C300 The second idiot against the sparks

Of course, Li Qingyu would not be so bored as to act cool in front of his fellow villagers.

Li Qingyu's father was called Li Guorui, and his mother was named Cai Xiaofen. They were all thrifty people, although Li Qingyu had already transferred over 2 million yuan to them, telling them to buy a house in Yuyuan County City, the old and young ones to move there, and not have to work hard, just like those retired workers in the city, who would practice Tai Chi Martial Arts everyday, dance around the plaza, and live an easy life.

However, his parents did not listen to him. According to them, there was a mountain of gold and silver.

He had actually bought a house, but his parents had never moved there. They said that they kept it for Li Qingyu's wedding room.

Furthermore, after they bought the house, in order to not let Li Qingyu transfer more funds to them, their parents immediately wrote off the bank account that Li Qingyu knew about.

Li Qingyu could only occasionally transfer the money using Alipay or WeChat, but his parents refused to accept it!

Li Qingyu let them see the bank accounts, but their parents said that Li Qingyu was P's! Who the hell issued the name PS! Who the hell destroyed so many truths?!

In the end, his parents just believed that Li Qingyu had made a small profit and that his career had only just started. Hence, they did not want Li Qingyu's money, but wanted him to do his business peacefully.

This made Li Qingyu very helpless!

That was why he drove his luxurious car home, letting his parents see how rich their son was! He could really give them another life!

Just as Li Qingyu was rushing home, Ning Rourou followed Li Qingyu's instructions and held a press conference. Ning Rourou admitted that Da Niu Company and the Singer's rescue were related, but she was definitely not the CEO of Da Niu Company!

During the press conference, Ning Rourou even specially played the saved songs "Life and Death Brothers", "Pursuit", "Struggle", "Where is the conscience". Then, he played the song that Li Qingyu had sung that night, "My Love Reject is Ordinary".

Li Qingyu's song sounded very similar to save, but listening carefully, there were a lot of ways to deal with it, but it was far from being saved!

Ning Rourou had even invited some experts from the Jinhai City Music Academy to give their comments on the spot. The expert clearly pointed out the difference between Li Qingyu and Save the Singing.

Many fans only believed that Li Qingyu was not the one who was saved after carefully listening to his explanation. However, they did not plan to let go of Da Niu Company.

However, Ning Rourou rejected him flatly, using the excuse that it involved his privacy and violated his will to save her.

This incident had been temporarily suppressed, but the topic that came along with it would probably continue for a very long time. Especially the paparazzi, as well as the entertainment company's outreach staff, they kept an eye on Da Niu Company's employees all day long, hoping to pry out information regarding rescue from them.

However, the employees of Da Niu Company were also very confused, because they had never seen anyone save a company to negotiate business! What news could they tell others?

When Li Qingyu heard that the matter had been resolved, although he was slightly relieved, he was still very unhappy. After all, the thing he was wearing, was something that no one would forget for a very long time.

How shameful!

Da Shan Gou Village.

The village was just like its name – it was located in a large ravine. Although the three miles of road leading into the village was wide and the two cars could easily pass through it, the road didn't harden.

Lamborghini is cool enough to drive on flat ground, but on such a road they are blind!

Li Qingyu only drove forward 500 meters before stopping. The road ahead was full of potholes, ditches and ditches, there was simply no way to drive!

"What should we do? Why don't we put the car here first? " Gu Tianxing, who was sitting in the front passenger seat, looked at the road in front of him and said in despair.

The reason why he felt despair was not because the road ahead was too difficult, but because he needed to live in this damned place in the future!

This was truly a godforsaken place! How would he live after this?

"We can't leave it here, it will affect traffic! Get out of the car. " Li Qingyu said as he unbuckled his seat belt and got off the car.

Gu Tianxing got off the car, and just as he was about to ask Li Qingyu what he could do, he saw Li Qingyu bend over and place both his hands under the car's chassis, then straighten his waist and suddenly throw both his hands up. The car that weighed more than two tons was actually thrown ten feet into the air by Li Qingyu!

Then, Li Qingyu raised both his hands up high, easily catching the falling car steadily, and walked forward as if nothing had happened!

Gu Tianxing's eyes were wide opened, his mouth was wide open like a pot, and he was instantly dumbstruck.

Damn, I've seen people walking with bicycles on their shoulders, but I've never seen anyone carrying a car! More than two tons! Was he even human?

However, what he didn't know was that the martial cultivator at the peak of the outer strength had a strength of more than 300 kg when she punched. It was about the same as the fist of King Tai Sen. Peak of the martial cultivator's inner strength, one punch would have the strength of 3000 kg!

And now, Li Qingyu had stepped into the Perfection Stage, become a Grandmaster, and under the circulation of his true energy, if he attacked at full force, he would have the strength of thirty thousand kilograms! It could move a huge rock!

Lifting up a Lamborghini was nothing to him! If not for the fact that he was afraid of scaring Gu Tianxing, he would have grabbed him away with one hand!

Gu Tianxing was stunned for a long time. It wasn't until Li Qingyu had walked more than ten meters away that he finally caught up and said: "Boss, I feel like you've bought a fake Lamborghini …"

"Hehe, why don't you try?" Li Qingyu carried Lamborghini and indicated towards Gu Tianxing.

It frightened Gu Tianxing so much that he hurriedly jumped to the side, afraid that the car would fall from Li Qingyu's hands and hit him, so he said repeatedly, "Don't, don't. I am a normal person!"

"You mean I'm abnormal …" Li Qingyu immediately looked at Gu Tianxing with malicious intent, scaring Gu Tianxing to the point of scampering away!

This guy thought that Li Qingyu could not catch up to him with the car he was carrying, but in the end he realized in despair that even if Li Qingyu was carrying a car, he could still run faster than him!

At this moment, the sound of a horn came from behind the two of them. A Land Rover with a sturdy appearance sped past them and suddenly braked after running out a dozen meters. The windscreen window in the driver's seat fell down, revealing a young face wearing sunglasses.

"Hey, hey, anti-Zaar Cai brat, is this Da Shan Gou Village in front of us?" The young man looked at Li Qingyu and asked.

"Zha Cai? The heck, do you think that my Lamborghini is something wrapped up in bamboo strips and colored paper and burned to death? Hey? Would he ask for directions? Did he think this was a phone call? You call me brother and it lowers your status? " Li Qingyu muttered in his heart.

He was dissatisfied and said, "Sorry, the number you dialed is off, Sorry! Thesubscriberyoudialedispoweroff. "

Gu Tianxing could not hold it in any longer. He suddenly realized that when Li Qingyu was not angry, it was also very cute!

"F * ck you, so you are a retard!"

The young man mumbled something, raised the shield, and continued forward.

"Did you hear what he said?" Li Qingyu asked Gu Tianxing who was beside him.

"He said something about an animal called alpaca!" Gu Tianxing nodded his head, he felt that Li Qingyu was about to start something big again!

"F * ck, he has to pay the price for his rudeness!"

Li Qingyu scolded, at the same time he kicked a pebble on the ground!