Chapter 536

The little girl is sallow and listless. Her face is on her mother's lap. Occasionally she turns to see the old Taoist priest and Li Qingyu. She is probably curious about what these two strangers are doing in her house.

Li Qingyu looked at the little girl as if she was ill, so he turned his eyes to the old Taoist. The old Taoist also looked at the little girl carefully, as if he had found a very difficult problem, and his face became very dignified!

Li Qingyu walked up to the little girl and said with a smile, "little sister, my name is Li Qingyu. I like making friends best. Shall we shake hands and make a good friend? "

During the conversation, Li Qingyu is going to catch the wrist of the little lantern and want to give the little girl a pulse diagnosis. However, the little girl seems to be very afraid of Li Qingyu. She carries her hands behind her. Without saying a word, she just tears.

The little girl's mother quickly bent down to coax the little girl not to cry, and glanced at Li Qingyu. Obviously, she is not satisfied with Li Qingyu's crying baby. However, because Li Qingyu is Huang fuming and Huang Fuqing's unforgettable friend, he just gives Li Qingyu a warning look.

Li Qingyu had to straighten up and retreat to one side, but Shenzhi let the little girl out and covered her, carefully exploring her body.

Li Qingyu suddenly surprised! He found that the little girl did not have any problems, but there was a strange wave of energy in her body! And this strange energy not only can't be used by the little girl, but is constantly absorbing the little girl's spirit, making the little girl become listless and weak.

"What's going on? What is this strange energy on the lantern Li Qingyu can't help but wonder. He can be sure that the reason why the little girl is "sick" is because of this strange energy body!

He is thinking, then listen to Lao Dao affirmation say: "the child is indeed possessed by Yin thing, and this Yin thing is very powerful!"

"Ah? What can we do? Old fairy, you must have a way? " Huangfu Nanfeng immediately asked anxiously. He even changed his name. Instead of calling Taoist priest, he changed his name to fairy priest.

All the way, the old Taoist who constantly boasted about how he was powerful and how to subdue demons and demons did not continue to boast this time. Instead, he shook his head and said, "Oh, it's very difficult! I'm still too shallow to be sure! The power of the Yin attached to the child is the only thing I have ever seen in my life

Huang fuming, who had never spoken, suddenly said, "old fairy, I hope you can help me! Whether we succeed or not, our Huangfu family will never treat the old fairy head badly

With a bitter smile, the old Taoist said, "brother Huangfu, do you think I'm exaggerating the power of this evil thing on purpose, and then when it's done, I'll exaggerate my contribution and ask for more reward? Wrong! I, yukunzi, have been wandering in the world. I'm willing to fight demons and demons. I'm willing to pay a price. I don't want to cheat the old and the young. If I can do it, I can do it. I will never do this kind of business. The genitals attached to the child are really powerful. I'm not his opponent at all. If you do it by force, not only can you not save the lantern, but I will also be in danger. "

The old Taoist patted Huangfu Nanfeng on the shoulder and said apologetically, "brother Nanfeng, it's not the old Taoist. I don't want to help you. It's just that the Taoist is shallow and helpless."

With that, Lao Dao went to the corner and left with his wooden box on his back!

He knew the truth that he would not be paid for his meritorious service. He even refused to eat and was about to leave.

Huangfu Nanfeng and his wife had been worried for a long time. As soon as they grasped the old Taoist's big wooden box, they would not let the old Taoist carry it. In their mouth, they said impatiently: "old fairy, you can't go! Please help my daughter

"Old immortal, even if you want to go, you have to show us a clear way and recommend a Taoist immortal!" Huangfu Nanfeng caught the old Taoist by the arm.

The old Taoist priest was slightly silent and said: "brother Nanfeng, it's not my yukunzi who slanders my colleagues. Nowadays, there are countless monks and Taoists in this world, but few of them can really subdue demons, exorcise evil spirits and catch ghosts. Most of them are charlatans who cheat people's money. I'm not exaggerating. As far as I know, no one in the circle can surpass me. Therefore, brother Nanfeng asked me to recommend others, but I really didn't recommend them. "

"Well... What if the situation of the little lantern goes on?" Huang fuming asked suddenly.

The old Taoist sighed and looked at the little lantern with pity, giving the mother a wink. The mother of the little lantern quickly led the little lantern back to her own room.

When the little lantern left, the old Taoist sighed again and said, "if you can't find someone with profound Taoism as soon as possible to help the little lantern exorcise evil spirits and catch ghosts, the little lantern may not live for half a month!"

The seven foot tall man of Huangfu's south wind suddenly sat down on the ground, pale as if he had lost his soul. He just murmured, "how can this happen? How could that be? "

He had seen the magic of Huangfu Nanfeng before, so he believed his words very much.

Huangfu Nanfeng whispered a few words. Suddenly, he stood up again and jumped up to the old Taoist priest. He grabbed him and kept shaking. He said, "old fairy, I don't care how powerful the evil thing is. You must save my daughter! Do help my daughter! I know you must have a way, there must be a way! As long as you can save my daughter, I'll give you whatever you want, as long as I can take it out! "

The old Taoist was swayed by the strong Han Huangfu's south wind and said, "stop! Stop! Don't get excited, listen to me, listen to me

Huangfu Nanfeng just stopped. He looked at the old Taoist and waited for him to speak.

However, the old Taoist turned his eyes to huangfuming and asked, "old patriarch, has anyone died suddenly in your village recently, which is very miserable?"

"No! Since an old lady died in March last year, no one has died in the village Huang fuming said solemnly at once.

The old Taoist suddenly rubbed the beard on his chin with great effort, and the three beautiful locks were in a mess. He said, "Oh, I'm so confused. Forget that there are more than 30 people in Huangfu village! If someone dies suddenly and the evil spirit does not disperse, it will only harm one person. But that's strange. Why did so many powerful things come to Huangfu village all at once? "

Li Qingyu suddenly asked: "Taoist priest, is there really a ghost after death? Isn't it said that people die like lights out? Where did the ghost come from? "

The old Taoist pondered: "if you believe in ghosts, you will have them. If you don't believe in them, you will not have them. However, human beings have had many near death experiences, proving the existence of the soul. According to their explanation, the so-called soul is a mass of negative energy body, which is called quantum matter. After leaving the human body, it will soon disappear like a mass of smoke between heaven and earth... "