Chapter 730

The stewardess took Li Qingyu into the cockpit.

"He's a middle name..."

The stewardess wanted to introduce Li Qingyu to the three drivers, but the roaring wind poured back her words!

Although Li Qingyu had scanned the situation in the cockpit with divine sense before, he felt a strong shock at the moment!

You know, although the three pilots are in good health, they are not specially trained fighters after all. It's a miracle that they can stabilize the nearly fallen plane in this extreme environment!

Li Qingyu raises his hand and claps it with a distant hand. The real Qi gushes. The strong wind rises suddenly and rolls to the window without the windshield. It collides with the strong wind at the window!

Li Qingyu hit the wind as if a solid wind shield, stiffly blocked from the outside pouring in the wind!

The howling wind in the cockpit was much smaller in an instant, and the tearing feeling on the people was greatly reduced.

The three pilots and stewardesses were all in a daze. They couldn't figure out why the wind in the cockpit suddenly dropped. They couldn't imagine that Li Qingyu could keep the wind out with one empty hand. They thought it was a strange airflow.

"This gentleman is a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine. He can use massage to help people slow down the heat loss." The stewardess finally repeated what she had just been told.

"Oh, ok... OK, thank you so much..." the captain said in a trembling voice as he flew the plane. Now his whole body is shaking!

"Don't be nervous. Relax. You can concentrate on your work and ignore me."

When Li Qingyu spoke, he was behind the captain. His right palm was still facing the window without the windshield. His true spirit was surging to resist the strong wind outside, but his left palm was already on the back of Captain Huo Yingwu.

Huo Yingwu suddenly a Leng!

Just now, the second captain constantly stroked his arms and shoulders. In fact, the effect was not obvious. The psychological comfort effect was greater than the actual effect.

But when Li Qingyu put his hand on his back, he felt the special warmth of Li Qingyu's palm! It's like a big warm baby stuck to his back!

What's more amazing is that he felt a warm air flow into his body, swimming in his body along a certain track!

Under the action of this warm air, his body, which had been shaking all the time, gradually calmed down. Not only did he no longer tremble, but also his limbs and fingers, which had been frozen and stiff, became more flexible. Even his brain became more awake, and he became more flexible in controlling airplanes.

"My God, it's amazing! Doctor comrade, I bet you are not an ordinary doctor of traditional Chinese medicine. Are you still a master of Qigong? " Huo Yingwu can't help saying.

At this time, the stewardess who had just led Li Qingyu had left, but the other two drivers were still there. They also saw the change of Huo Yingwu's body, and their faces were also full of surprise.

While resisting the strong wind from the window, Li Qingyu warmed Huo Yingwu with genuine Qi. He used it with one heart and two uses. He also consumed genuine Qi very much and had some difficulty. But he replied with a smile: "I'm a qigong master if my judgment is correct."

"Alas, qigong is a good thing for our ancestors. Unfortunately, there are too many cheaters now, but there are few real Qigong masters." Said the second driver.

"In fact, the number is not small, but they rarely show themselves in public, and compared with the population of more than one billion, it seems a little pitiful." Li Qingyu said with a smile.

"That's still too little." Huo Yingwu said.

Although Huo Yingwu was feeling, his hand movements were still accurate.

At present, most of the instruments on the aircraft control panel can no longer be used. He can only rely on his experience and professional knowledge to operate manually. He must ensure that every operation is accurate. He will try not to use the instruments that are between the available and the unavailable!

At this time, even if it is just a small mistake in the operation, it may cause a crash, so that everyone on the plane is doomed!

About two minutes later, Huo Yingwu's body was almost recovered, so Li Qingyu gave the second driver and the third driver their body temperature again. When they felt the warm feeling, they realized how magical Huo Yingwu had just said Li Qingyu was.

In this way, Li Qingyu used Qi to help them warm up. After about ten minutes, their bodies completely returned to normal.

When people were confident, the second driver's headset suddenly rang. Then he said to Li Qingyu, "Mr. Li, the old man with chest injury may not be able to hold on! Two of your students want you to come over. "

Second, the driver looked a little surprised. The stewardess who reported to him just now said that Dr. Li was a professor of jinjiaotong University, but how could that be possible? How can Dr. Li become a professor when he is so young? And this is not a local Professor, but a professor from the famous University of golden cross!

Li Qingyu is hesitant. If he leaves, the cockpit situation will return to its original state. The three pilots will surely suffer again. Can they hold on?

However, at this time, Huo Yingwu said: "Dr. Li, go to save people first. In another half an hour, we'll be able to return home! Our bodies have warmed up. It's absolutely OK to hold on for half an hour! "

The condition of the three drivers has indeed recovered. And at this time has put on thick clothes, should be able to withstand for a while.

So he immediately said, "OK, hold on. I'll be back as soon as possible."

Li Qingyu moved his hand away from Huo Yingwu and took a few steps back. When he was about to leave the cockpit, he took back the hand that was facing the window.

The strong wind suddenly poured into the cab again, and the plane was jolted violently again, but it soon regained its balance.

Just now, the three drivers saw that Li Qingyu had been facing the window without windshield with one hand. They thought this was his posture of exercising martial arts. Now they understand that this is not the case at all!

It turns out that Li Qingyu blocked the hurricane with that hand!

They all looked at each other in horror, as if they were asking each other: my God, how did he do it?

But the three soon got excited, and they were more confident that they would fly back safely!

They have achieved so much at a young age. They have been flying in the sky for so many years. Can't they even deal with this special situation?

We have to deal with it!

We must take you back safely!