Chapter 748

Li Qingyu turns around and finds that one of the speakers is Diego, and the other is a middle-aged man about 50 years old. He has short golden hair, clean shaven beard, bright eyes, and messy clothes. Obviously, he came in a hurry.

Li Qingyu is sure that he doesn't know him, but he looks familiar. As soon as he turns his head, he remembers that there is a picture of Shu Li on the poster at the reception desk in the lobby!

It's obviously a big shot, otherwise it won't be on the poster of the medical summit.

Seeing that Li Qingyu's eyes turned to him, the middle-aged doctor immediately said with a smile, "I'm white from the Royal cancer hospital. Dr. Li is a traditional Chinese medicine doctor. Do you have a teacher?"

Li Qingyu was also slightly surprised. The foreigner even knew that Chinese medicine had a teacher. It seems that he knows something about Chinese medicine.

"My master is sun Jianzhang." Li Qingyu said. As he spoke, he had cleaned up the mess under his feet, and then directly put greck, who was unconscious but had been shaking violently, on the carpet.

White's face suddenly showed surprise, lost voice: "ah! You are the disciple of Dr. Sun! OK, I support you to treat Dr. greck immediately. I can help you. If something goes wrong, I'm willing to share the responsibility with you! "

White said to Li Qingyu and said to the others, "everyone be quiet. Dr. Li's master is sun Jianzhang. Dr. Sun is an old friend of mine. When the little prince of Sweden was ill, he went all over the world to seek medical advice, but it didn't work. Since Dr. Li is Dr. Sun's apprentice, there must be something extraordinary! We can completely trust him, and we can only choose to trust him, because Greg can no longer insist on going to the hospital, let alone have time to do the examination! "

Dr. White's prestige was obviously very high, and when he finished, no one spoke any more.

When the little prince of Sweden was three years old, he couldn't walk. He did a lot of examinations, but he couldn't find any organic lesions. He went to many famous hospitals without any effect. Later, a Chinese politician visited Sweden, and his accompanying health care doctor was Sun Jianzhang.

Sun Jianzhang met the little prince by chance and saw the cause of his illness at a glance. After three times of acupuncture, the little prince's condition improved greatly. Later, he took traditional Chinese medicine under his guidance and was able to walk like other people of the same age in half a month.

Most of these doctors at the scene have heard about it, and some even treated the little prince in person, but they didn't cure him.

Therefore, when they heard that Li Qingyu was Sun Jianzhang's apprentice, they had more trust in Li Qingyu.

Of course, there are many people who still don't believe in Li Qingyu. After all, master is not equal to apprentice!

What's more, they also know that traditional Chinese medicine is an empirical medicine, which needs a lot of clinical accumulation. How much accumulation and precipitation can Li Qingyu have when he is so young?

But what if you don't believe it?

They are all experts. Everyone can see that greck really has no time to go to the hospital!

The so-called going to the hospital is nothing more than doing one's best and listening to the destiny.

Li Qingyu was also surprised to hear White's words. He didn't expect to meet Master's acquaintances here.

But he didn't say much. He just said to Dai Anmin and Qiao Jingyan, "help me take off his coat, let him sit on the ground with his knees crossed, and lift his arms up! Expose all the acupoints of hand Jueyin pericardial channel and hand Shaoyin pericardial channel

White also had some knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine, and immediately helped Dai Anmin and Qiao Jingyan to set up the POS for greck according to Li Qingyu's requirements. Li Qingyu released his hand, opened his backpack and took out a common acupuncture bag, which was a disposable stainless steel needle.

He opened the acupuncture bag, twisted the needle in his hand, and saw white's eyes looking at his actions with a strong thirst for knowledge, so he explained with a smile: "greck's cause is retrograde meridians, which has hurt the internal organs and the sea. In order to relieve the crisis, we must straighten the meridians and Qi, and straighten the retrograde Qi and blood in the meridians. The method I use is filiform needle pulse cutting method. The steel needle is just a tool. The important thing is to use my Qi to guide the Qi in greck's body. I first guided the pericardial meridian of hand Jueyin. If you are interested in TCM, you can have a good look. "

White's eyes of Youlan immediately widened for fear of missing Li Qingyu's most subtle actions.

Dai Anmin and Qiao Jingyan are even more so. This is a once-in-a-lifetime learning opportunity. It's a little bit to understand!

A group of big doctors around have to admit awkwardly that whether Li Qingyu can be rescued successfully or not, at least he has his own theoretical support and treatment methods, but now they don't even know the cause of greck!

If they don't go to the hospital, they don't have any treatment plan!

During the conversation, Li Qingyu began to stab the steel needles one by one into the acupoints of Jueyin pericardial Sutra in greke's hand. His action was not fast, so that Dai Anmin and Qiao Jingyan could see his action clearly.

At the same time, he explained: "the pericardial meridian of hand Jueyin is one of the twelve meridians of the human body. It starts from the chest, goes out of the envelope of the heart, and goes down through the diaphragm. It passes through nine acupoints, namely Tianchi, Tianquan, Quze, yingmen, Jianshi, Neiguan, daling, Laogong, zhongchong. There are 18 acupoints in the left and right arms..."

What Li Qingyu said was very simple, and every time he read the name of a acupoint, he would put a steel needle into it. Therefore, even Diego and others who don't know Chinese medicine can see it clearly.

However, they just saw Li Qingyu stabbing the steel needle into the acupoint. They couldn't see the subtlety of Li Qingyu's technique at all. Even if Li Qingyu could explain how to lift and twist the steel needle, they didn't understand how much it would take to enter the needle.

Li Qingyu didn't tell them about these things, but taught Dai Anmin and Qiao Jingyan. They nodded their heads and obviously understood them.

After needling the hand Jueyin pericardial meridian, Li Qingyu continued: "the next is the hand Shaoyin heart meridian, which is also one of the twelve normal meridians of the human body. It starts from the heart and belongs to the heart system. It also goes down through the diaphragm and passes through nine acupoints: Jiquan, Qingling, Shaohai, Lingdao, Tongli, Yinying, Shenmen, Shaofu, shaochong..."

Li Qingyu said and did it. After he inserted the steel needle into the acupoint, he used the needle to measure Qi and sent a small amount of real Qi into greck's body, guiding his thoroughly disordered Qi and blood to operate according to the correct meridian.

In fact, even if Li Qingyu doesn't use the steel needle, he just throws out the gold needle on his finger and uses the "Resurrection needle method" to save greck. Even if he doesn't use the gold needle, he can directly use Qi to help greck straighten his channels and Qi, and the effect will be better.

However, the latter two methods consume real Qi and affect his cultivation speed. Dai Anmin and Qiao Jingyan can't learn anything. Li Qingyu is in the United States and may face danger at any time. More importantly, he doesn't like greck very much. Therefore, he did not use those two methods.