Chapter 942

Lin Jingru doesn't like to make trouble, but she likes to watch the fun and runs out of the villa.

Li Qingyu turned to see Lin Jingya coming down from the upstairs, and then asked, "what happened? Xiaoru ran away in a hurry. "

"It seems that the dog of the dame of the dog bit people and was found by others. Don't worry about Xiaoru. This little madman is just a spectator. Are you really going to Liuxia island Lin Jingya asked. She naturally saw the news Li Qingyu had just sent in the group.

"We have to go, but we have to go to the United States with Commander Zhou first, and the United Nations military leading group has to make a unified plan of action."

"When do you leave?"

"Come to the plane immediately. I'll transfer from Jinhai airport to Beijing and go to the United States with Commander Zhou."

"Then I'll go and pack up for you."

Lin Jingya wants to turn around and go upstairs, but Li Qingyu pulls her into her arms, kisses her on the forehead and says, "there's nothing to clean up. The logistics department will arrange everything. Come on, let's go and see what the dog lady has done. "

Lin Jingya "puffed" a smile, slender hands gently poked Li Qingyu eyebrows, said with a smile: "you are also childish."

"Ha ha, it's not childish, it's the woman who really goes too far. Since it's hard to be a good person, we can only be villains. Otherwise, she really thinks that we are afraid of her."

Between them, they walked out of the villa yard.

There are a group of people around the courtyard gate of the villa next door. There is a stretcher on the ground. On the stretcher lies a little girl about ten years old, with bandages on her cheek, right hand and legs. There is a little blood on the bandage.

A middle-aged woman with bandages on her arms was sitting beside the stretcher, crying and saying that a man with a dark complexion, simple and honest appearance, like a migrant worker, was arguing with Madame dog, but Madame dog was holding a lady's cigarette in her mouth. She just looked at the family in front of her with a cold face, and occasionally said something, which would kill her.

After listening for a while, Li Qingyu understood the whole story.

Yesterday afternoon, the dog lady went to a square outside the community to walk the dog, while the little girl's mother accompanied the little girl to play model airplane.

The little girl's model plane suddenly had a problem and fell about six or seven meters away from a dog. The little girl felt that this should be a safe distance, so she went to pick up her model airplane. However, she ran to the model airplane and just bent down, a fierce dog suddenly ran to her, fell on the girl, tore and bit her.

The other three dogs of the dog lady also came, and in a moment, they bit the girl's cheek, legs and right hand.

The girl's mother immediately panicked. She looked at the guys who had nothing to take advantage of. She picked up a garbage can next to her and ran quickly to the four dogs!

With the help of several passers-by, the four dogs were all driven away.

The dog lady was watching the whole process not far away, but she didn't come to stop her dog!

Because at that time, the little girl's mother and daughter needed to go to the hospital for treatment, so the little girl's mother only had time to say a few words with the dog lady and left.

The little girl's mother was not seriously injured because she had a big garbage can in her hand, which could be smashed and blocked. She was only bitten by a dog on her arm with several bloody teeth marks. However, her daughter was seriously injured. The vaccination and hospital deposit cost more than 5300 yuan last night.

The little girl's father is a migrant worker in the city, working in a construction site. Her mother does some small business. The little girl is in the third grade of primary school. In a big city like Jinhai, the family lived a tight life, more than 5000 yuan, which was not a small amount for them.

So, the little girl's father went to the dog lady to claim for compensation, but the dog lady refused to make compensation, and she also said that her dog was injured yesterday afternoon and spent more than 20000 in the animal hospital! Who will pay for her loss?

Last night, the little girl's father failed to negotiate with the dog lady. In a rage, he got her daughter from the hospital this morning. According to the regulations, this is a high-end community, and outsiders are forbidden to enter. However, the property security is bloody. When they know what happened, they let her go directly!

"Well, in this world, people are not as good as dogs."

"It's not that people are inferior to dogs, it's that the poor are inferior to dogs."

"Is this woman unreasonable? Even if the little girl's mother beat her dog, it was because her dog bit her daughter first. Even if her dog is really human, there is still a self-defense! "

"Scoundrel, he didn't pay for it!"

"Shh! Don't talk nonsense. Be careful what comes out of your mouth. I heard that this woman's background is very tough! "

There was a lot of discussion around.

"What can I bear, brother-in-law? I can't bear it! Do you want me to give you a beating? " Lin Jingru angrily looked at a face of indifference, despised the son of a bitch gas ruthlessly said.

Li Qingyu smile, said: "forget it, or I come, hit such things dirty your hands."

During the conversation, Li Qingyu stepped up to the little girl's father, patted him on the shoulder and said, "brother, you have a rest first. I'll help you deal with this matter and promise to pay for it."

The little girl's father didn't think that someone would stand up for him. He couldn't help but be stunned. As soon as he wanted to say that it was not good to trouble his brother, he saw Li Qingyu standing in front of him, facing the owner of the dog and saying, "is it your dog that bit the little sister and sister-in-law?"

When she looks at Li Qingyu, she knows that she is her neighbor. She seems to have set up a company with some influence.

But the woman never looked up at the neighbor.

What's wrong with starting a company? There are more and more companies these days. How many are rich? My neighbor is just a nouveau riche at most. If I have a villa in such a community, I feel that my life has reached its peak. In fact, compared with the real rich, I am a clown.

Originally, it was just her guess, but after a long time, she found that her dog barked all day long. Except for the youngest woman who often protested, the family didn't do anything else!

They just put up with it!

Therefore, this woman is more convinced of her own cognition and does not take Li Qingyu's family into consideration. In her opinion, compared with her man, Li Qingyu can't even compare with his man's toes. If he dares to offend himself, his man only needs to move his mouth to kill him!

At the moment, she saw Li Qingyu dare to stand out, spit out a cigarette ring in her mouth, and said with disdain: "yes, what's the matter with you?"

"If your dog bites someone, you should compensate them, and then sincerely apologize." Li Qingyu said lightly.

"Ha, ha," the woman sneered, "the woods are really big these days. There are all kinds of birds. What's the matter with you? Why do you jump out to be a wolf with a big tail? Who are you

"People in the world are in charge of the world's affairs. If you do something wrong, naturally someone will come forward to take charge." Li Qingyu's face suddenly showed an evil smile.

"I'll take care of you. I'm warning you. My dog doesn't recognize people." The woman said triumphantly.

"Hehe, isn't it?"

Li Qingyu slapped him abruptly and then patted him!