Chapter 110

Chapter 110

North Region, Great Abyss.

The severe winter imprisoned everything, turning dripping water into ice.

This is the place where a generation's great demon was suppressed, ever since five years ago when the great demon Xiahou Yuan was defeated by Tianjianzi's hand, he was sealed here.

Tianjianzi, compassionate towards the heavens and people, even though the great demon Xiahou Yuan was excessively evil, he was the leader of countless demons in the Five Realms.

Still, he didn't deliver the killing blow.

Eighteen layers beneath the ground of the Great Abyss, a thin figure sat there.

The bones of his chest were pierced by black chains, and his limbs were also bound by chains.

All the chains were covered with intricate patterns, vaguely isolating the heavens and the earth, suppressing everything.

"Big Brother Xiahou, I'm sorry!"

"Qing'er, why did you, why did you betray me? What benefits are there in siding with Tianjianzi? Can he give you a position above all living beings?"

"Big Brother Xiahou, it's not true, I'm not your 'Qing'er', the descendants of the Bai family have long been extinct, I only borrowed the bloodline of the Bai family to get close to you, my real name is not 'Bai Qing'er'."

"Do you remember when you were chased and gravely injured, on the brink of death, it was I who saved you, it was I who reinvigorated your body and spirit."

"Big Brother Xiahou, that's also not true, the people who chased me back then were all acting for your benefit."

"When you cultivated and went astray, I used rare fruits of heaven and earth to prolong your life."

"All fake, I deliberately went astray to make you discover that my bloodline aura is related to the Bai family, so that you would mistakenly believe that I am a descendant of the Bai family."

"I bestowed upon you the title of Demon Queen, able to command the leaders of the demons in the Five Realms, above all living beings."

"Big Brother Xiahou, you are the demon king, the source of chaos in the world. Because of you, the leaders of the demons in the Five Realms gathered together. If you don't die, it will be the death of all beings!"

Eighteen layers beneath the ground of the Great Abyss, Xiahou Yuan sat there, all the past like scenes flashing rapidly through his mind.

No one knew that the background of the great demon Xiahou Yuan was very ordinary, born in an ordinary village.

When Xiahou Yuan was ten years old, he accidentally entered a cave and obtained a legacy of demonic cultivation.

However, when Xiahou Yuan returned to the village, he found that the entire village had been slaughtered by passing demons.

Since then, Xiahou Yuan has stood completely opposed to the demons.

Xiahou Yuan's cultivation aptitude was extremely high. With just that demonic legacy, he cultivated to the fourth realm.

During this period, Xiahou Yuan was also relentlessly hunting down various major demons.

But soon, Xiahou Yuan discovered that demons could not be exterminated.

Even if all the demons in the world were wiped out, in fifty or a hundred years at most, a new batch of demons would arise.

Because the demonic cultivation method, even though fraught with dangers, compared to the cultivation methods of the righteous path, was like taking a shortcut.

As long as living beings exist, there will be those who cannot control themselves and embark on the path of demonic cultivation.

So Xiahou Yuan thought of another way.

Since demons couldn't be exterminated, then become the strongest demon oneself.

Then, "establish rules" for the demons of the world, so as to limit the harm caused by demons to a stable range as much as possible.

However, Xiahou Yuan overlooked the forces of the righteous path.

Just as Xiahou Yuan was constantly consolidating the demons of the Five Realms, in the eyes of the forces of the righteous path, he became a thorn in their side.

Originally, the demons of the Five Realms were scattered and posed no significant threat to the forces of the righteous path, even if they died, they only killed ordinary civilians.

But now, with the demons of the Five Realms about to be united, how could they allow that?

So there was the earth-shattering battle between the righteous and demonic forces five years ago.


With Xiahou Yuan's strength.

Even if he lost, he could still escape unscathed.

But he overlooked 'Qing'er', who had been with him for decades.


In Xiahou Yuan's silent gaze, a trace of tenderness emerged.

Even though betrayed by 'Qing'er' and ending up in his current situation, Xiahou Yuan still never harbored resentment towards 'Qing'er'.

"I just don't know, after I'm gone, will the world be peaceful?

Xiahou Yuan's breath became weaker and weaker.

His dantian was sealed, his primordial spirit was suppressed, coupled with losing the will to survive, Xiahou Yuan's vitality was rapidly fading away.

As his end seemed imminent.


A consciousness descended.

Lin Yuan was slightly stunned, immediately feeling the endless pain emanating from the position of his chest's xylophone bones and his limbs.

"What kind of start is this?"

Lin Yuan took a light breath, only feeling the pain increase several times.

This made Lin Yuan dare not move, even breathing became cautious.


Lin Yuan quickly browsed through Xiahou Yuan's memories.

"One of the world's top experts, one of the most likely to break through to the Ninth Realm, ended up like this after being defeated in a major battle five years ago? "

"If it weren't for me, Xiahou Yuan would have died just now, right?" Lin Yuan felt the extreme weakness of his flesh.

"But since I'm here, everything will be different. This is going to be interesting."

Outside the Great Abyss.

More than ten patrollers took a turn, finding no anomalies, and gathered together to chat.

The North Region was already a cold and harsh land, and the Great Abyss was even more so, deserving the title of a forbidden zone for life.

But he wasn't Xiahou Yuan. After thinking for a moment, Lin Yuan immediately came up with several methods.

Firstly, it was to minimize the suppression of his body and soul by the six black chains.

Only in this way could Lin Yuan have a chance to regain his strength. As long as he returned to the Fourth Rank, even if he wasn't at the Twelfth Stage, he would still have more than enough to leave the Great Abyss.

"In the Swallowing Evolution Path, there is a method of 'devouring' that can transform all kinds of energies in the world into one's own."

"I will use the Tao of Tai Chi to slowly devour the essence of the deep sea fine gold within the black chains."

"As long as the deep sea fine gold turns into scrap metal, the inscriptions on it will naturally lose their restraining effect on me."

Lin Yuan nodded slightly.

The Swallowing Evolution Path is a path beyond the Sixth Rank in the Seven Star Cave world.

Extremely mysterious, it can influence the mind of an Evolver.

But it must be said that this path of evolution is indeed powerful, even in such dire straits, Lin Yuan can still make it work.

"Let's begin."

Lin Yuan closed his eyes, slowly circulated the qi and blood in his body, enduring tremendous pain while slowly eroding the six black chains.

"With the most basic circulation of qi and blood, there really isn't any backlash from the sealing of the soul."

Lin Yuan calmed his mind.

His physical body and soul were both sealed by layers of secret techniques. As long as he exerted a little force, he would encounter backlash.

But now, just circulating basic qi and blood, it obviously didn't meet the requirements for backlash.

After all, the basic circulation of qi and blood is too widespread; as long as a person is alive and breathing, the qi and blood will slowly circulate.

At the time, Tianjianzi's idea was to torture Xiahou Yuan to death, leaving a way out naturally.

Outside the Great Abyss.

Two guards were slowly approaching the entrance.

These two guards, one big and one small.

The big one was a middle-aged man with a full beard.

The small one was barely twenty years old, with a hint of innocence on his face.

"This is the Great Abyss? It's terrifying."

The smaller guard, named Zhao Si, was a Second Realm cultivator.

At this moment, however, he looked grave, as if under immense pressure.

They hadn't even entered the Great Abyss yet, just approaching it, Zhao Si felt his qi and blood almost submerged. If it were an ordinary person, every step would be accompanied by tremendous pressure.

One can imagine.

Being suppressed in the deepest part of the Great Abyss, the eighteen layers beneath the ground, Xiahou Yuan must endure how terrifying pressure every moment.

"Lower your voice."

The middle-aged man with a full beard beside him whispered.

For some reason, the closer they got to the entrance of the Great Abyss, besides the physical pressure, they felt a kind of mental pressure.

Perhaps it was because the legendary great demon was sealed inside.

The power of a name.

Even though five years had passed.

Even though they knew that this legendary great demon was no longer what he used to be.

Even though they could now trample this legendary great demon underfoot.

But the fear and dread from the depths of their souls still remained.

As if a lamb saw a tiger, even though the tiger was about to die of old age, it still dared not approach.

After a moment.

The two arrived at the entrance of the Great Abyss.

They carefully looked at the entrance.

On the black stone lantern.

A flame was burning slowly inside.

"Xiahou Yuan is alive."

The middle-aged man with the full beard spoke.

This lantern was left by Tianjianzi and can constantly sense Xiahou Yuan's life status in the eighteen layers beneath the ground.

If Xiahou Yuan dies completely, his soul extinguished.

The flame inside the lantern will be extinguished.

But now the flame is still burning.

It means Xiahou Yuan is not dead.

"Not dead."

Zhao Si next to him shrank his head.

He couldn't imagine how Xiahou Yuan had managed to survive in the deepest part of the Great Abyss without any food supply.

"Let's go."

The middle-aged man with the full beard confirmed the status of the lantern and immediately led Zhao Si back.

Just like that.

In the blink of an eye, ten years later...



15 chapters ahead on patreon: /David_Lord