the central arena, Lin Yuan, Zong Bai, and the other four appeared on one side.

"Mr. Lin, how do we play now?"

Zong Bai immediately asked in a low voice.

He knew very well that, normally speaking, they had no chance of winning against the four from Zijing City.

Lin Yuan is their only opportunity.

Even the host Sun Bin, upon witnessing this scene, was astonished.

He had commented on countless arena matches, and he had never seen this style of play.

Facing an evolver on the 'giant' path, who excelled at frontal collisions, there was indeed a strategy of head-on crushing.

But that was a choice made by evolvers who were also skilled in frontal collisions.

Currently, neither Zong Bai nor Lu Xiguang nor Cao Rong were evolvers specialized in head-on collisions.

As for the newcomer 'Lin Yuan,' he was hiding in the back without making a move.

"It seems that our players from Dongning City think they can't win and intend to end this match in the most spectacular way."

Host Sun Bin nodded slightly, thinking it was not bad.

At least the momentum was there, better than running away frantically and ending up spectacularly crushed by the 'giant.'

"No, this is not right."

Host Sun Bin looked at the arena and thought it was going to be a one-sided situation, but when the two sides made contact, he widened his eyes suddenly.

Originally, Zong Bai and the others, who should have been torn apart by the 'giant' from Zijing City, strangely suffered no injuries.

Instead, the four evolvers from Zijing City suddenly seemed a bit awkward.

They were unexpectedly being pressed and attacked by the former.

How could this be?

On the arena, Zong Bai, Cao Rong, and the others were utterly confused.

In close combat, they sensed that the four opponents from Zijing City had drastically decreased in speed and strength.

Especially the opponent on the 'giant' path. Despite a full-force strike, Zong Bai easily evaded it.

"What's going on?"

Zong Bai could see that the opponents were equally shocked, even a bit frustrated.

Clearly, they didn't understand why this was happening.

"It's Mr. Lin."

In the blink of an eye, the idea flashed in Zong Bai's mind.

As an evolver, his brain might not be exceptionally intelligent, but it certainly wasn't foolish. Combining Lin Yuan's instruction for them to go directly and the current performance of the four opponents, Zong Bai first ruled out the possibility of their strength increasing.

That left only Lin Yuan as the reason.

"Is Mr. Lin suppressing them? Is this the power of his domain?"

Zong Bai speculated in his mind.

The power of the domain involves some form of control over space within a certain range. Only a few special evolutionary paths touch upon this ability, typically emerging in the second or third stages.

[Your insight is unrivaled, closely observing the Giant evolutionary path, continuously perfecting the Martial Way evolutionary path.]

[Your insight is unrivaled, closely observing the Fire evolutionary path, continuously perfecting the Martial Way evolutionary path.]

[Your insight is unrivaled, closely observing the Psychic Master evolutionary path, continuously perfecting the Martial Way evolutionary path.]

[Your insight is unrivaled, closely observing the Bloodline evolutionary path, continuously perfecting the Martial Way evolutionary path.]

Through the Tai Chi Field, it was equivalent to close contact with the four evolvers from Zijing City. This helped Lin Yuan understand the strengths and weaknesses of their evolutionary paths in much greater detail than merely watching videos.

For example, Lin Yuan deliberately increased the power of the field, pressing against the chest of the giant evolver, triggering various reactions from him and the others.

Under the extraordinary insight, these reactions provided Lin Yuan with abundant inspiration.

Additionally, Zong Bai and the others constantly attacking caused various reactions from the four opponents, all of which fell into Lin Yuan's perception.

In no time, the level of perfection in Lin Yuan's Martial Way evolutionary path was rapidly increasing.


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